Martial arts become gods

Chapter 586 The Temptation of an Empty Ship

Chapter 586 The Temptation of an Empty Ship

A few days later, Mo Xian felt that the time was ripe, so he decided to launch a second attack on the northern wolf.

But this time he was more cautious. After all, after learning the lesson from the first time, the Northern Wolves would definitely shrink their defenses, and they might be discovered as soon as they showed their heads.

Therefore, Mo Xian purposely disguised a ship that looked the same to attract the attention of the Northern Wolf.

From the outside, this ship was no different from the Lingbao-class ship they used, of course, it was just a skeleton.

But if you don't get on the boat to see it, you will never see it.

This point, Mo Xian is very confident, because he has excellent professional skills.

Dragging the forged boat, Mo Xian and his party cautiously approached the Northern Wolf Pirates.

As expected, Northern Wolf gathered all the ships near the station.

From a distance, they could see countless black shadows moving quickly across the sea.

He immediately asked Old Jack to stop the ship, then put the prepared dummy on the forged ship, adjusted the direction, and let it rush to the base of the Northern Wolf Pirates.

They themselves carefully went around to another direction, waiting for the best time.

For several days in a row, all the pirates of the Northern Wolf Pirates were in fear, for fear that a huge beam of light would suddenly appear and evaporate themselves.

The tension of the past few days made them all exhausted physically and mentally. They all yawned constantly, but they couldn't rest.

And at this moment, a ship appeared in their sight.

They recognized at a glance that it was the ship.


I don't know who yelled, and then everyone was shocked, and immediately regained their sobriety.

But there is still a gap between this kind of sobriety and normal sobriety, and they didn't see anything wrong at all.

"Damn it, see if I don't tear them apart!" Immediately a look of ferocity appeared on the faces of the pirates, and they all drove towards the ship.

Standing on top of a Lingbao-class ship, Jinpeng exuded a thick murderous aura.

However, he faintly felt that something was wrong. The speed of the ship was not as fast as the legend said, and it seemed that he wanted to rush directly into their fleet, which was completely different from the last time when he left after fighting. people.

But after he saw the blurred figure on the ship from a distance, he immediately dispelled his worries.

"Hmph, you are so arrogant, you dare to face us head-on, this time we will let you have no return." Jin Peng snorted coldly, and a murderous aura permeated the air.

Almost all the ships rushed towards that ship, and everyone's attention was focused on that ship.

No one noticed that in another direction, a ship was slowly approaching.

The forged ship broke into the northern wolf fleet silently, with an aura of never returning.

At that time, countless figures burst out, surrounding them like locusts.

After holding back for so many days, the anger in their hearts has already been unprecedentedly high, and they are waiting for this time to vent completely.

However, what puzzled them was that no one came to fight.

The so-called figures I saw before were just dummies, with graffiti-like facial features on their faces, as if they were laughing at everyone.

The facial features of these dummies are naturally written by Helena, which means that the opponent must first be mentally polluted and crushed from the spiritual level.

Seeing the dummy swaying in the wind, all the pirates were dumbfounded for a moment.

"What's going on, why didn't you attack?" Jin Peng, who noticed the abnormality and was rushing over, shouted.

"Boat...captain, it's so... like an empty boat!" a team leader stammered.

"Empty ship?" Jin Peng was taken aback, his face immediately turned ugly, "Oh no!"

Soon, everyone noticed a disturbing atmosphere spreading in the air.

Soon, their eyes lit up, and when they turned their heads, they saw a huge beam of light blasting toward the island.


Amid the deafening explosions, the bay began to boil again, and many ships were directly reduced to pieces.

The most important thing is that there is also a Lingbao-class ship.

"Yeah, right in the middle!" Helena waved her fist, her face full of excitement.

At first she was a little bit reluctant to destroy all those ships, but after seeing that spectacular scene, she immediately fell in love with this feeling.

"Let's go!" Mo Xian said immediately, glancing at the attracted boats in the distance.

Old Jack was also unambiguous, and turned the bow almost immediately.

"Bastard!" Jin Peng's eyes almost popped out. Now, all they had was the Lingbao-class ship they were on.

His strength has shrunk by half almost instantly, and he has been reduced to the level of low-level pirates.

"I want your lives!" Jin Peng crushed the person beside him in a rage, then ordered the boat to sail immediately, chasing after the boat where Mo Xian was.

His ship is their best ship, and its speed is actually extremely fast.

However, they still couldn't catch up with Mo Xian's boat, and could only be left far behind, and the distance was getting farther and farther.

However, he was completely enraged this time, and he didn't want to give up no matter what, no matter what, he had to catch up with Mo Xian and the others.

As for the beam of light just now, he was not worried. He knew that it was impossible for the opponent to launch the second attack in a short time.

Soon, he was leaving his fleet behind.

"Master Mo Xian, the main ship of the Lingbao class has indeed caught up." Old Jack glanced behind him and said.

"According to the original plan, lead them out here." Mo Xian nodded, and at the same time stared at the sea surface at the stern with narrowed eyes.

Most of the ships had only black spots left, but the Lingbao-level main ship was clearly visible.

The speed of this ship is very fast. If Mo Xian's ship had not been modified, it might not be as fast.

This is also normal, the pirate leader owns the ship, of course it is much better than other ships.

But Mo Xian and the others' purpose this time was not to escape, but to lure out that Lingbao-class ship and trap it.

"Old Jack, don't let them discover our intentions!" Mo Xian said.

"Understood!" Old Jack was also quite excited. He hadn't felt this way for a long time.

Under his control, the speed of the ship slowed down a little, but it was impossible to be detected, and he deliberately created an illusion that the other party would think that they were fleeing with their lives.

"Hmph, it won't be so easy for you to escape this time!" Jin Peng's face darkened, and he shouted: "Speed ​​up!"

"Captain, no matter how fast the speed is, the ship may not be able to bear it." One person said.

"Nonsense, if we can't catch up this time, let's all go back to farming, what's the use of this boat!" Jin Peng roared angrily.

"Yes Yes……"

Everyone didn't dare to refute immediately, and rushed to the interior of the cabin in a hurry.


Not long after, the whole ship vibrated, roaring like a beast, and the speed increased a lot.

But the whole ship has obviously become unstable, and it is very likely to fall apart.

(End of this chapter)

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