Martial arts become gods

Chapter 60 Old Man's Head Tavern

Chapter 60 Old Man's Head Tavern

"That's right, don't look ordinary, they are real first-grade spirit treasures made by blacksmiths!" Mo Xian nodded and said.

"Are you called ordinary?" The shopkeeper smiled disdainfully, and said, "You are clearly ugly."

"Uh, even if it's ugly, it's still a spiritual treasure!" Mo Xian laughed dryly.

"Do you have the blacksmith badge issued by the blacksmith guild?" the store manager asked suspiciously.

"No!" Mo Xian shook his head. To get the badge, he had to go to the blacksmith guild, but he didn't want to go.

"That's five hundred gold coins each!" the shopkeeper said bluntly.

"What, five hundred gold coins, even for ordinary weapons made of black iron, that's not the amount!" Mo Xian was shocked, the price was not as good as a bottle of his bath water.

"I only paid this price because he was made of black iron. Otherwise, I wouldn't even pay a hundred gold coins. Look at this, someone will either. It's a waste of my place." The shopkeeper said unceremoniously. .

"Okay, five hundred is five hundred!" Mo Xian gritted his teeth and agreed. After all, he didn't have a blacksmith's badge, even if he went to other places.

After the shopkeeper took the weapon away, he put it away at will.

And it took a long time to find the bulletin board displaying various products at the entrance of the store, which meant that he didn't expect these two items to be sold at all.

Not long after Mo Xian left, a man who looked quite capable walked into the shop. He patiently flipped through the bulletin board at the door without saying a word.

Finally, the word Lingbao made his figure twitch slightly.

His target was originally an ordinary weapon, as long as it was in hand.As for the Lingbao that can improve his strength, it is simply not comparable to his current wealth.

However, the appearance of the Lingbao made him frown slightly. He had never seen such an ugly Lingbao.

Every blacksmith is a born artist, and they will never tolerate any flaws in their works.

However, the price of this sword made him unable to bear his heartbeat. Just 550 gold coins, a first-grade spiritual treasure, is really a bargain.

"Boss, I want this sword!" The man pointed to the sword made by Mo Xian and said.

"This..." The boss hesitated, and said, "But this sword is from someone who doesn't have the badge of the blacksmith guild. There is no guarantee. If it is fake, you can't blame me!"

"I see!" The man nodded and said, "Give it to me!"

"Yes!" The boss nodded obediently, took out the sword and handed it to the man, saying: "This sword is completely made of black iron, even if it is not a spiritual treasure, it is not a loss, but it looks a little ugly."

"Hmph, what are the things that are used for murder so good-looking!" The man snorted impatiently, and then lightly waved the long sword in his hand.


All of a sudden, the crisp sound of sword chanting resounded.

There is no doubt that the sword is completely made of black iron. Its weight is naturally not light, and the fine lines on it and the occasional reflected light add a sense of mystery to it.

"Not bad!" The man nodded, threw a large bag of gold coins to the boss, and left happily. Unlike the boss's attitude, he faintly felt that he seemed to have found a treasure.

"It's strange, such nondescript things are actually wanted!" The boss shook his head strangely, but this was not what he cared about, anyway, he made a profit of fifty gold coins.


In the city of Absolute Beginning, there is a quite famous tavern called Old Man's Head, where a large number of adventurers gather.

As adventurers who lick blood on the knife edge all day, alcohol is their best friend.

Therefore, it has also become a good place to recruit companions or issue tasks.As long as you pay the starting price, there are plenty of people here who can work hard for you.

The door of the tavern opened with a bang, and a burly man walked in. He had a rather crude strange sword hanging on his waist, and occasionally flashed a palpitating chill.

The man looked very tired, and staggered towards the bar, "Have a big glass of oat wine, the strongest kind!"

"Let me tell you, Commander He Chengda, since your regiment was wiped out last time, you haven't received a mission for three months. After losing so many gold coins, do you still have money to drink!" The bald man with the centipede-like scar came forward and smiled fearfully.

When he laughed, the scar on his face seemed to be wriggling, extremely hideous, and his whole body was filled with a strong smell of blood, obviously he had been groping on the knife edge for a long time.

The man called He Chengda, the head of the regiment, picked up the huge wine glass and drank it. He drank half of the glass in one go, then turned his head to look at the bald man.

"Hi..." He Cheng let out a huge belch, and the strong smell of alcohol immediately rushed towards the bald man, "Jason, you'd better keep your mouth shut. When I was taking risks, you were still playing with mud !"

The bald man almost vomited from the strong smell of alcohol. He glared at He Cheng and said, "Hmph, do you think it's the same as before, and you are a useless person now!"

He Cheng is the head of a veteran mercenary regiment, but three months ago, due to an accident, his entire army was wiped out, and he also suffered serious injuries, greatly reducing his strength.

As a result, he could no longer recruit teammates and receive missions.

The bald man known as Jason used to be He Cheng's subordinate, but he withdrew due to conflicts and became a new force now.He Cheng had cultivated him quite a lot in the past, otherwise he would not have the status he has now.

"Hehe, I used to be able to support a team, and I can do it now. Don't think that you have some skills, so you can be arrogant in front of me. Don't forget, you will get everything because of me." He Cheng took the cup in one gulp After finishing his wine, he slammed the long sword at his waist on the bar counter. It was the one that Mo Xian sold before.

"Why, scare me?" Jason raised his eyebrows, and laughed loudly: "You can't even afford a weapon now, and you actually used this kind of indecent weapon to kill so many people last time? I think you should go back to farm as soon as possible! Haha..."

Jason's words immediately aroused laughter in the hall. Although He Cheng said that he has a lot of status here, people here only admire the strong, and they have no strength, and they are not even as good as shit.


He Cheng slapped the table and stood up suddenly. As a veteran wool team leader, he has his own pride and will never allow others to insult his past.

He wants to let everyone here know today that even an old wolf, when he shows his strength, it is enough to shock everyone.


Seeing this formation, everyone consciously dispersed, leaving a sufficient space in the middle.

Obviously, fighting in this kind of place is already a common occurrence.

(End of this chapter)

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