Martial arts become gods

Chapter 657 Large-scale beast tide

Chapter 657 Large-scale beast tide
Mo Xian's face suddenly turned cold. He knew that these people were unreliable, but he didn't expect to show his tail so soon.


He snorted coldly, and his palms slammed into the air.

The short warrior was about to get the bone pattern, but his body suddenly couldn't move, instead he quickly backed away.

"Bone lines, my bone lines..." He didn't seem to realize anything, his eyes still only had bone lines.

With a flip of Mo Xian's palm, the skinny warrior was immediately thrown into the herd.


He only had time to let out a scream, but was torn to pieces by those crazy monsters.

Sometimes more words are worth more than one action.

Mo Xian fully confirmed this point of view at this time, and those hot-headed people didn't dare to move immediately.

They didn't want to be thrown into the herd of beasts like that little warrior, so they could only give up those bone patterns with difficulty and threw themselves into the battle.

"Tsk tsk, you are indeed the lord of the city!" Sun Yong and the others looked at each other, and found surprise in each other's eyes. Although Mo Xian was young, he already had a ruthlessness far beyond his years.

This kind of ruthlessness is exactly what is needed most at this time.

The army of monsters was already very close, and everyone ignored other things, and launched various attacks to resist.

Mo Xian is the strongest, and he often destroys the monsters with a destructive force.

Besides him, there was another person in the crowd who was quite eye-catching, and that was Helena.

Her realm was the same as Mo Xian's. Although her attacks were not as proficient as Mo Xian's, she was unambiguous in the face of this basically crushing situation.

Countless magical beasts turned into dust in her hands, which made her more and more excited, and finally went deep into the herd of beasts.

"This girl!" Mo Xian laughed loudly, and a trace of arrogance rose in his heart, how could he lose to a woman as a man.

His attacks opened and closed, often able to deal with a large number of monsters in one go, and finally he appeared next to Helena.

"Mo Xian, let's see who kills more!" Helena glanced at Mo Xian, and then a more ferocious attack swept out.

"No problem!" Mo Xian was also aroused to be competitive, and he attacked even more violently.

Just the two of them killed almost more monsters than all of them combined.

"Are they still human!"

Looking at Mo Xian and Helena who rushed into the herd and were invincible, there was a burst of exclamation all around.

At this time, Helena and Mo Xian were like two sharp knives, entering the depths of the army of monsters, destroying them.

However, under their killing like this, monsters are still surging.

Soon, Mo Xian and Helena stood back to back.

Helena said: "Mo Xian, aren't you afraid? Don't worry, this lady will protect you."

"Then thank you in advance!" Mo Xian smiled slightly, and at the same time stepped on the ground with one foot.


The violent shock wave swept away in a fan shape, forming a large vacuum zone of monsters.

"Okay, you actually played tricks while I wasn't paying attention!" Helena stomped her feet angrily, and then slapped it out.

Her attack is feminine and her movements are beautiful, but her attack power is terrifying.

Looking at the two of them, those martial artists who didn't want to do their best seemed a little ashamed, and they didn't care about gains and losses, and attacked with all their might.

But even so, in the face of enemies that were countless times larger than him, casualties still began to appear.

The army of monsters is also gradually approaching the city wall of Mocheng. Once they are allowed to successfully break through, Mocheng may be finished.

"Damn it, it really can't be killed!" Mo Xian frowned, and immediately took out the diamond-shaped stone, he was going to call some helpers.


There was a piercing bone rubbing sound, and countless puppets crawled out of the ground like zombies.

But Mo Xian didn't summon the puppet knight, he always felt that premature exposure was not a good thing.

He already has many enemies now, and the other party may be watching him secretly, so he must have some reservations.

There are also a lot of puppet legions, but compared with the army of monsters, they are still pitifully small.

However, with the addition of these fearless weapons of war, everyone relaxed a lot for a while.

After nearly two hours of fighting, the army of monsters finally retreated, retreating like a tide, leaving corpses and bone marks all over the place.

However, surprisingly, the crowd didn't snatch it, they were completely intimidated by Mo Xian.

"Go and get someone to collect the bone patterns, and divide them equally!" Mo Xian walked up to the sweating Sun Yong and said.

He is not very interested in these scattered bone patterns on the ground, he is now a big bone pattern owner.

"Okay!" Sun Yong immediately regained his motivation and hurriedly led people to collect them.

Everyone coveted those bone patterns very much. The reason why they didn't move was entirely out of fear, so all of them looked a little bit bad.

Everyone originally thought that these bone patterns would have no place for them, but when Mo Xian said this, they were all surprised.

Some people's minds also quietly changed and began to really lean towards Mo Xian.

The bone patterns were collected quickly, and everyone got ten bone patterns.

This made them very happy, after all, sometimes, they would not get a single bone pattern for ten and a half months.

And at this moment, many warriors rushed over from afar. They looked panic-stricken and all had injuries on their bodies.

"City Master, Peerless City has been flattened."

"City Lord, Hucheng has been crushed."

"City Lord, Crane City has also been leveled!"

Three bad news came one after another, and Mo Xian couldn't help frowning.

The scale of this animal horde is unprecedentedly large, and it's not just Mocheng that has been attacked.

Everyone also looked at each other in blank dismay, quite a sad attitude.

"We can only gather in Mocheng for the time being!" Mo Xian said after pondering for a while.

As a result, Mocheng is overcrowded.

But what he is worried about is not this, but the appearance of the beast horde is definitely not accidental, it should be related to the appearance of the blood moon and blood sun.

And since there was the first time, there should be a second time soon, so we must hurry up and find a way.

What he didn't know was that in this space, all the cities suffered from the beast tide, and many cities were flattened.

"City Lord, it seems that we need to strengthen our defenses, otherwise, when the beast tide strikes next time, we will definitely not be able to withstand it!" Sun Yong said.

"Yeah!" Mo Xian nodded casually, he was also thinking about this question.

But in this place where resources are scarce, it is undoubtedly very difficult to build a fortress.

This can be seen from the three cities that have been in business for so long, but are still easily breached.

It's not that they don't want to strengthen the defense of the city, but they are simply unable to strengthen it, and there is still a lack of people who know how to design.

"I have a way to strengthen Mocheng. It only needs to use the least amount of materials to achieve the greatest effect!" At this time, an old man came out from the crowd.

"By the way, Mr. Lin participated in the construction of many cities when he was outside. If he designs it, there will definitely be no problem." Sun Yong patted his head and said.

This old Lin is the oldest one who came to Mo City with him, and he has been here for 60 years.

"What do you need?" Mo Xian asked.

"City Lord, please look!" As he said, Elder Lin handed Mo Xian two pieces of parchment.

(End of this chapter)

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