Martial arts become gods

Chapter 613 Mocheng

Chapter 613 Mocheng
After entering, Mo Xian looked around and found that it was much better than he expected, at least everything he should have was there, and there was even a pretty good restaurant.

Helena's eyes were straight at that time, her feet were as if they were used to lead, and she couldn't walk anymore, and she looked at Mo Xian with a big eye.

After entering here, she hadn't eaten meat for a long time except for that time when she robbed a few chickens and ducks.

Mo Xian is helpless, they have no money now, that is, bone lines, so they want to eat the overlord's meal.

The owner of the restaurant is a small man, he secretly watched from the crack of the door, he has also seen the previous battle, and knows that the group in front of him is the new city lord.

Because he didn't know the characters of Mo Xian and the others, he was very worried.

But Helena couldn't wait any longer, and walked directly to the restaurant, kicking the closed door open with one kick.

In her opinion, the whole city is her own, let alone this restaurant.

The little man who was hiding behind the door fell straight down, but facing the menacing Helena, he didn't know whether he should get up or not.

"Hey, are you the boss here? What are you doing lying on the ground?" Helena asked inexplicably, not realizing that it was her kick that kicked someone away.

"Yes, it's me, this... the ground is cool!" the little man said without tears.

Originally, he was only allowed to stay in Shuanglong City to open a restaurant because of his good cooking skills, but at this moment he was already frightened to the point of incoherence.

"Stop rambling, bring up whatever is delicious!" Helena shouted coquettishly.

The little man's complexion suddenly became even more ugly. The cost of opening a restaurant in this place is not low. If such a large group of people want to eat Bawang's meal, they can basically declare bankruptcy.

He looked around for a while, and finally fell on Mo Xian, "Little brother, I'm a small business, give me a way to survive."

"Hey, what do you mean, don't we look like people who eat a king's meal?" Helena shouted coquettishly, immediately took out a handful of various gold and silver, and patted them all on the table.

The little man took a look, and his complexion immediately became darker. Gold and silver are useless in this place, even if they are thrown on the ground, no one will take a second look.

"Little brother, look at this..." The little man seemed to have decided that Mo Xian was easy to talk, and looked at him as if asking for help.

"Don't worry, we don't eat the overlord's meal." Mo Xian said a little bit dumbfounded.

"Okay!" With Mo Xian's words, the little man seemed to be relieved immediately, and hurried to the kitchen to work.

It seemed that he was the only one in this restaurant, taking care of all the work.

A group of people sat down and waited slowly, while Sun Yong and the others were full of excitement. They never dreamed that one day they would be able to sit and eat in the only restaurant in Shuanglong City.

This feeling is really amazing.

"Village Chief, it's thanks to you this time, otherwise we would be doomed." Thinking of the excitement, Sun Yong almost knelt down to Mo Xian.

"We're just taking what we need." Mo Xian said flatly, if it wasn't for Sun Yong and the others, he wouldn't have integrated here so quickly. The most important thing is that he also needs a group of people, otherwise what would happen? You have to do it yourself without getting tired.

"Village Chief, what are your plans next?" Sun Yong asked again.

"It's still called the village head, but now it should be called the city lord!" Someone interrupted.

"Yes, yes, look at my brain, now the village head has become the city lord." Sun Yong patted his head and quickly changed his words.

"Let's take one step at a time!" Mo Xian said disapprovingly.

Not long after, the steaming hot food and wine came up.

The ingredients are all precious wild game collected from warriors at a high price, and the little man is very good at cooking, so the taste is naturally very good, but the price is not cheap.

Those who can afford to eat here are basically the big shots in Wushuang City.

But today, Mo Xian and the others are here, no one else will come.

What Helena ate was straight-forward, and the others had basically not eaten such good food for many years, and they were all inexplicably excited.

The only one who is calm is probably Mo Xian.

The little warrior stood aside fearfully, as if he was very afraid of any accident.

It's no wonder that Mo Xian and the others are here, they are the earth emperors who control the power of life and death. If they are not happy, they will lose their heads.

"City Lord, have you figured out what the name of this city is?" Sun Yong asked after eating for a while.

Mo Xian was taken aback, he just erased the name of the city subconsciously, and didn't even think of what to call it.

And everyone seemed to be quite interested in this question, put down their chopsticks with difficulty, and looked at Mo Xian eagerly.

"I don't know what you are watching me do." Mo Xian smiled wryly.

"Why don't you call it Wangcheng, domineering!" someone said.

"Vulgar, unbearably vulgar, I think it's called Wang Bacheng!"

"You are even more unreliable, just like the Eight Kings."

For a while, everyone had different opinions, but almost none of them were reliable.

In the end, Mo Xian was so dizzy by the crowd, he said directly: "Let's call it Mo Cheng!"

"Hey, that's a good name, it has an unfathomable feeling!"

"That's right, that's right, it's very mysterious, just hearing the name is extraordinary, it seems to have a kind of pride!"

"easy to understand……"

After a short period of silence, everyone started discussing immediately, and the various deep-level artistic conceptions and charms in it were beyond mystical.

All in all, just good!
What Mo Xian heard was in the clouds, but he didn't think about it so much at all. He just used his surname as his first name at random, thinking it was okay.

But this time, even if she was critical of Helena, she didn't object. She looked at Mo Xian curiously, and said, "It seems that you have finally enlightened. It's not in vain to stay with me for so long."

"Haha..." Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

And amidst the laughter, Wushuang City officially changed hands and changed its name to Mo City.

There are no complicated procedures, some are just a simple meal, a few words, a few glasses of wine...

This time, Sun Yong and the others turned over completely, so they were so excited that they drank almost all the wine in the restaurant.

The little boss stood aside with an ugly expression on his face. This time he was completely evacuated. If the last bone pattern was not received, he could change his career to be a beggar in the future.

However, what he was worried about did not happen, and soon many warriors offered to pay the money, just to make a familiar face in front of Mo Xian.

Mo Xian did not refuse the offer of flattery that came to his door, on the contrary, he took it for granted.

Since everyone was in high spirits, the meal was hearty and hearty.

Under everyone's persuasion, Mo Xian drank a few more drinks unknowingly, and he couldn't remember the last time he ate like this.

The wine and Yuanli here are very precious, so everyone was reluctant to dissolve them, and in the end they drank so much that they staggered and fell asleep on the spot.

Only Mo Xian and Helena were left awake, they got up in tacit understanding, walked out, and wandered aimlessly.

This time they appeared here from the Promise Sea, it was too sudden, the vast sea turned into land in an instant, it was really hard for them to accept for a while.

Fortunately, after just a few days, they have established a firm foothold here.

(End of this chapter)

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