Martial arts become gods

Chapter 808 No one is not afraid of death, but I am not afraid of poison

Chapter 808 No one is not afraid of death, but I am not afraid of poison
"Weird!" Mo Xian frowned, but also gradually slowed down, and finally stopped.

It seemed that there was some mysterious force preventing them from approaching the palace, no matter how fast they were, it would be in vain.

"What should I do?" Ding Rui asked, she seemed to be used to asking Mo Xian.

"I don't know!" Mo Xian smiled wryly and shook his head, but he felt that since he couldn't go, he didn't have to force it.

"Since you are so confused, how about sitting down and having a drink together!"

At this time, a faint voice came into Mo Xian's ears.

His complexion changed, and there was another person in his sight, as if he appeared suddenly, but also as if he had been there all the time.

This person was wearing a gorgeous robe, with hair loose behind him, his face was like a crown of jade, and his whole body carried a very detached aura.

He knelt on the ground in a very ancient way, and in front of him was a gorgeous altar, on which was a jug of warm wine and two almost transparent cups.

This person is none other than Long Xing.

However, he changed into a new set of clothes today, and the tired look on his face was gone. He was so different from before that Mo Xian almost didn't recognize him.

With the appearance of Long Xing, everything around him seemed to be isolated, and the outside voices had completely disappeared.

Mo Xian frowned, and then slowly walked towards Long Xing.

"Don't go!" Ding Rui held Mo Xian back, she instinctively felt that Long Xing was dangerous.

"It's okay, if he wants to deal with us, he would have had a chance to do it!" Mo Xian smiled, continued to walk towards Long Xing, and then sat casually in front of the altar table, "Who the hell are you?"

"No hurry, let's have a drink together first!" Long Xing said lightly, while speaking, he had already picked up the jug, and then slowly poured the wine into the glass in front of Mo Xian.

The taste of the wine is very fragrant, and it is very thick. After entering the glass, it piles up first, and then spreads around.

Although Mo Xian didn't drink often, he could tell the extraordinary quality of this wine.

Soon, the air was filled with a strong aroma of wine, which made Ding Rui's face blush, which was really pleasant.

Mo Xian can be sure that Long Xing didn't drink such good wine before.

But this time, it seemed that he knew that he was going to sit down, so he specially prepared this kind of wine.

Soon, Long Xing filled up both of their wine glasses.

Then he raised his wine glass and raised it to Mo Xian with a very elegant gesture, "Please!"

His behavior is very special and very complicated, but it doesn't look cumbersome, there is nothing to criticize, and it is full of an indescribable temperament, unlike ordinary people.

"Please!" Mo Xian casually raised his glass and drank it without any hesitation.

Long Xing was a little startled by Mo Xian's straightforwardness, a subtle change appeared on his face, but it disappeared quickly.

But Mo Xian still caught it, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised slightly.

If Long Xing didn't have any reaction, Mo Xian would feel a lot of pressure on the contrary, and his reaction just showed that this Long Xing was just a mortal.

"Tell me, who are you?" Mo Xian put down his wine glass, stared at Long Xing, and said.

"Hehe, there is poison in this wine, very poisonous." Long Xing said lightly.

"So what, I just want to know who you are!" Mo Xian said indifferently.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"No one is not afraid of death, but I am not afraid of poison, and there is no poison in your wine."

"I was discovered by you." Long Xing smiled self-deprecatingly, but there was a gloomy look in the depths of his eyes.He began to hate the boy opposite him a little, playing cards completely out of common sense.

"I don't have time to chat with you. It's fine if you don't say it. Thank you for the wine." Mo Xian said, and was about to get up.

"Wait..." Long Xing frowned, he understood that he had failed, completely.

He deliberately appeared in front of Mo Xian many times, just to create a sense of mystery and unfathomable.

However, Mo Xian didn't buy him at all.

"Stop talking nonsense, I just want to know who you are!" Mo Xian sat down again and said.

"Have you heard of the captivity law?" Long Xing asked back.

"Captive?" Mo Xian frowned, as if something had been touched in his heart.

Isn't their current situation like being kept in captivity?

"It is said that someone would put a group of young wolves in a cage, not give them food or drink, and let them kill each other. In the end, there would be one left, which would be the wolf king." Long Xing said, with an obsessed look on his face, This approach seems to be admired.

"You mean, we are captive wolves?" Mo Xian frowned.

"No, no, it's you, I'm a wolf, the wolf king. And you are all sheep raised by me. You used to be just a weak lamb, but you managed to attract my attention." Long Xing waved Waving, said.

"Joke, can you go out?" Mo Xian sneered.

This question seemed to have touched Long Xing's sore spot. A stern look appeared on his face, but he soon returned to normal: "Soon, I will be able to go out, thanks to you sheep."

"If my guess is right, you should be a poor bastard who was sealed here." Mo Xian said, the mocking curve of the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious, "Let me guess how long you have been sealed, 100 years, 1000 years, or longer? By the way, is your arm still intact?"

"Shut up, I'm the master here. If I want, I can easily crush you to death. My hand is only temporarily sent to you, and I can get it back at any time." Long Xing's expression turned ferocious instantly. stand up.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid you can't. You are just a poor bastard who has been sealed. Even if you are a wolf king, after being sealed for so many years, your teeth are loose and your bones are soft. A sheep can easily kill you." Mo Xian shrugged, saying indifferently.

Originally, he was just guessing randomly, but Long Xing's reaction confirmed his guess.

And everything before it was obviously caused by Long Xing.

Hearing this, a gloomy look appeared on Long Xing's face, and the noble and mysterious atmosphere created before was completely swept away.

But soon, he laughed wildly: "Haha... Mo Xian, do you know why I came to you instead of Lin Xiao or Zhou Kai? Any of them are stronger than you, but they are all too ordinary Only you, you are the most special."

"Thank you for your appreciation!" Mo Xian said indifferently, but he felt a little disapproving in his heart, as he was just an ordinary person.

It is only because of some persistence in my heart that I will be firm.

"Haha, you really make me angry. This is a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. Come on, let's have another drink to celebrate this feeling." Long Xing filled the cup again, and then drank it all in one gulp.

Perhaps it was because the wine had too much stamina, a blush appeared on his face, and he said, "I'm so happy, I actually drank an extra glass. There is only this pot of wine left. Just like a human being, every day Each one is unique, and when it dies, there is nothing left.”

"What do you mean?" Mo Xian asked, frowning.

"I'll show you something, you should be very interested!" Long Xing said mysteriously, and at the same time, with a swipe of his palm, two pictures appeared in the sky.

Seeing these two pictures, Mo Xian's pupils shrank immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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