Chapter 70
Jiang Rou, who had been following behind Mo Xian, was unprepared, and even bumped directly into Mo Xian's back.

Sensing the person behind him, Mo Xian couldn't help trembling in his heart, and subconsciously turned around to feel it.

Jiang Rou's face turned red with a brush, and she bounced away like an electric shock, turning her head to hide her embarrassment.

"Tsk tsk, I said, you probably did it on purpose, I can't tell, you still have such a skill!" Sun Zicong clicked his tongue and said.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Mo Xian cursed in a low voice, and secretly looked at Jiang Rou, whose head was almost in his stomach.

"Oh, what's the point of embarrassment, it's just a touch. I'll just get used to it in the future." Sun Zicong smiled ambiguously, looking very wretched.

"Get lost!" Mo Xian glared at Sun Zicong, and then said, "Jiang Rou, are you okay!"

"En!" Jiang Rou snorted, but still didn't raise her head.

"Asshole!" Seeing this scene, Lin Yu behind saw this scene, and suddenly a cloud of anger rose in his heart, and his face was a little distorted.In his heart, he has already decided that Jiang Rou is his woman, and no one can touch her.

Because of anger, a branch he was holding was crushed with a click.

"Hidden!" Although the voice was low, Mo Xian still heard it. His complexion changed, he yelled, and quickly pulled Jiang Rou to hide behind a big tree.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement around.

"You are too nervous!" Sun Zicong walked out slowly, but the moment he poked his head out, a feathered arrow accurately passed through the gap between the branches and shot at his head.

Mo Xian suddenly took a step forward, stretched out his palm, and accurately grabbed the feathered arrow. The huge force brought him back a few steps, and his palm was also ground to the point of blood spattering.

While backing away, Mo Xian threw the feathered arrow in his hand like a javelin backhand.

But before flying halfway, it was intercepted by a feathered arrow.

"It's not over, it's interesting to follow behind like a follower!" Sun Zicong was already furious, and just now, he almost died.

"Hmph, Mo Xian, you'd better stay away from Jiang Rou, otherwise, when you are most relaxed, my Feathered Arrow will suddenly appear like a god of death!"

Lin Yu's voice was getting farther and farther from the jungle. Obviously, he was about to run away again.

"Hehe, I'm afraid it won't be as you wish. Not only will I stay away from her, but I will get closer to her!" Mo Xian said loudly, with a hint of murderous intent in his voice.Now he is also very annoyed by Lin Yu. Almost every attack of the latter is aimed at the vital point. If he cannot avoid it in time, he may die on the spot.

Hearing Mo Xian's shout, Lin Yu's expression became even more ferocious, and he wished to rush out immediately to compete with Mo Xian, but he knew that his advantage was in the dark, and once he was exposed, he was bound to lose.

As a hunter hiding in the dark, he knows how to keep a cool head at all times.

"Hmph, let's wait and see, the prey will be the prey after all, and it will still howl at the hunter's feet in the end!"

Mo Xian's tense nerves finally relaxed when he heard faint voices floating in the distance.But if Lin Yu is not resolved for a moment, he will not really feel at ease for a moment.

Seeing that it was getting dark, the jungle at night would definitely be more dangerous, so they had to choose to camp.

"Is what you just said true?" When looking for the camp, Jiang Rou suddenly stood next to Mo Xian and asked.

"What?" Mo Xian wondered.

"Forget it, it's nothing!" Jiang Rou opened her mouth, but she didn't ask the question in her heart after all.

Looking at the two people beside him, Sun Zicong sighed rather inscrutablely, and shook his head helplessly.

They set the camp on a higher place, but it was not the ground, but a towering tree with many huge branches, enough to accommodate several people to sleep.

Since there was no preparation in advance, they did not have dry food, although it would be no problem not to eat for a few days.

But in this tense moment, you must keep yourself in a full state all the time, not to mention that Sun Zicong loses a lot of blood during the day and urgently needs supplemental nutrition.

Fortunately, there are many small animals in the jungle, and they caught a few easily.

Before it was dark, they quickly roasted the small animals they caught. After all, the campfire was too obvious in the middle of the night.

Without any warning, the sky suddenly turned dark, as if suddenly covered by a huge black curtain, not even a single star, and in the depths of the jungle, you can't even reach your fingers.

However, the night has become their best shelter, at least they are not so easy to be found in the trees.

Sun Zicong murmured in dissatisfaction, chose a relatively flat tree trunk, cut down a few vines, and tied himself to it.

Mo Xian opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.To be honest, tying yourself up can indeed prevent you from falling, but in times of crisis, you may not even have the chance to escape.

But he thought it would be difficult for Sun Zicong to sleep on the tree trunk with his huge body, so he let him go.Anyway, he wasn't going to sleep tonight, so he just took it as a sentinel.

Soon, Sun Zicong remembered heavy snoring, which was telling everyone that I am here, come and hit me!

Mo Xian and Jiang Rou looked at each other and smiled wryly. This grandson Zicong is really generous, and he can fall asleep so quickly in this environment.

"Go to bed too, I'll be on guard tonight!" Mo Xian whispered.

"I'm not sleepy!" Jiang Rou shook her head, as if thinking of the short intimate contact for a long time, her face blushed again.

Mo Xian also noticed Jiang Rou's strangeness, and didn't know what to say for a while, and the atmosphere became a little awkward for a while.

Neither of the two spoke first. Jiang Rou hugged her knees with her hands and sat on the tree trunk, wondering what she was thinking.

Mo Xian stood up silently and checked the surrounding situation.

There were a lot of fire lights scattered around. Obviously, everyone had the same idea as them and chose to camp at night.

And the closest fire to them seemed to be only a few miles away, which was already a very dangerous distance, but they didn't notice each other at all during the day.

The dense jungle can indeed cover up many movements.

A gust of night wind blew by, and the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees suddenly. Jiang Rou couldn't help shivering, and buried her head on Bai Nen's knees.

Since she didn't have any preparations, the clothes she wore today were a bit cool.

Mo Xian scratched his head, took off one of his clothes, and handed it to Jiang Rou. The latter was startled, but still took it, put it on his body, and said softly, "Thank you!"

"It's okay, I have rough skin and thick flesh, so I'm not afraid of the cold!" Mo Xian smirked for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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