Martial arts become gods

Chapter 673 Dramatic Instant Kill

Chapter 673 Dramatic Instant Kill
They got that arm by accident, and they didn't dare to use it themselves because it was too weird. Seeing that Wei Tian lost his arm, they wanted to use him as a guinea pig, but they didn't expect Wei Tian to be successful.

"Haha, of course I remember, otherwise, do you think I will keep you?" Wei Tian laughed.

"What did you say?" Dong Ming's complexion changed, and he said, "You don't even want to let us go. It seems that you are really crazy. This time, you made your own claims and wanted to release those things. Do you know that? as a result of?"

"Hmph, Zongmen is nothing to me now, you better be honest, otherwise, my new hand won't agree!" Wei Tian snorted coldly, looking at his new arm with some fascination , as if appreciating a perfect work of art.

"Presumptuous, how dare you say such a thing." Dong Ming and Zheng Fei were immediately furious, this Wei Tian was really too arrogant.

"Haha, with this hand, the sect is meaningless to me. I can reach the peak with my own strength." Wei Tian laughed wildly. out.

The complexions of Dong Ming and Zheng Fei suddenly changed, the power was really terrifying, they regretted it very much now, why did they give Wei Tian this arm in the first place.

"You two don't worry, as long as you follow me, I will never treat you badly." Wei Tian said, his eyes suddenly looked at the place where Mo Xian was, and said: "Mo Xian, after watching the play for so long, you should also Come out!"

"Mo Xian?" Dong Ming and Zheng Fei's expressions changed, and they took advantage of the situation to look over.

Mo Xian's complexion changed. It turned out that Wei Tian had discovered him a long time ago. He deliberately didn't expose it, as if he wanted to show his prestige at this time.

Kong Ling glanced at Mo Xian, with a questioning and worried look on his face.

Mo Xian shook his head at Kong Ling, signaling her to stay here for the time being, and then walked out slowly.

"Mo Xian, I'm really happy to see you again, let's give you a hug!" Wei Tian laughed, with a morbid excitement on his face.

"Hehe, it seems that the loss of one of your hands last time did not improve your memory." Mo Xian said calmly, the current Wei Tian made him feel very uncomfortable, even worse than before.

"Do you have to bring up unhappy things at such a happy time!" Wei Tian's face turned cold, and he suddenly laughed again, "But you can see that now I have a new hand, which is more comfortable than before. In my hands, it is more perfect, more beautiful, more... powerful!"

"Hmph, I don't think you got this hand, but this hand got you!" Mo Xian sneered, now Wei Tian has obviously changed a lot, he is obviously controlled by this hand mind.

"Nonsense, the hand and I are one, there is no difference at all. You killed Jiang Tao, so I want to give you a chance, as long as you are loyal to me, I can let you live." Wei Tian said in a deep voice.

"I'm not interested, this time I'm going to cripple both of your hands!" Mo Xian said directly.

"Haha, my arm is crippled, you don't understand how powerful this arm is, since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you." Wei Tian laughed loudly, then stared at Kong Ming and Zheng Fei and said, "You two, Didn't you always want to kill him, now the opportunity is in front of you, don't need me to teach you how to do it."

After finishing speaking, Wei Tian backed away slowly, as if he didn't seem to do it himself.

"Hmph, whatever, we'll kill you first to avenge our dead fellow." After Dong Ming and Zheng Fei looked at each other, they immediately approached Mo Xian at the same time.

Now that Wei Tian is strong, even if they are used as spearmen, they have no choice but to temporarily stabilize Wei Tian.

"Wait..." Mo Xian arrived suddenly.

"What, you changed your mind?" Wei Tian joked.

"I just want to ask, is Helena captured by you, and what is it that you tried to release by breaking the seal?" Mo Xian said.

"If you want to know, kill them both first!" Wei Tian shrugged and said.

"Wei Tian, ​​what do you mean?" Dong Ming and Zheng Fei finally couldn't take it anymore, and shouted sharply.

"It's not interesting. If you two are killed by him, then I don't need you. Hurry up, I don't have time to waste here with you." Wei Tian waved his hand impatiently and said.

Mo Xian frowned, Wei Tian's answer made him even more confused, but no matter what, the two troubles in front of him must be resolved first.

Anyway, the other party's purpose is to kill himself, so it's better to solve it together, so as to save trouble in the future.

Dong Ming and Zheng Fei also knew that only by killing Mo Xian would they have a chance to negotiate terms with Wei Tian, ​​so their murderous intentions began to boil.

"Mo Xian, you killed so many people in my Heavenly Sword Sect, today is your death date!" Dong Ming snarled, turned his palm over, and amidst the surge of energy, a lightsaber was actually condensed, emitting a kind of light sword from it. An extremely sharp breath.

This is the unique skill of the Heavenly Sword Sect. The destructive power of the sword is astonishing.

Zheng Fei also moved at the same time, he took a mysterious step, and then a series of mysterious runes appeared in the depths of his surroundings.

These two people are both very strong, they have both reached the realm of half-step martial kings, coupled with the many means given to them by the sect, their strength is definitely much stronger than Xiong Lao and Jiang Wen.

If the two join hands, even the real Martial King Realm will find it a bit troublesome.

Mo Xian smiled lightly, the opponent was indeed very strong, but he didn't have any intention of being afraid.

He clenched his palm suddenly, and almost at the same time, a group of gray spears suddenly emerged from the ground, just right at the bottom of Dong Ming's feet, and directly pierced it from the bottom up.

Ever since, Dong Ming, who was as strong as Dong Ming, died before he even let out a scream. The Yuanli lightsaber in his hand flickered a few times unwillingly, and then the news was in the air.

"This..." Seeing this scene, both Zheng Fei and Wei Tian were taken aback for a moment, what's the matter?
Dong Ming traveled thousands of miles and risked his life to use the teleportation circle left by the ancient power to come here to assassinate Mo Xian. In the end, he was killed by Mo Xian in one face-to-face. He didn't even have time to use any means. Too bad.

All this was so dramatic that both Zheng Fei and Wei Tian had the urge to laugh.

"Papa..." Wei Tian suddenly clapped his hands, and then said slowly, "It's really interesting, I never thought there would be a puppet lurking beside you."

"Wei Tian, ​​why don't you make a move soon?" Zheng Fei's complexion changed drastically. Before that, he still had some confidence, but looking at the burly puppet knight, his confidence was instantly destroyed.

"You can play slowly by yourself, I don't have time to accompany you, let's take a step first!" Wei Tian smiled inexplicably, a black air suddenly emerged from his pitch-black arm, directly covering his whole body, and then he The whole person seemed to be turned into a wisp of black smoke, whizzing away.

"Damn it!" Zheng Fei and Mo Xian cursed at the same time, and the former looked at Mo Xian fearfully, seeming a little at a loss.

"Go away!" Mo Xian yelled, and rushed directly and arrogantly from the series of runes.

(End of this chapter)

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