Martial arts become gods

Chapter 796 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 796 Reaction of the Parties
"Mo Xian, kill the fourth ranked Pershing and replace him."

The familiar majestic voice sounded again, and Mo Xian was relieved. After all, it meant that Perxing was really dead.

He let out a breath of foul air slowly, and immediately felt a sharp pain in his chest.

After all, he is just a new three-star Martial King, and his foundation is not solid.

In addition, that punching intent is too domineering, and he can't fully control it yet.

Under the forceful use, he also hurt some fundamentals.

This has nothing to do with his progress too fast all the time, it can be regarded as a disadvantage.

Therefore, he felt that it was necessary for him to stabilize his foundation.

Seeing that Ding Rui didn't show signs of waking up for a while, Mo Xian asked Xiao En to help keep watch, then sat cross-legged and began to suppress the restless energy in his body.

But at this moment, the already boiling Devil Sealing Valley seemed to explode because of the majestic voice from the sky before.

"Mo Xian, it's Mo Xian again. This kid killed Song Jing before, and now he has killed Perxing. Moreover, he is at odds with the other ten geniuses. He has offended all the fierce people here."

"Who is this guy? Even if he is strong, he doesn't need to be so sharp. Sooner or later he will suffer."

"I've seen this guy before, he looks very ordinary, and his strength is only a [-]-star Martial King, yet he can make such a big splash."

Somewhere in Fengmo Valley, Zhou Kai smashed the head of a two-headed Balrog angrily, and roared: "Damn Mo Xian, it's been so long, and there is no news about him yet."

"Boss, don't worry. Now that he has killed Perxing, we and Lin Xiao have regained their balance. With Lin Xiao's temperament, he will never let Mo Xian go. Wouldn't it be refreshing for us to catch the fisherman?" One person chuckled lightly.

"There is some truth to what you said, but it's a little uncomfortable to let the kid jump down." Zhou Kai said, his complexion became a little better.

"Hehe, isn't there two women beside that kid? Even if that kid is really killed by Lin Xiao, you can still vent your anger on those two women." Another person said.

"That's right, those two women are top-notch. Speaking of which, that kid is really lucky." Zhou Kai said, a fiery look appeared in his eyes.

He had been coveting Kong Ling and Ding Rui for a long time, but at that time he was a little jealous of Mo Xian's inexplicable means, so he temporarily suppressed his covetousness.

But if Mo Xian was killed, then that kind of fear would no longer exist, and of course he would satisfy his desire.

"You said, wouldn't it be interesting if the two were together?" Zhou Kai licked his lips, moved his body, and said with an evil smile.

"Haha..." Everyone immediately laughed wildly.

In that underground world, Lin Xiao's face was gloomy.

Perxing was killed by Mo Xian, this is probably the most unpleasant news he has received recently.

Originally, after learning that Song Jing had been killed, he was a little fortunate and gloated, because the delicate balance between him and Zhou Kai was finally broken.

And seeing Zhou Kai's dead man, he was naturally very happy.

But now, one person on his side has also been killed, and that delicate balance seems to have appeared again.

What's more, Mo Xianming knew he was here and wanted to kill Perxing, so he obviously didn't take him seriously.

"Damn it, that kid must be in here, get him out!" Lin Xiao said sternly after his complexion became cloudy for a while.

But soon, he seemed to think of something, and said, "Wait, Zhou Kai must also know that we will deal with Mo Xian. He must be secretly enjoying himself now. I will not follow his wishes and let that kid Mo Xian Continue to jump around for a while. Besides, Zhou Kai definitely wants to kill that kid more in comparison."

"Brother is wise, Mo Xian betrayed Zhou Kai after all." Everyone said quickly.

In this way, Lin Xiao's thoughts and Zhou Kai's thoughts coincided with each other.

They were afraid of each other, and they all wanted each other to attack Mo Xian, unintentionally giving Mo Xian enough time.

Among a bare, isolated peak, Li Lingfeng sat alone on a boulder protruding from the edge of the cliff.

An ancient and weird formation was drawn on the ground, and there was faint red light flowing in it.

And on the key nodes of the formation, there are several hearts that have been slightly dried up.

These hearts obviously belong to the other top ten geniuses. Although they have left the body and started to shrink, they are still beating.

The beating frequency of the heart is almost the same, and with every beating, an inexplicable energy flows into the formation, which is finally absorbed by Li Lingfeng.

"Mo Xian, kill the fourth Pershing and replace him."

Hearing the majestic voice in the sky, Li Lingfeng opened his eyes, his face full of anger.

After a while, he grinned and said, "Mo Xian, just wait for me. Once I successfully fuse, I will be the first to kill you."

Mo Xian naturally didn't know about these things that happened outside.

At this moment, he and Ding Rui are still practicing quietly in the tower.

After he suppressed the restless energy in his body, Ding Rui just woke up from the state of cultivation.

"You're lucky, I can't kill you like this." Ding Rui looked at Mo Xian strangely, and said.

"Hehe, there will be a chance!" Mo Xian shrugged, not seeming to care too much.

"Your strength?" Ding Rui seemed to have discovered something, and a look of surprise appeared on his face immediately.

"It's a fluke to break through, but it's very unstable." Mo Xian smiled wryly, his current breath is very vain, and his realm is a little shaky, as if walking on a single-plank bridge.

"Oh!" Ding Rui nodded, but a sense of powerlessness arose in her heart.

Originally, she thought that the distance between herself and Mo Xian had decreased, but suddenly found that it was still that big.

Although Mo Xian's strength at this time is a bit vain, but this vainness will eventually disappear.

Only then did she realize that she seemed to have set herself a goal that would never be accomplished.

Mo Xian seemed to have guessed what Kong Ling was thinking, smiled faintly, and then continued to observe the surroundings.

Fist marks, sword marks, and claw marks still exist, but it seems that there is nothing strange about it.

This time he comprehended the nameless fist, and when he used the fist again, his power increased greatly.

If there is an opponent with the same strength as him, who punches at the same time, with the same strength, but without the intention to punch, then his punch will definitely occupy an overwhelming advantage.

This is the qualitative difference.

Moreover, this benefit will always exist, as his understanding of this nameless fist will deepen, the power of the fist will become stronger and stronger.

Although Ding Rui did not make a breakthrough, the nameless sword intent she mastered was by no means inferior to the fist intent mastered by Mo Xian.

Afterwards, if there were no accidents, she would have almost no opponents in the same realm, even if she met someone one or two levels higher than herself, she would still be able to win.

If she cooperates with the formation method, she can even fight with stronger people, just like Perxing before.

Although she did not win, she had initially demonstrated the strength of that sword intent.

(End of this chapter)

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