Martial arts become gods

Chapter 768 Fire Poison

Chapter 768 Fire Poison
The sky was dark, but everywhere in the Sealing Demon Valley was glowing red, and it didn't look dim at all.

The horizon in the distance seems to be burning, and it looks quite beautiful.

This also just shows how huge this magic valley is.

Ding Rui has been walking in front of Mo Xian, as if looking for a new training goal.

However, her face was a little pale, and her smooth forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Her walking steps were a little vain, but she hid them well, so Mo Xian behind her didn't see any clues.

After continuing to walk forward, a flame toad appeared in front of them, which seemed to be the one that attacked them before.

"Let me come!" Mo Xian asked.

"Hmph, don't worry about it." Ding Rui snorted coldly, and said in a fit of anger.

Although she no longer had a weapon, she still stubbornly attacked the flame toad.

Mo Xian didn't doubt that there was it, but just stood quietly behind and watched.

With Ding Rui's strength, although it is a bit numb to deal with the flame toad, it is only a matter of time.


Ding Rui let out a soft drink, and the powder fist suddenly blasted out.

Her black hair and clothes shook violently, and she looked quite heroic.

"Tsk tsk, you are young and energetic, don't you think you're not tempted at all?" Xiao En said, tongue-tied.

"I'm convinced of you. Fortunately, you're not a human being. Otherwise, I don't know how many women I would have harmed." Mo Xian said angrily.

Ding Rui's attack was very swift and fierce, and she kept drinking coquettishly during this period, as if she regarded the flame toad as her enemy.

"Pfft!" After being attacked by Ding Rui for a while, the flame shovel toad suddenly spewed out something.

Mo Xian took a closer look, it was the Xuanbing Sword.

It's just that this Xuanbing sword is already a bit horrible, with scars all over his body, and his spiritual energy has also been greatly lost, obviously it is useless.

However, Mo Xian still put it away, after all, the Xuanbing Sword was at least a fifth-grade spiritual treasure, and although it was damaged, it might still have some use value.


Not long after, Ding Ruijiao yelled and slapped her out.


The flame toad immediately flew out, struggled a few times and suddenly stopped moving.

"Huh..." Ding Rui let out a long breath, seemingly quite satisfied.

But suddenly she staggered and almost fell.

Mo Xian was startled, and immediately rushed over, saying, "Are you alright?"

"It's okay, you don't have to be hypocritical." Ding Rui said coldly.

"Uh..." Mo Xian stopped talking, but he faintly noticed that Ding Rui's breath was very vain.

Ding Rui was about to continue walking, when suddenly she felt dizzy and fell backwards.

Mo Xian was taken aback for a moment, and just caught Ding Rui's figure.

He immediately noticed that Ding Rui's body was hot and abnormal.

In such an environment as the Sealing Demon Valley, if one is not careful, it is very likely that the fire poison will enter the body.

Ding Rui is very likely to be in this situation now.

At this moment, Ding Rui's eyes were closed tightly, her complexion was extremely pale, although she was leaning against Mo Xian, she didn't resist at all, obviously her consciousness was a little blurred.

If it continues, the fire poison will definitely get deeper and deeper, and it may be dangerous by then.

"Xiao En, is there any place with a lower temperature nearby?" Mo Xian asked immediately.

"Follow me!" Xiao En also knew the seriousness of the matter, without any nonsense, he immediately directed Mo Xian to rush in one direction.

Not long after, a cave appeared in Mo Xian's sight.

"It's here." Xiao En said immediately.

Without any hesitation, Mo Xian immediately went in with Ding Rui in his arms.

There is still a faint red light in the cave, but the temperature is much lower than the outside world.

Mo Xian took out a quick blanket and carefully placed Ding Rui on it.

Although Ding Rui had been treating him coldly before, it was impossible for him to watch Ding Rui being destroyed by fire poison like this.

The problem of fire poison can be big or small, and there is no room for neglect.

After Mo Xian thought about it, he immediately took out the Ice Soul Golden Silkworm Mother that he had obtained in Tietu City.

This thing is a treasure for those who like poisoning skills, but it is dispensable for Mo Xian, he hasn't used it for a long time.

Although fire poison is very different from ordinary poison, he can only try it.

The Bingpo Golden Silkworm Mother hasn't come out for a long time, but she still looks energetic, and even gained a lot of weight.

As if feeling the fire poison on Ding Rui's body, it spontaneously climbed onto Ding Rui's wrist.

Soon, Ding Rui's wrist was covered with blood, and the crystal clear figure of Bingpo Golden Silkworm Mother was also slightly flushed.

After a while, the flush on Ding Rui's face gradually faded a lot.

However, the Bingpo Golden Silkworm Mother has become very popular.

Obviously, the fire poison here is too powerful, even the Bingpo Golden Silkworm Mother cannot absorb it all at once.

Mo Xian touched Ding Rui's forehead, it was still hot.

What irreversible damage could happen if it persisted.

Fortunately, he had prepared a lot of water in order to avoid emergencies, and it finally came in handy at this time.

He took out a cotton cloth, soaked it in cold water, wiped Ding Rui's hands and feet, and put it on Ding Rui's forehead.

Only then did Ding Rui's body temperature drop, but it rose again after a while.

Mo Xian could only keep repeating the same actions to help Ding Rui cool down.


Ding Rui kept talking in her sleep, as if she was talking about something.

In the haze, she only felt that her body seemed to be burning, and her head seemed to explode, making her wish she could die.

But soon, a cool breath swept over her whole body, which immediately made her feel much more comfortable.

But soon, that fiery feeling swept through his body again.

Fortunately, that cool feeling appeared soon, helping her relieve the pain all over her body.

"Hot..." Ding Rui kept talking in her sleep, her body twisted constantly, and her hands rubbed against her body subconsciously.

Not long after, her clothes became a little messy, revealing a little whiteness.

Seeing this, Mo Xian suddenly felt a little parched, so he could only try his best to turn his head away, not to think wildly.

The whole night was spent in such a difficult way. For Mo Xian, it was simply a torment.

In the early morning, Kong Ling still didn't wake up, but her body temperature returned to normal, so there should be nothing serious.

"Huh!" Mo Xian sighed a long time, and hurriedly walked outside the cave.

Breathing the slightly fiery air, he became much more awake.

Ding Rui was dishonest last night, and almost took off her clothes.

If it weren't for Mo Xian's strong concentration, maybe he would have done something.

He tried his best to throw away the wild thoughts in his heart, and sat down cross-legged quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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