Martial arts become gods

Chapter 956 Doing Business

Chapter 956 Doing Business

"Boy, I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself!" After regaining his senses, the vicious man looked at Mo Xian with a half-smile and said.

"Yes, I specially delivered it to my door." Mo Xian said.


Mo Xian's frankness really made the vicious man and others a little confused. You look at me and I look at you, looking very confused.

"What do you mean?" A moment later, the vicious man asked suspiciously. While speaking, he couldn't help shivering. What happened in front of him was really too weird.

"Why, didn't you just want to look for me, and now you're scared again?" Mo Xian smiled.

"Boy, what is your purpose?" The vicious man gritted his teeth.

"It's very simple, you have found me now, tell Huanglong, then you can get [-] points." Mo Xian said.

"What good does this do for you?" The vicious man was even more puzzled. Isn't this the same as betraying himself?
"Of course there are benefits. You only need to give me [-] points, and then you can get [-] points from Huanglong. This is a big profit." Mo Xian said.

"Hmph, that's a good idea. Even if we don't give you points, you can still go to Huanglong." The vicious man realized that Mo Xian came to do business with him.

"You can think clearly, if we don't cooperate, you will only have one chance, but if we cooperate, each of the seven of you will get one chance!" Mo Xian laughed.

"What do you mean?" The vicious man obviously didn't understand.

"If you cooperate with me, then I will be active in this place..." Mo Xian slowly told the fierce man about his plan.

After listening, the vicious men were overjoyed, this time they made a fortune.

Mo Xian's plan is very simple, as long as the two parties cooperate.

He will appear in the seven agreed places one by one. At that time, the seven vicious men will lead Huanglong to find a change one by one.

"Okay, let's cooperate!" After discussing for a while, the vicious man and the others agreed. After all, this is a sure-fire deal.

"However, you have to give me [-] points first." Mo Xian said.

"Hmph, what if you run away?" the fierce man said.

"It's fine for you to shoot a few people to look at me every time. Anyway, with my strength, I will definitely not be your opponent!" Mo Xian said deliberately pretending to be very weak.

Hearing this, the group discussed again.

"Boss, I think it's okay. This kid is definitely not strong, otherwise he won't be willing to be teased by Huang Long."

The skinny man said, after thinking for a moment, he continued: "Boss, you are now a five-star martial king, as long as you are always watching by his side, you will be safe. When it is your turn, the six of us will watch together Watching him, that kid would not dare to act recklessly, and even if he ran away in the end, we would still make a lot of money." The skinny man said.

"Okay, let's do it like this. Come on, let's add up the points, it should be enough!" The vicious man nodded, and it was a final decision.

"Have you discussed it, or I will find someone else!" Mo Xian said impatiently, but he was amused in his heart.

"Okay, okay!" The vicious man left with a smile on his face and walked towards Mo Xian, and then gave Mo Xian [-] points.

The friendly attitude is almost like treating your own parents.

However, Mo Xian is now in their hearts, as if they are their parents.

It can be seen from the fact that they have to collect [-] points.

After that, Mo Xian led a group of people to find seven places at random.

There is no connection between these seven positions, and the distance is not far away, so Huang Long will not be suspicious.

Afterwards, one of the seven vicious men hurriedly went to look for Huang Long, and the rest were scattered around Mo Xian. No matter where Mo Xian slipped away, their people would stop him .

On the other side, while Huang Long was collecting points, he was asking for news about Mo Xian everywhere.

His words have been released, but after so long, there is no response at all.

"Damn it, did that kid get into the ground!" Although Huang Long had gained a lot of points, he was still very unhappy.

"Young Master Huang, this kid said he found that kid." At this moment, a member of the Huang family came to Huang Long with a skinny man.

Huang Long has always been a big fan, so it is very easy for the skinny man to find him.

"Really?" Huang Long cast a glance at the skinny man and asked.

"No mistake, I saw that kid with my own eyes." The skinny man said with a flattering smile.

"Lead the way!" Huang Long said with a happy face.

"This..." The skinny man rubbed his hands together, but he didn't move.

"Give him [-] points, our Huang family has always said that nothing is wrong, but if you lie to me..." Huang Long said, with a stern look on his face.

"Don't dare, dare not..." After getting [-] points contentedly, feeling the man's joy, he immediately led the way ahead.

In the dense forest, Mo Xian casually sat cross-legged on a boulder.

Around him, six cautiously watched the surroundings, and at the same time monitored Mo Xian.

"someone is coming!"

At this time, someone yelled softly.

"Hide it immediately!" The vicious man's face froze, and then he said to Mo Xian, "Don't use any tricks!"

"Don't worry, I've always been fair in my business, no one can deceive you!" Mo Xian said flatly, of course he wouldn't leave.

He also hoped to use this trick to cheat Huanglong's points more, and it would be better to ruin him, which is much safer than directly robbing him.

What's more, why not play tricks on the self-righteous Huanglong?

Therefore, if his reputation is ruined, his plan will not go ahead.

After a while, Mo Xian heard dense footsteps and faint human voices.

"Young Master Huang, that kid is ahead."

"Hmph, this time, let me see who else can help you!"

"Huanglong, I didn't expect you to find me!" Mo Xian immediately stood up from the ground after vaguely seeing Huanglong's figure, and shouted at the same time.

"Haha, if you offend me, even if you hide in the remotest corners of the world, I will find you out!" Seeing that it was indeed Mo Xian, Young Master Huang immediately burst out laughing.

"Young Master Huang, has nothing happened here?" The skinny man said nervously, if Huang Long wanted to get his points back, then his work would be in vain.

But he was obviously overthinking, it's only five hundred points, obviously it's not worth Huanglong's back-and-forth.

"Go away!" Huang Long waved his hands casually, and rushed towards Mo Xian at the same time.

The skinny man took the opportunity and quickly slipped away to join the others.

After learning that he had successfully obtained [-] points, everyone's faces showed a hint of joy.

"Huanglong, I can't beat you, so I won't accompany you for the time being!" Mo Xian shouted lightly, and then quickly shuttled to the depths of the dense forest, and soon disappeared.

"This kid, he runs so fast!" Huang Long's face darkened, and he looked around, but there was no sign of Mo Xian at all.

After Mo Xian had a round with Helena in another place, he immediately ran towards the second agreed place.

(End of this chapter)

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