Martial arts become gods

Chapter 787 Do You Want To Take The Opportunity To Hold My Hand?

Chapter 787 Do You Want To Take The Opportunity To Hold My Hand?

Li Lingfeng believed Long Xing's words without any hesitation, even his voice trembled a little.

"Of course, but if you want to succeed, you must make some sacrifices." Long Xing smiled strangely.

"As long as Mo Xian can be killed, it doesn't matter what the price is." Li Lingfeng said.

"You are all people with outstanding talents. If you can concentrate on one person, you will definitely be able to create a super genius." Long Xing said lightly, the white teeth reflected the red light, which looked extremely ferocious.

"I understand!" Li Lingfeng suddenly turned his head and looked at those former companions with a grin on his face.

Several people immediately sensed that something was wrong, and tremblingly said: "Li Lingfeng, what do you want to do, don't forget, we are companions!"

"Hehe, your deaths are valuable, and that will make me a supreme genius, so you can go at ease!" Li Lingfeng grinned, and shot out suddenly.

As the head of the top ten geniuses, he naturally has his own strength. He killed one person almost instantly, and he has a beating heart in his hand.

"Li Lingfeng, you have to die!" A warrior looked at Li Lingfeng resentfully with a hole in his chest, and finally softened unwillingly.

"Haha, have fun!" Li Lingfeng seemed to like this feeling instantly, and immediately rushed towards the other person.

"Li Lingfeng, you are crazy, you actually believed that lunatic's words, how could talent be integrated." The person who was chosen by Li Lingfeng as the target roared angrily.

"Don't worry, if you don't succeed, I will avenge you with my own hands." Li Lingfeng grinned grimly, and soon there was a fresh heart in his hand.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Li Lingfeng killed three people, and brutally dug out their hearts.

"Hey, people, you are always so stupid!" Looking at the three fresh hearts floating in front of him, Long Xing suddenly sighed.

The blood moon and blood sun above the sky seemed to respond to him, and suddenly flickered.

At this time, Li Lingfeng's hands were already covered with blood, and his originally handsome face looked hideous against the bloody light, like a demon crawling out of the Purgatory of Nine Serenities.

"Don't...don't come here!" The rest of the people were already frightened, they kept backing away, and then turned around and wanted to escape.

"Jie Jie, you all have to die today!" Li Lingfeng grinned, and chased after him without hesitation.


After a few shrill screams, the surroundings instantly became calm.

Li Lingfeng stood quietly, his whole body was already stained red with blood.

Looking at the fresh hearts floating in front of him, Long Xing couldn't help but licked his lips, and made a series of slight voices: "One, two, three..."

"What should I do?" Li Lingfeng asked with some expectation.

"Hehe, come with me!" Long Xing smiled lightly, and then walked slowly into the distance.

The two of them quickly disappeared into the distance, leaving only a heartless corpse telling the tragedy of the past.

Mo Xian and Ding Rui were searching around in the Valley of Sealing Demons, but they found nothing.

Along the way, Mo Xian felt a little restless, because the breath of Yan in the pendant on his chest was very faint.

Obviously, during the previous conflict with Song Jing, Yan hurt the root.

At this time, no matter how he called, Yan didn't respond, and the situation was more dangerous than the previous sleep.

Yan was very different from ordinary warriors, so Mo Xian didn't know what to do.

"Maybe, you can plant it in the rock." Xiao En gave Mo Xian an idea.

"Is this useful?" Mo Xian was taken aback, but he soon realized that he had planted himself into the rock when he was cultivating in the rock.

So in the heart of giving it a try, Mo Xian found a rock that looked good, and planted the rock in it.

Ding Rui on the side looked a little puzzled, but didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing that dark clouds enveloped the sky over Sealing Demon Valley again, Mo Xian could only give up and continue searching, and was going to find a hidden place to camp.

After all, not only Yan, he and Ding Rui also consumed a lot.

The sky turned dark all of a sudden, as if covered by a huge pot cover.

Today's Sealing Demon Valley is very quiet, a little strangely quiet.

But Mo Xian felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at him in the darkness.

He searched around vigilantly, and finally raised his head to look up to the sky.

Coincidentally, the blood moon and blood sun were completely shrouded at the same time, as if a pair of eyes belonging to the sky were suddenly closed.

"What?" Seeing that Mo Xian looked strange, Ding Rui also became vigilant.

"It's okay." Mo Xian shook his head, he had been searching around with his spiritual sense for a long time just now, and there was no one at all.

But this reminded him of Long Xing's words: "Actually, I've been watching you all the time."

Could it be that Long Xing was really watching them from somewhere all the time?

As time passed by, Mo Xian still didn't find anything, so he could only give up temporarily.

He took out the strange rock planted with rocks, put it aside, and sat down casually.

The pendant formed from the rock is basically a miniature version of his real person, like a statuette.

At this time, his legs were buried in the rock, and he could actually see some brilliance flowing, as if he was absorbing some energy in the rock.

After observing for a while, Mo Xian temporarily relaxed and closed his eyes.

The night passed quickly, and the thick fog above the sky gradually dissipated. Mo Xian suddenly opened his eyes, looked up, and his complexion immediately changed.

After one night, the distance between the blood moon and the blood sun in the sky suddenly became much closer.

Although he didn't know what this meant, he always felt that it was not a good thing.

Ding Rui also raised her head and looked at the sky faintly, frowning slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a night of planting, the breath of the rock has stabilized a lot.

After Mo Xian stood there for a while, he picked up the rock and put it on his neck, let out a long breath, and said, "Let's go!"

"Oh!" Ding Rui responded lightly, and followed behind Mo Xian.

Not long after, a very flat open space appeared in Mo Xian's sight.

The surrounding terrain is undulating, this space is very abrupt, and it is almost exactly the same as the space that separates them.

"Do you want to go in and try?" Mo Xian stopped and asked.

But now there is a problem, if he hadn't accidentally grabbed Ding Rui's hand last time, they would have separated.

Although he wasn't sure if the weird wind would appear this time, but just to be on the safe side, he seemed to be repeating the trick again.

But with his relationship with Ding Rui, it seems inappropriate to have such an intimate contact.

"Do you want to take this opportunity to hold my hand?" Ding Rui glanced at Mo Xian, and there seemed to be a trace of provocation and teasing in his eyes.

"Uh..." Mo Xian suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

"I didn't expect Tangtang Mo Xian to be so timid." Seeing Mo Xian's hesitation, an inexplicable smile appeared on Ding Rui's face.

Then she took out a piece of brocade from the ring, wrapped one end around her hand, and threw the other end to Mo Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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