Chapter 776 Top Ten Geniuses
"You know him?" Ding Rui said.

"I've seen it a few times, but I don't know each other." Mo Xian shook his head. He knew nothing about Long Xing.

However, Long Xing seemed to be very familiar with them.

Ding Rui didn't say anything anymore, but quickly walked to the ground fire ganoderma and quickly picked it off.

"How long will it take you to make the ban?" Mo Xian stepped forward and asked.

"It will take at least three days, if no one disturbs you." Ding Rui said.

"Don't worry, no one will disturb you." Mo Xian said.

"I hope so!" Ding Rui said indifferently.

The two of them began to look for a quiet and secluded place. Fortunately, the Valley of Sealing Demons is very large, so there should be no shortage of such places.

But there may not be an absolutely safe place, after all, there are too many warriors entering here.

This is a place full of chaotic rocks, and some kind of formation and fluctuations after the war still faintly remain in it.

These formations and fluctuations seem to have merged together, forming a turbulent energy flow that can easily tear warriors apart.

For other warriors, this place is a place of death, but for Ding Rui, this place may not be so scary.

She has a very keen sense of the subtle energy flow in formations, so she knows exactly where she can go and where she can't.

Mo Xian couldn't help swallowing when he felt the terrifying fluctuation faintly emanating from the front.

But Ding Rui didn't seem to care, and just collapsed in one step.

Mo Xian's heart suddenly rose to his throat, but luckily nothing happened.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die in the hands of anyone other than me." Ding Rui said lightly, these formations are naturally left over from the predecessors, if Mo Xian dies inside, it will be with her The purpose is contradicted.

Mo Xian was startled, then followed with a wry smile on his face.

After stepping in, the feeling of danger was even worse, and he could even feel the turbulent energy flow full of destructive aura passing by him.

However, Ding Rui seemed very relaxed, as if she was going home, walking in the courtyard.

Soon after, they came to the center of this area.

There are still huge boulders around, but there is a small open space in the middle.

The turbulent flow of energy here is particularly obvious. Mo Xian could even see vortices moving slowly in the open space, appearing and disappearing like elves.

Each of them possessed extremely strong power, even if he touched it, he might not be able to bear it.

But what surprised Mo Xian was that Ding Rui walked in directly.

Because of her appearance, the balance that had been formed was immediately broken.

The vortex suddenly became restless, and the speed suddenly accelerated a lot.

"Hey..." Ding Rui suddenly sighed slowly, as if lamenting the tragic fate of these formations.Then she stretched out her hands, as if comforting the flying elves.

Her hand touched a vortex, as if possessing some kind of magical power, the turbulent flow of energy did not erupt, but stabilized a lot, and even flew aside spontaneously.

The same is true for other vortexes, which scattered in all directions, clearing the open space, and at the same time, like guards, guarding the side.

Mo Xian was a little worried at first, but after seeing such a weird scene, a look of horror appeared on his face, and he immediately looked at Ding Ruigao again.

This place is located in the center of this area, surrounded by that kind of terrible energy turbulence, ordinary warriors will never appear here, and it is indeed a good place to go.

"I'm about to start, it's best not to let anything disturb me." Ding Rui said lightly.

"Don't worry." Mo Xian nodded.

Ding Rui quickly started. She took out a few rather strange things, placed them on the ground according to a certain pattern, and then started to fiddle with them.

At first, Mo Xian was curious about how the restriction was made, so he kept staring at it.

But soon he gave up, because he didn't know anything at all, as expected, he specialized in art.

Taking advantage of this gap, Mo Xian began to study the Nether Soul Refining Art again.

With the operation of Netherworld Soul Refining Art, the spiritual consciousness in his mind slowly flowed and at the same time gradually strengthened.

Spiritual consciousness attack itself is a very dangerous attack, even if it hurts the enemy a thousand, it is also a thousand damage to yourself.

If the enemy's spiritual consciousness is too large, it will only hurt himself.

Therefore, he must constantly strengthen his spiritual consciousness in order to ensure success.

However, although he himself is cultivating divine consciousness, the three phantom bodies in the lightning imprint space are still cultivating Yuanli.

So he doesn't have to worry about wasting too much time because of cultivating divine consciousness, on the contrary, there is a faint complementary effect.

After practicing for a while, Mo Xian opened his eyes and found that Ding Rui was still working on it.

Her face was very serious, fine beads of sweat appeared on the tip of her nose, but she didn't care about it at all, she was completely immersed in her own world.

Ding Rui was very quiet at this time, he was a completely different person from before.

All things aside, Ding Rui is really likable.

For a while after that, both of them remained absolutely silent.

The place they chose was indeed very good, and no one broke into it for two days in a row.

Until the third day, Mo Xian clearly noticed that the outside became much more lively, as if a lot of people had gathered.

But because the distance was too far and the energy inside was too complicated, the sound couldn't come in clearly, so Mo Xian didn't know what happened.

Now is the critical moment, so Mo Xian immediately stopped practicing and watched every move around him vigilantly.

Ding Rui didn't notice the changes around her at all, and was still nervously making the restraint.

At this time, her complexion was a little pale, and her breathing was a little short. It was obvious that making a restraint was not an easy task.

What Mo Xian was worried about didn't happen, and no one broke in all this time.

At this moment, it can be said that it is quite lively outside.

A very young man was surrounded by the crowd, like the hearts of the crowd.

This person was full of aloofness, and he didn't seem to care about the flattery of everyone.

"I heard that kid Wang Yongliang was killed?" the young man said suddenly.

"That's right, and it was Mo Xian who killed him."

"It's him again, doesn't this kid know what it means to have a big tree attract the wind?" the young man asked.

"Hehe, naturally he can't be compared with you. You have such strength at such a young age. You may not find many people in the whole continent."

"That's right, if I hadn't been born a few years later, there would be nothing wrong with them." The young man nodded.

This young man is none other than Li Lingfeng, the top ten geniuses.

It is said that this person is recognized as a genius in the outside world, and by chance, he entered here, and naturally immediately showed his due brilliance, and was regarded as a peerless genius by everyone.

Moreover, it is also known as the existence most likely to surpass Lin Xiao in the future.

As time went by, some people came over one after another.

Several faces among them are extremely young, and they are also some of the top ten geniuses.

(End of this chapter)

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