Martial arts become gods

Chapter 743 Weird Relationship

Chapter 743 Weird Relationship

No one paid attention to Kong Ling's small movements, so no one knew that after playing the Tianxuan Qiluo sound, her loss was also very huge.

"Shentu, do you still want to fight with me now?" Mo Xian said while lying face up on the ground, grinning in pain.

"Nonsense, you must do what I said. Well..." Shentu snorted, and continued: "But I have to admire you for killing that guy named Qin Hao."

"You saw it too, that's not my power!" Mo Xian twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled wryly.

Shentu is too stubborn, it is undoubtedly very difficult to make him change his mind.

"Win is winning, and losing is losing. This time I lost, but don't worry, I will come back." Shentu said, struggling to turn his head, and looked at Mo Xian provocatively.

Mo Xian also looked at Shentu, and after looking at each other for a while, they suddenly burst out laughing.

"What a strange fellow!" Seeing this scene, Kong Ling couldn't help shaking his head.

The relationship between Mo Xian and Shentu seemed too weird to her. They were friends, but when they met, they would fight and kill each other.

It is obviously not appropriate to say that it is an enemy.

What kind of relationship it is, perhaps only the parties themselves know.

After calming down, Shentu got up directly from the ground, and then left without looking back.

"Hey..." Mo Xian stretched out his hand, wanting to say something, but he didn't say anything, and could only let Shentu go.

Perhaps, even he himself didn't know what kind of relationship he had with Shentu.

"This man is very strong, do you want to kill him now?" Yan suddenly walked up to Mo Xian, staring at Shentu's back, and said.

Compared to Shentu, his current injury is much lighter, and it is no problem to kill Shentu.

"Don't!" Mo Xian shook his head hastily, and a strange look appeared on his face.

He could tell that Yan was absolutely serious and really wanted to kill Shentu.

Perhaps in Yan's view, Shentu is the enemy, no different from Qin Hao, Jin Guangzhou and others, and the typical one is also one-sided.

However, Mo Xian obviously couldn't explain it clearly to Yan.

At this time, there was a faint sound of breaking wind in the distance. It should be those warriors from Black Rock City who followed. They obviously wanted to see what the final result would be.

Mo Xian's complexion changed, he immediately staggered to his feet, and began to search Qin Hao.

Qin Hao didn't have much on him, and in the end he only got a ring.

Due to the urgency of time, he didn't have time to check it, so he let Yan carry him, and shot into the distance with Kong Ling.

Not long after they left, a large number of warriors gathered, and when they saw Qin Hao's horrific corpse on the ground, they all gasped.

Although they had heard the majestic announcement before, they still couldn't believe it after seeing it with their own eyes.

They also saw the battle between Shentu and Qin Hao, so they can be sure that Shentu is definitely stronger than Mo Xian.

They really couldn't figure out how a person who couldn't even beat Shen Tu was finally killed by Mo Xian.

What made them extremely regretful was that Mo Xian had already left, and they might never know what happened.


This is a place with quite beautiful scenery, but against the backdrop of the red halo, it still looks a little weird.

Not long after, three figures appeared here together, it was Mo Xian, Kong Ling and Yan.

Due to the sudden incident, they had reached their limit before they had time to rest.

Seeing no one around, the three of them stopped in unison.

Mo Xian and Yan immediately lay down without thinking about anything, panting heavily.

Kong Ling's figure shook for a while, but she endured not to fall.

"Sister Kong Ling, are you okay?" Mo Xian asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, it's just that the energy consumption is a bit high." Kong Ling shook his head and said indifferently.


Mo Xian frowned. Kong Ling didn't participate in the battle, but he seemed to be in a bad state, which made him very puzzled.

At this time, Kong Ling's complexion was extremely pale, her lips were bloodless and chapped, and the smile on her face was also extremely forced.

When she was about to push herself to the side, suddenly her eyes went dark and she fell down.

Mo Xian was startled, but he couldn't get up at all now, so he could only force himself to rush over and put it under Kong Ling's body, acting as a human mattress.

Soon he realized that Kong Ling's whole body was icy cold, and it wasn't just that she had consumed too much energy, as she said.

At this time, Mo Xian didn't have time to think about what was going on, so he immediately took out Yu Lingmiaolu, and dripped three drops on Kong Ling's lips in one breath.

Under the nourishment of Yulingmiaolu, Kong Ling's complexion looked much better. She opened her eyes and said angrily, "I'll just take a rest, why waste it so much."

"Sister Kong Ling, what's going on?" Mo Xian said in a deep voice, he knew very well that if it was just too much energy consumption, this would not be the case at all.

Kong Ling hesitated for a moment, and said: "I used the piano sound to help you temporarily improve your strength, but it actually took a lot of damage from me."

After listening to it, Mo Xian finally understood why the piano sound had such a powerful effect.He blamed himself a little: "Sister Kong Ling, don't use that method again in the future."

"Yeah!" Kong Ling nodded, as if she was too weak, she quickly closed her eyes.

As a result, the three of Mo Xian were seriously injured, obviously unable to hurry.

Fortunately, this place is quite quiet and inaccessible, so it is also very suitable for them to heal their injuries.

Of course they didn't know that the outside world had already exploded.

After all, Mo Xian directly entered the top ten this time, reaching the top level.


Among the ruins, Ding Xiang and Ding Rui hid nervously behind a boulder, their faces were a little haggard.

"Brother, it would be great if Mo Xian was here. He is now No.10, and he will definitely help us through this difficult time." Ding Rui tremblingly said, she had naturally heard the majestic announcement before.

"Why bother others with our own affairs, what's more, you don't know what kind of person Mo Xian is, and he may not help us." Ding Xiang gritted his teeth and said.

They have been entangled with each other for a long time, but he doesn't even know the identity of the other party.


After hiding for a while, Ding Xiang suddenly yelled and rushed out.

As soon as he showed his head, there were several breaking winds sweeping towards this side.

The two fought and retreated, not seeking to kill the enemy, but only seeking to escape.

They knew very well that even if these mysterious guys were killed, more mysterious people would appear soon. All they could do was run away and avoid their pursuit.

But under this endless pursuit, it seems that it is only a matter of time before they are caught.

"Rui'er, you go first!" At a certain moment, Ding Xiang suddenly shouted and pushed Ding Rui away.

Under this gentle force, Ding Rui flew more than a hundred meters away and escaped from the encirclement.

(End of this chapter)

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