Chapter 727

"Brother, what are you mumbling about?" Ding Rui asked curiously.

"It's nothing!" Ding Xiang shook his head, his complexion suddenly became ugly.

A group of people silently appeared around them, faintly blocking all their way out.

"It's these annoying guys again, it's never over!" Ding Rui also noticed the abnormality, and his complexion suddenly became ugly.

There was no communication between the two sides, and they immediately fought.


At the same time, Mo Xian and Kong Ling quickly left the place where they fought before, and Yan turned into a pendant again.

Mo Xian didn't stop until there was no one around.

"You are really strange. If it was someone else, I'm afraid they would have already enjoyed themselves." Kong Ling said strangely.

"Come on, it caused a lot of trouble last time, maybe it will cause something else this time, it's better not to expose it." Mo Xian said with a wry smile.

"Hehe, don't you men like to compete for fame and fortune? You are really special!" Kong Ling laughed.

"What's the use of fame, and it can't be eaten!" Mo Xian shrugged and looked around.

They have already gone deep into Black Rock City, the surroundings are very quiet, there is no one, and those crazy warriors are obviously still looting and smashing those shops.

At this time, Kong Ling seemed to be aware of something suddenly, and took out the black iron plate on which the map was recorded.

"Mo Xian, a detailed map of this city has appeared!" After a while, she suddenly said pleasantly.

"Uh, what's the use of that?" Mo Xian said.

"You're stupid, with the map, don't we have the upper hand." Kong Ling gave Mo Xian a blank look, and said angrily.

"Okay, what did you find?" Mo Xian said.

"There is a large hall nearby, and there should be something good enshrined in it." Kong Ling said, and with a movement of his body, he shot violently in one direction.

Soon after, they found a surrounded hall.

After the two entered, they immediately felt a peaceful atmosphere.

The first is a wide square with many statues standing.

At the end of the square is a small river, in which there are many water lilies and many fish swimming.

There are three arch bridges made of jade on the small river, connecting the square with the other side.

After crossing the arch bridge, there is a magnificent hall. In front of the door stands two statues of auspicious beasts several meters high, which look very mighty.

The statue is lifelike, staring at the people passing by like a living thing, as if it might jump out at any time.

When the two were about to enter, a strange fluctuation suddenly emanated from the two statues, and then they really came alive.

"Trespassers will die!" In the two majestic voices, two auspicious beasts rushed towards Mo Xian and Kong Ling respectively.

However, perhaps due to disrepair for a long time, they froze as soon as they threw themselves halfway, maintained a weird posture, and then fell directly to the ground.

With a "click", the auspicious beast statue that was still majestic just now immediately became a pile of fragments, and the contrast between the front and the back was too great.

"Uh..." Mo Xian and Kong Ling suddenly showed a strange look on their faces, Mo Xian said: "You two, this is none of our business!"

But after this episode, Mo Xian and the two became more vigilant.

After entering the main hall, the two of them were immediately overwhelmed by the aura coming from the front, and they stopped at the same time.

This hall is not very high from the outside, but the space inside seems to be enlarged. The top is at least tens of meters away from the bottom, but there is no pillar, and people standing in it are like tiny ants.

There is a small pool in the center of the hall, and steam is constantly bubbling out of it, like a hot spring.

The hot air is sometimes strong and sometimes sparse, and a very unique plant can be faintly seen growing in the center of the hot spring.

There are no fluctuations on this plant, and it is even more inconspicuous than the common grass outside, but it must not be an ordinary thing to grow here.

Mo Xian and the two walked over, only to find that there was a pure white jade in the hot spring, and the plants grew on this jade.

"This, could it be Yulingmiaolucao?" After a while, Kong Ling suddenly lost his voice.

"Jade Lingmiao Dew Grass?" Mo Xian was startled.

"Well, it is said that this Jade Lingmiaolu grass can only germinate from a single seed for a thousand years, and then take another 500 years to form. It is useless in itself, but after it is formed, a drop of Jade Lingmiaolu will be secreted from it every hundred years." Kong Ling said .

"Is there any use?" Mo Xian was pleasantly surprised immediately, although he didn't know what it was useful for, but just a few thousand years and hundreds of years had him bluffed.

Something that takes so long to produce is definitely not something vulgar.

"Taking just one drop can transform your body, and if you refine it, your strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and even have the magical effect of breaking through the bottleneck." Kong Ling said excitedly. It is because of the bottleneck that she has been unable to break through. Wu Wangjing.

But before she could finish her sentence, Mo Xian had already walked over cautiously, and at the same time, she had an ordinary small porcelain bottle in her hand, which was the rough and crude porcelain bottle used to hold body quenching water.

"What are you doing?" Kong Ling asked curiously.

"Such a good thing, of course, we should get it as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Mo Xian said indifferently, and at the same time stretched out the small porcelain bottle.

"Stop it, you don't mean to use this kind of porcelain bottle to hold Jade Lingmiaolu!" Kong Ling opened his eyes wide and looked at Mo Xian incredulously.

"Is there a problem?" Mo Xian asked suspiciously.

"This kind of treasure, of course, must have a container that fits its status!" Kong Ling gave Mo Xian a white look, and then took out a crystal clear jade bottle, which exuded a faint cold air.

"Okay!" Mo Xian stepped back, and secretly tasted the small porcelain bottle in his hand. After all, compared with Kong Ling's jade bottle, the one in his hand was rubbish.

After realizing Mo Xian's actions, Kong Ling shook his head helplessly, and said: "After this kind of natural material and earthly treasure leaves the mother's body, the aura will dissipate. It would be too wasteful to put it in an ordinary bottle, and it will spread out." It is also very likely that others will notice your breath."

"Uh..." Mo Xian scratched his head in embarrassment, he hadn't thought about it so much at all.

Kong Ling carefully lowered the branches and leaves of the Jade Lingmiaolu grass, and immediately a crystal liquid the size of a soybean dripped from it and fell into the jade bottle.

Followed by the second drop, the third drop.

"One drop, two drops..." Kong Ling counted the amount silently, but the joy on his face became more and more intense.

"100 years, 200 years..." Mo Xian also calculated in a low voice, and finally he had to be horrified, how many 100 years it would take to form so many Jade Spirit Miaolu.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many Jade Lingmiaolu here!" Finally, even Kong Ling couldn't help but exclaimed.

This time, she actually filled half of the bottle of Jade Lingmiaolu.If this is leaked out, it will definitely cause a bloodbath.

She was very careful when picking it up, for fear of hurting the fragile branches and leaves of the Jade Lingmiaolu grass. In this way, it can continue to secrete the Jade Lingmiaolu in the future.

And at this moment, there was a faint voice from outside.

"There is a big hall here, there must be something interesting inside."

It seems that someone has already found this place.

(End of this chapter)

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