Chapter 798

Ding Rui no longer stops Mo Xian, but her beautiful eyes are always on Mo Xian.

As long as there is anything wrong with Mo Xian, she will take action immediately.

This seemed to go against the original intention of killing Mo Xian, but she comforted herself in her heart.

The current situation is special, Mo Xian cannot die.

As everyone knows, this is not the first time she has comforted herself like this.

Perhaps at the beginning, her heart to kill Mo Xian was not so firm.

It's just that she couldn't accept the huge contrast, so she was a little angry.

Coupled with Mo Xian's agitation at the time, it created the current situation.

With the loss of blood, Mo Xian's complexion became paler and paler.

Even if the martial artist is full of energy and blood, it is difficult to bear such a loss of blood.

In the shadow not far from Mo Xian, Lin Xiao and others were looking at Mo Xian suspiciously.

In fact, they came here first, but they couldn't get the blood of the land spirit.

And just when they were at a loss, they found that Mo Xian had arrived.

Lin Xiao didn't want to bump into Mo Xian, so he ordered people to hide aside first.

He was sure that Mo Xian would not get the blood of the land spirit either.

"What is that kid doing, irrigated with blood?" One person joked.

"Perhaps, he feels that he has more blood than this square that has been soaked in blood for many years." Another person said, his words immediately caused a burst of suppressed laughter.

"No, this kid is not that simple, he must have mastered some kind of method to get the blood of the earth spirit." Lin Xiao frowned and said.

"Impossible, the earth spirit's blood has grown to such an extent that it has almost become fine, even if it destroys itself, it will not let people know." The man who spoke first said.

"It's true!" Lin Xiao nodded, and his heart immediately relaxed a lot.

But he still couldn't understand Mo Xian's behavior at this time. At this speed, the blood in his body would run dry in a short time.

Indeed, Mo Xian's consciousness was a little fuzzy at this time.

Ding Rui's pretty face turned pale, and she couldn't bear to watch anymore, she shot towards Mo Xian violently.

But at this moment, those blood demons suddenly stopped moving, and started playing around Mo Xian, as if they were not afraid of Mo Xian at all.


Mo Xian shuddered suddenly, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face immediately.

Although he was already extremely weak at this time, he still insisted on walking towards the earth spirit blood soul step by step.

"Phew, this guy is really desperate!" Ding Rui also let out a sigh of relief, maybe even she didn't know it, a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Impossible!" Seeing that the blood demon no longer resisted Mo Xian, Lin Xiao and the others were shocked.

They were still laughing at Mo Xian just now, but now they were immediately slapped in the face by reality.

Moreover, they were the ones who talked and acted by themselves, and slapped themselves in the face.

It is true that they have no way to obtain the blood of the earth spirit, but Mo Xian has a way.

This strong contrast seems to tell them how shallow they are.

Lin Xiao's face was bluish and uncertain, he suddenly raised his head, stared at Mo Xian, and rushed out involuntarily, making a series of breaking wind sounds.

He was the first to discover the earth spirit blood, so he naturally didn't allow Mo Xian to take it away under his nose.

Hearing the sudden voice, Mo Xian's expression changed, but he still grabbed the Earth Spirit Blood Soul in his hand and pulled it out without hesitation.

Then those few blood demons immediately turned into a puddle of blood, and all of them were submerged in the blood of the earth spirit.

"Hehe, I would like to thank you for helping me take off this earth spirit blood." Lin Xiao looked at Mo Xian lightly, and smiled.

There was a look of coveting on his face, obviously he was also determined to win the blood of this land spirit.

In fact, he also has the same problem as Mo Xian, and he has been looking for the soul of the earth for a long time.

This time he finally found out, but the blood of the earth spirit had grown to the point where he could condense the blood demon, and he couldn't get it.

It's as if a cooked duck has been placed in front of him, but he still can't get it to his mouth.

And Mo Xian's arrival was just like handing the duck to his mouth for him to bite.

Although he still had some grudges about Mo Xian knowing how to obtain the blood of the earth spirit, but this grudge disappeared in the joy of getting the blood of the earth spirit soon.

"It seems that you have been watching from the sidelines." Mo Xian raised the blood of the earth spirit in his hand, with a trace of mockery on his face.

"Haha, that's right, I discovered this earth spirit and blood first, and now it's only natural for you to return it to its original owner." Lin Xiao laughed wildly. When he was speaking, his followers also came out from the shadows. He stared at Mo Xian eagerly.

Mo Xian glanced slowly over those people, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Lin Xiao is unfathomable, this is absolute, and the people around him are all masters. If they really do it, he and Ding Rui may be in trouble.

However, in order to get the blood of the earth spirit, he spent almost half of the blood, and it was impossible for him to hand it over.

"Hehe, it's really a joke. Tiancaidibao is something that has no owner. Those who are destined know that since you can't get it, it means that you have no destiny." After pondering for a while, Mo Xian sneered.

"So, you don't want to hand it over?" Lin Xiao looked at Mo Xian indifferently, and his expression suddenly turned three points cold.

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with the boy, he killed Pershing, no matter what, we can't let him go." A person beside Lin Xiao looked at Mo Xian viciously, and said.

This person is called Xu Yang, ranked sixth, and he is very familiar with Perxing. The two have gone through life and death together many times, so they are naturally eager for revenge.

"The reason for killing Pershing, you should know better than me, right?" Mo Xian sneered.

"Hmph, no matter what, today is your day of death." Xu Yang shouted violently, ready to do it.

Although he was ranked behind Pershing, the two were actually very close in strength, and not long ago he had broken through, reaching the realm of a five-star martial king.

In his opinion, Mo Xian must have used some despicable method, otherwise it would be impossible to defeat Pershing.

"Shut up!" Lin Xiao stopped Xu Yang, and immediately said to Mo Xian: "Mo Xian, as long as you hand over the earth spirit and blood to me, I don't have to pursue the previous things, and I can also help you deal with Zhou Kai. .”

The blood of the land spirit is extremely important to him, so I'm afraid that Mo Xian will destroy it in a hurry.

As for his promise, it was just a casual talk.

Mo Xian had already reached his bottom line, and it was impossible for him to let Mo Xian go.

"That's right, thank you in advance." Mo Xian said indifferently, but the curve of the corner of his mouth became bigger.

Not to mention how much of his painstaking efforts are contained in this earth spirit blood, even if he didn't get it by bloodletting, it is impossible to hand it over to others just by Lin Xiao's words.

Ding Rui had already grasped the Fire Spirit Sword tightly. She knew very well that with Mo Xian's personality, she would definitely not compromise.

"Great!" Lin Xiao was overjoyed immediately, thinking that Mo Xian had compromised.

But what he didn't expect was that Mo Xian directly crushed the blood of the land spirit.


A strange wave immediately spread, accompanied by a bloody smell so thick that it almost choked the nose.

(End of this chapter)

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