Martial arts become gods

Chapter 883 Resurrection

Chapter 883 Resurrection
"Haha, you guys want to kill me, it's just a dream!" Li Lingfeng laughed wildly, smashing the ancient stone sword continuously, and he was also shocked to the point of blood.

But in his crazy state, he didn't care about the consequences at all.

Moreover, the more he fought, the heavier the violent aura on his body became, and the strength actually became stronger, which seemed very unusual.

On the surface, he was still strong, but everything in his body was rapidly depleting, but he didn't notice it.

I'm afraid this was arranged by Long Xing at all, Li Lingfeng is just a dead man arranged by him.

Once encountering that uncontrollable situation, they will be sacrificed immediately, and they may not be able to stop until they die in battle.

However, Li Lingfeng obviously didn't realize this, and was complacent about gaining power, and it could even be said that he regarded Long Xing as his reborn parent.

Mo Xian seemed to have noticed a clue, and while sneering in his heart, he immediately attacked.

Although he can no longer use the Nine Stars Suppressing Demon Fist, the attack mixed with Mo Linghuo and fist intent is still quite fierce.

At this moment, Li Lingfeng had already been held back, so it was naturally an excellent opportunity to attack.

Everyone shot almost at the same time.


The sky trembled violently, and all the attacks were connected together, extremely gorgeous, but also extremely terrifying.

But Li Lingfeng didn't care about it at all, and let those attacks hit him, but he seemed even more excited, like a lunatic.

Pieces of armor fragments were shaken off, revealing a little blood red.

"I am immortal!"

Li Lingfeng is still dreaming of his big dream of spring and autumn, but he doesn't know that he is just a pawn sacrificed by Long Xing.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, but Li Lingfeng's body couldn't hold it up, and was thrown down from the sky by the stone sword, and he was firmly pressed to the ground.

The armor on his chest was even more broken, but it still withstood the blow.

Blood kept spilling from the corner of his mouth, but he was not surprised but pleased, because he sensed a more powerful force that was growing in his body.


After a sudden roar, the huge stone sword was slowly lifted up by him.

At this time, the condemned knight fell from the sky, holding the gun in both hands, and stabbed him hard in the chest.

This time, it actually penetrated and almost pinned Li Lingfeng to the ground.

Li Lingfeng had already shed more blood than a normal person could have, but there was still blood gushing out at this moment.

Due to this sudden change, the stone sword hit his body again, causing debris to fly.

A large amount of blood began to flow from Li Lingfeng's body, instantly staining the ground beneath him red.

As if returning to the light, Li Lingfeng seemed to have regained his sanity. After feeling the pain everywhere in his body, an expression of extreme panic appeared on his face immediately.

The armor on his body began to disappear slowly, and finally turned into a black smoke, which quickly disappeared.

"No!" Li Lingfeng reached out his hand desperately, trying to grab something, but it was all in vain.

The stone sword disappeared, the condemned knight drew out his lance, and everyone stopped attacking.

Right now Li Lingfeng is exhausted, and there is no possibility of recovery.

"Mo... Mo Xian, save me, I don't want to die yet!" Li Lingfeng stretched out his hand to Mo Xian, begging.

The scene at the Temple of Sealing Demons was repeated in Tianluo City.

Mo Xian's expression was indifferent, he clenched his palm suddenly, and a black flame swept out immediately.

Although he can be sure that Li Lingfeng is dead, but he can't guarantee that there is any way for Long Xing to revive him, so it's better to erase it completely.

Furthermore, Li Lingfeng killed and wounded so many of them, it would be too cheap for him not to burn their bones and ashes.

Li Lingfeng's figure trembled immediately, and then his figure was burned to ashes almost instantly.

It wasn't until the last grain of dust drifted away with the wind that everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately collapsed to the ground as if they had lost all their strength.

This battle was really too difficult, and almost everyone exhausted their strength.

The smell of blood in the air was still very strong, and there were countless blood-stained warriors lying on the ground, which was a tragic scene.

Among the people who were hit by Li Lingfeng before, some slowly woke up, while some never woke up.

Fang Xin raised his head with difficulty, his eyes slowly passed over everyone, his face was full of sadness.

This time, they have completely changed their minds, and those who survive will surely go further.

And as for those who died, they may have been happy at the last moment.

After all, they have crossed a hurdle in the human voice, and at the last moment, they have shown a brilliance that has never been seen before.

"Did we win?" Fang Xin gritted his teeth.

"Win!" The bird-catcher who was also scarred next to him took the words, his face also full of sadness.

"That's good!" Fang Xin nodded, and collapsed in relief, staring blankly at the sky.

The same goes for the others, all staring blankly at the sky, as if they saw illusory figures recruiting them, with smiles on their faces.

Among them are fishing masters, short and fat black, tall and thin white...

These phantoms became farther and farther away, and finally returned to nothingness.

After recovering a little bit of physical strength, Mo Xian immediately got up from the ground, now is not the time for him to relax.

The biggest enemy, Long Xing, is still there.

He raised his head, his dark eyes fell on the black altar in the sky through his slightly long bangs.

Although Long Xing could not be seen from his angle, his gaze was still as sharp as a sharp sword.

In the next moment, his figure suddenly rose from the ground.

However, when his figure was about to approach the altar, a burst of brilliant light suddenly spread from it, pushing his figure away.

"Haha, Mo Xian, you want to stop me, it's impossible!"

Long Xing's wild laughter came from the altar, and his aura was increasing at an unimaginable speed.

The already dehydrated torso of Long Xing in the center of the altar unexpectedly became extremely fresh, as if it had just been chopped off.

At the cut, there was still blood dripping down.

With one move of his palm, those torsos automatically flew to his non-existent body, and they were spliced ​​together in an instant.

The dismembered body quickly returned to its true colors, and at the same time it completely turned into a real Dragon Star with an entity.

"Haha, after 1 years, I, Long Xing, finally...resurrected!" Long Xing muttered to himself, his face full of excitement.

Undressed, he enjoys the feeling of being blown by the breeze, every inch of skin on his body seems to be cheering, faintly exuding a sharp luster.

This body is very well-proportioned, and the skin is delicate and fair, without any blemishes, just like the finest suet jade.

The muscle lines are very clear, like a knife carving, but it doesn't give people an exaggerated feeling.

Every inch of the body, every thread is in full compliance with the golden ratio.

I'm afraid that even the most picky person can't find anything to criticize.

Coupled with Shanglong Xing's incomparably handsome face and flying long hair, he can definitely kill men, women and children.

(End of this chapter)

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