Martial arts become gods

Chapter 874 Mistakes

Chapter 874 Mistakes
"Then you really feel it? Why haven't you heard it before?" Fang Xin said in disbelief. After all, this thing is too mysterious.

"In the past, we were afraid of being considered monsters, and we were afraid that someone would arrest us for research. Safety comes first. But in this situation, we can't talk nonsense. Moreover, we finally have a chance to perform." The twin brothers said.

"Tsk tsk, there are so many wonders in the world, so why don't you come and show us?" Fang Xin and the others booed in disbelief.

Facing everyone's doubts, the twin brothers' complexions immediately turned red, and they said at the same time: "Show me your hands, I'll scare you to tears!"

With that said, the chunky black walked to the corner farthest from the crowd alone, leaving the tall and thin white still surrounded by the crowd.

With such a distance, if the two of them do something tricky in private, it is impossible to escape the sight of everyone.

Mo Xian did not stop Fang Xin and others from fooling around, and the practice of completing the scene is the only criterion for testing the truth.

This matter is very important, and the formation itself is a very dangerous thing.

If one is not very good, it will kill people.

"How do you want to try?" Gao Shoubai said lightly, looking confident.

"Look at what the word is, but you are not allowed to say it, and you can't move it." Fang Xin took out tattered cloth bags with the word "rice" written crookedly on them.

"It's that simple!" Gao Shoubai muttered, looking dissatisfied.

He casually glanced at the cloth bag, then nodded understandingly.

Fang Xin hurriedly hid the rag bag carefully, then walked to Chung Hei's side, and said, "Just now, what did I show your elder brother?"

He didn't ask what the word was, obviously deliberately misleading Chubby Hei.

"It's too simple. It's a rag bag with a hole in the upper left corner and a hole in the upper right corner. There is also a hole in the middle with the word rice written on it. It is still stained with some unknown liquid, but it has dried. Need me to say What kind of liquid came out?" Chunky Hei spoke very smoothly, without even the slightest hesitation, as if he saw it with his own eyes.

"Hey, no need." Fang Xin laughed dryly and waved his hands quickly.

After listening, everyone was dumbfounded. Chunky Hei's description was verbatim.

But if it was just one time, obviously everyone still couldn't fully believe it, so they tried a few more times, and the methods were all unimaginable.

The final conclusion is that there is indeed some kind of magical induction between the short and fat black and the tall and thin white.

As long as they wanted to, they could even perform the exact same action at a certain distance, without any prior consultation.

And this is obviously what Mo Xian and the others need now.

After reaching this conclusion, Mo Xian inevitably felt a little weird.

At the beginning, he only planned to let Fang Xin and others make up the number of people, so he temporarily formed such a rather strange team.

Unexpectedly, this wonderful team finally played an unparalleled role.

Moreover, there is actually that kind of one in ten million existence.

If these people were replaced by a few strong men, the effect might not be greater than them.

Now that the most difficult problem has been solved, Ding Rui started to prepare to break the formation.

The method is actually not complicated. You only need to use a special technique at the eyes of the Yin Demon Palace and Yang Demon Palace to break the formation.

It's just that in the process, the two people need to be completely synchronized, and there must be no deviation in the slightest, otherwise the formation may backfire.

After trying it out, Chunky, Fat and Skinny came to the Yin Demon Palace with a group of people, including Mo Xian.

Ding Xiang, Ding Rui, Gao Shoubai and others stayed in the Yang Demon Palace as the leading party.

"How's the distance?" Mo Xian asked in the Yin Demon Palace.

"It should be no problem!" After a pause for a while, Chunky Hei nodded, but some sweat broke out on his forehead, obviously a little nervous.

Although Ding Rui had told them the steps in detail before, but at this moment, he was still a little worried.

After all, the next step is life in one step and death in one step.

"Just do what you said before." Mo Xian smiled.

"Hmm!" Chunky Hei took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

On the other side, Gao Shoubai was also a little nervous, but he had Ding Rui's personal guidance on his side, which was much better than that of Yinmo Palace.

"Are you ready?" Ding Rui said quite seriously.

"Yeah!" Gao Shoubai shook his head and nodded immediately.

"Start!" Ding Ruijiao yelled, and then her feet began to take a strange step, and her hands slowly formed seals.

She has demonstrated these steps several times before. Although it is not very complicated, it is very cumbersome, and it is easy to make mistakes if one is not done well.

Ding Rui deliberately slowed down, trying to be absolutely clear with every step and handprint.

Do not seek speed, but seek stability.

Gao Shoubai worked meticulously, and the energy in his body began to circulate in a wonderful way, with runes flashing faintly.

In the Yin Demon Palace, Chunky Hei was doing the same set of movements.

If someone can see two people at the same time, they can find that their movements are exactly the same, without the slightest deviation.

Since neither side knew each other's situation, everyone was sweating for fear that something might go wrong during the process.

Fortunately, no accident happened, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Therefore, everyone began to lament the magic of the twin brothers.

After about a quarter of an hour, the formations on both sides changed.

Countless runes emerged, and a cube completely condensed with runes appeared in the center of the formation eye, slowly rotating.

According to Ding Rui, as long as the cube is destroyed, the formations of the Yin Demon Palace and the Yang Demon Palace can be unlocked.

And right now is the most critical moment, short fat black and tall thin white need to condense a rune with Yuan force at the same time, and drive it into the cube.

Everything that has been done before can be said to be preparations for this rune.

After all, the short and fat black and the tall and thin white are rushing to the shelves, and they are not familiar with the match method.

Although there are no mistakes in the previous actions, it is still hard to say whether this rune can be condensed.

The two of them also became visibly tense, and their foreheads were covered with sweat.


Following the actions of the two, the surrounding energy immediately became disordered.

Between the hands of the two seals, a faint rune slowly emerged, as if it was about to succeed.

Everyone's hearts were raised for a moment, as long as the rune is completely solidified, then basically it will be considered a success.

But at this moment, the short and fat black and the tall and thin white trembled at the same time, and the rune that was about to appear disappeared in an instant.

After all, they didn't understand formations, and at the last moment, something went wrong.

However, their actions were still the same, and it seemed that the formation had not been triggered, so they were not backlashed.

However, the cube made of runes began to disappear quickly, and once it disappeared completely, it would take a long time for the formation to be activated again.

"Continue!" Ding Rui yelled in the Yangmo Palace, quickly formed seals with both hands, and then shot a beam of Yuanli light and landed on the cube.

(End of this chapter)

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