Martial arts become gods

Chapter 667 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 667 Remaining life after catastrophe
The puppet knight opened and closed his attacks, broke through the dense attacks, and stabbed Fang Wenfei with a single shot.

Fang Wenfei's pupils shrank, and he barely moved his body, but his shoulder was still stabbed, almost pierced.

"Damn it!" He yelled, and slapped the puppet knight on the chest.

"Bang!" The hard armor on the puppet knight's chest was torn apart, leaking out the scarlet flesh that was still wriggling.

Similarly, Mo Xian also felt a sharp pain in his chest, and couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood.

He simply spat out another mouthful of blood, which landed on the puppet knight.

With this drop of blood essence as a supplement, the scars on the puppet knight's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly returned to their original shape.

But Mo Xian's complexion became even paler. Consuming essence and blood is a great loss of strength, and it is not a long-term solution at all.

The puppet knight continued to entangle with Fang Wenfei, and more wounds gradually appeared on the latter's body, and his complexion became more and more ferocious.

Why is he also ranked No.80 here, and now he is so embarrassing by an unknown person on the list.

Such a thing, in this place where there is no big deal, will definitely be talked about.

Fang Wenfei was almost going crazy, he only had one thought in his mind now, and that was to kill Mo Xian to the brim.

"Although it is with the help of the power of the puppet, it is also very good to be able to do this!"

Looking at the precarious young man in the sky, an inexplicable smile appeared on Kong Ling's face, as if he had regained interest in Mo Xian.

At this time, her complexion suddenly changed, she turned around, and looked solemnly at the end of her vision in the distance.

There, there is a dark cloud sweeping over, almost covering the entire world.

"Mo Xian, it seems that God is looking after you!" Kong Ling smiled sweetly, and then quickly disappeared in place.

Not long after, the ground suddenly shook violently, and the roar of a terrifying beast replaced all the sounds in the world.

Obviously, this is still an unprecedented beast tide.

There was a look of panic on everyone's face. Now they have nothing to rely on. If they fall into the herd, they may die or die.

The herd of beasts seemed far away, but they approached the city almost instantly. Not only on the ground, but also in the sky, there were all kinds of strange monsters.

Above the sky, Mo Xian no longer remembered how much blood he had sprayed, and his body had fallen into a state of absolute weakness.

And Fang Wenfei was also very embarrassed, with blood holes all over his body, which was extremely shocking.

But both of them were already red-eyed, and seemed to have fallen into an endless situation.

It was at this time that the tide of beasts came surging.

Everyone was dispersed almost immediately, even Mo Xian and Fang Wenfei in the sky, they couldn't see each other at all.

Mo Xian's complexion changed, and he immediately searched for Helena on the ground, but he saw only a vast sea of ​​beasts.

This time the beast horde was really too weird, without any signs at all.

Mo Xian continued to search unwillingly, but his body was already hit by the surging flying monsters so that he couldn't know where to go.

Countless hard beaks and sharp claws hit him, making his whole body dripping with blood.

He looked again, and Mocheng under him had been flattened.

What they worked hard for so long was destroyed in an instant.

The beast tide also belongs to the majesty of nature, and under this majesty, human power often appears very small.

Unless it is some kind of strong person standing at the top, nothing can be changed at all.

All Mocheng warriors were dispersed. They thought that they could resist the beast horde as long as they repaired the city wall, but at this moment they realized how naive they were.

Among the beasts, countless pairs of red eyes stared at the ruined city of Mo, their hearts were bleeding, it was something they had worked tirelessly for so long.

In the end, it was just futile.

Not just Mo City, almost all the cities in this space have suffered unprecedented animal hordes, and a large number of cities have been destroyed.

Somewhere, there seems to be a force controlling all of this.

At this moment, Mo Xian had no idea how many monsters were around him, so he could only attack mechanically, and then attack again.

The hard beak and sharp claws hit his body, causing pain, but he didn't care about it at all.

This time the beast swarm lasted for a long time, sweeping across the land like a tide, flattening all the places it passed.

Mo Xian didn't know where he was hit, he could only do his best to save his life.

After an unknown amount of time, Mo Xian only felt his body lighten suddenly, and then fell from the sky.

In a haze, he seemed to be caught by a pair of soft arms. He tried hard to take the situation around him lightly, but before he had time, he lost consciousness.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself lying on a piece of soft grass.

It seems that this place has not been swept by the beast tide, and still maintains its original appearance, with green grass, dotted with various charming flowers, and even butterflies flying around, like a piece of pure land.

But the faint bloody light around him let Mo Xian know that he was still in that space.

There was no one around, and under the beast tide, everyone's life and death were unknown, including Helena.

And it was a miracle that he could come to this place.

He shook his drowsy head, and suddenly there was a piercing pain all over his body.

The injury is still serious.

After half a day, Mo Xian finally came to his senses. He heard the sound of gurgling water around him. To him, it was like the sound of heaven.

He struggled to crawl along the direction of the sound of water, and the soft green grass was also a powerful obstacle for him now.

Fortunately, the distance is not too far. After passing through a grassland, a small stream appeared in its sight.

Against the backdrop of the bloody sun, what flows in the creek is like faint blood, which is very strange.

But Mo Xian couldn't take care of that much anymore, and crawled in with the last of his strength.

The creek meanders and circles, and the source seems to be a nearby mountain, but it doesn't know where it ends up.

The stream was cold and clear, and Mo Xian couldn't help shivering. He immediately felt refreshed. The lifeless flesh and blood in his body were completely awakened at this time, and he began to repair quickly.

He leaned against the stream, frowning.

This time, Meaux was almost on the verge of being successfully rebuilt, but it still fell short in the end. Moreover, he had reason to believe that other cities might also be facing the same situation.

When the blood moon and blood day appeared at the beginning, some people said that a round of cleaning would be launched, maybe it was not groundless.

And this is just the beginning, and it has already shown such a powerful force, and it may become even more terrifying in the future.

Mo Xian was very curious, what kind of existence this space is, it seems meaningless.

For countless years, countless warriors have been attracted here, is it for the final cleansing?

"Huh..." After a long time, Mo Xian sighed, and simply stopped thinking about it.

He moved his already somewhat stiff body, and suddenly there was a crisp bone cracking sound.

(End of this chapter)

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