722 Empty City
"Rui'er, don't talk nonsense." Ding Xiang reprimanded Ding Rui, who made a face at Mo Xian, then hid behind Ding Xiang, showing half of his face, and looked at Mo Xian playfully.

Ding Xiang shook his head helplessly at Mo Xian, apparently he had nothing to do with his younger sister, and then said: "Jin Guangzhou is said to be from a very old family, and his eyes are born with a special ability, if you don't know Or if you are not careful, you will easily fall into his way."

When he said this, he seemed to imply that Mo Xian should not be too worried about being plotted by Jin Guangzhou before.

"Even so, with so many people here, why did you choose me to attack!" Mo Xian said helplessly.

"This..." Ding Xiang's face suddenly became a little weird, but before he finished speaking, Ding Rui behind him said first, "It's not easy, you seem to be the best bully, that's fine, but why And bring a beautiful woman by your side, whoever you want!"

"Uh..." Mo Xian was speechless, and Kong Ling who was beside him covered her mouth and laughed lightly.

Ding Xiang didn't smile, he glanced at Mo Xian quite late at night, and said, "Not long ago, a man named Mo Xian killed Fang Wenfei and Chen Feibai, if your name is also Mo Xian..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was very clear.

Mo Xian was taken aback and almost exposed it. After all, they just met Ding Xiang and they didn't know each other's details at all, so it's better to be reserved, so he quickly said: "You may have heard wrong, what I said earlier It's Mo Xie, not Mo Xian at all."

"Is that so!" Ding Xiang nodded noncommittally.

"Brother, are you confused? How could he be Mo Xian? It's just that the name is similar. There is no comparison. From my point of view, Mo Xian must be very personable. How could he be bullied by Jin Guangzhou?" Ding Rui She curled her lips, and when she mentioned Mo Xian, her eyes lit up, and her face also had a look of admiration.

Although she had never met Mo Xian, it seemed that she was already a young girl, and she even had a beautiful image of Mo Xian in her heart.

Hearing this, Kong Ling glared at Mo Xian, as if saying that Mo Xian was seducing ignorant girls everywhere again.

After noticing Kong Ling's gaze, Mo Xian's complexion suddenly became strange. It was indeed very strange to hear a girl describe herself as another person.

If Ding Rui knew that Mo Xian was standing in front of her at this time, she didn't know how she would react, but one thing is for sure, she would be extremely disappointed, after all, there is still a gap between Mo Xian and Pianlian.

After this little episode, the group continued to move forward. Mo Xian found that the situation in Black Rock City was similar to the hallucinations he had experienced before, but it was an empty city.

This is obviously not normal, after all he has never been to Black Rock City, this feeling is like dreaming about a city, and then this city appeared in front of him.

But he didn't care too much, after all, it was Jin Guangzhou who made him fall into the illusion, or the latter had been here before.

Everything in Black Rock City remained intact, it could even be said to be brand new, as if it had just been built, not even a speck of dust could be seen on the streets.

"It is said that this Black Rock City has always existed. Some people saw it appear before, but it disappeared soon. This time it appeared for a long time, so it attracted many people." While walking, Ding Xiang gave Mo Leisurely introduced the origin of Black Rock City in quite detail.

"Is this city always empty?" Mo Xian asked curiously.

"No one knows. Some say it disappeared overnight. Others say that this city is a ghost city. The people living in it are all undead, but we can't see it." Ding Xiang said.

Hearing this, Mo Xian couldn't help feeling a chill down his spine. He glanced at Kong Ling, who frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Mo Xian didn't bother him, and looked around.

The design of this city is very unique, like a labyrinth, in the deeper part, I don't know what is hidden.

Soon he saw the roadside stall where he had eaten before, and there was actually a person sitting in the seat he made just now.

There was a jug of wine and a wine glass on the table in front of this person. When Mo Xian passed by, he just picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

Mo Xian couldn't help but look at this person a few more times. What made him feel at ease was that he didn't know this person.

As if aware of Mo Xian's gaze, the man picked up the wine glass, raised it at Mo Yan, and drank it down again.

"It seems that I'm worrying too much." Mo Xian shook his head mockingly, and looked away.

"Brother, look at this guy's stupidity. With your strength, why do you bring him with you? It's just a drag." Seeing Mo Xian's inexplicable behavior, Ding Rui pouted behind him and said.

"Rui'er, you can't be judged by appearances. I may have to rely on him for help in the future. No one knows what will happen this time. If there is danger and I can't protect you, you'd better stay by his side." Ding Xiang said, for some reason, he always felt that Mo Xian and Kong Ling were not simple, especially Mo Xian, whose strength was clearly only a five-star martial spirit, but it gave him a very powerful feeling.

"How is it possible, and besides, I don't want to stay by his side, unless..." Ding Rui said, her cheeks flushed, "If it was Mo Xian, maybe I would consider it!"

"Uh..." Ding Xiang was speechless for a moment.

For the conversation coming from behind, Mo Xian pretended not to hear it, and still looked around.

At the beginning, there were a lot of people pouring in here, but they have completely merged into the city and are invisible. There is no one around, but there are faint voices coming from a distance, and there are occasional fighting sounds.

At this time, a large shop appeared in Mo Xian's eyes, and a thought suddenly arose in his heart, could there be something else in it?

Even though he himself thought it was funny, he couldn't help but stop.

The others also stopped because of this, and began to look at the shop just like Mo Xian, and finally a group of people walked in unanimously.

The door was ajar, and it opened easily. Naturally, there was no one inside, but it was still spotless.

What Mo Xian and the others didn't expect was that there were actually a lot of things on the walls around the hall. Judging from the quality, they seemed to be very new.

Ding Rui ran forward and curiously took down a sword.


The sound of the sword coming out of its scabbard was extremely loud, and the blade was also radiant. It was indeed a good sword, but after it was pulled out, it began to rot at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a ball of fly ash , only one hilt remained in Ding Rui's hand.

"Oh..." Ding Rui sighed with some regret, she likes this sword very much.

"Look for it again, maybe there is something useful." Ding Xiang comforted, and then looked around.

(End of this chapter)

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