Martial arts become gods

Chapter 969 Phase 1

Chapter 969 Phase One
Intermediate secret realms are much larger than primary secret realms, and the environment in them is more complicated.

Mo Xian and Helena shuttled through it, and encountered a lot of troubles along the way, basically they were stone monsters of various forms.

Among them, some are open or hidden arrows from other teams.

The warriors who can enter here are all strong, and Mo Xian once again realized the strength of the young generation of Wujihai.

But along the way, there was no danger, but the points have been rising all the way.


After Mo Xian smashed a rock giant into pieces with one punch, he looked around in a daze.

The surrounding world is vast and endless, and there is no clue in the middle-level secret realm.

After entering here, they have almost walked around three times.

Stone monsters seem to be the mainstay here, and can be found at will.

But these stone monsters don't have many points, and it doesn't make any sense to go to this stage of the competition, otherwise it would be good to brush it up.

"What kind of secret realm is this? Why is there no beginning and no end!" Mo Xian couldn't help but let out a long sigh. He didn't know about the others, but at least he couldn't figure out why.

Those stone monsters should be able to appear continuously, and I am afraid that if they continue to fight for three days and three nights, they will not end.

"I think it's not bad, so many interesting stones!" Helena said happily.

"What's so interesting about these stones?" Mo Xian shook his head helplessly. Anyway, he only saw the coldness and hardness.

"Intermediate secret realm, rocky tomb, enter the first stage!"

At this time, a voice without any emotion suddenly sounded in the sky.

"The first stage?"

Mo Xian was taken aback, this could be regarded as a reminder, but it contained too little information.

Even Mo Xian didn't know what the meaning of the first stage was. If it was just the first stage now, wouldn't they have done nothing before?
And just when Mo Xian couldn't figure it out, the cold and ruthless human voice sounded again in the sky.

"Intermediate secret realm, rocky secret realm, the rewards of the first stage have been completed, and we are ready to enter the second stage."

"What's the situation?" Mo Xian glanced blankly at the sky, hoping that the voice would answer his question, but of course it didn't.

He guessed that someone should have triggered some conditions, so he activated the first stage, and then took away the rewards of the first stage in an extreme time!
As for the conditions for departure, only God knows.

At the same time, some changes obviously occurred in the surroundings, and those ordinary stones gradually turned fiery red.


From the sky, fireballs also descended one after another, hitting all parts of the land.

"Bang bang..."

The sound of Shen's collision was endless, and the ground seemed to shake slightly.

At first, Mo Xian was a little confused about what those falling things were, but he quickly got the answer.


With a loud noise, a huge fireball hit a place only tens of meters away from Mo Xian.

The extremely strong impact almost knocked him off the ground, and his ears buzzed.

After the fireball landed, it directly smashed a huge hole in the ground, the edges were scorched black, and crystals even appeared.

Mo Xian stared at the fireball with narrowed eyes, instinctively sensing a hint of danger.

The fireball changed quickly, and turned into a huge stone beast in an instant, with a fiery red body and a shape similar to a pangolin.


The stone beast let out a roar, and then the surrounding ground shook violently, as if some huge monster was running wildly on the ground.

Not long after, a dozen huge fiery red figures appeared around Mo Xian.

Those were huge stone figures, which seemed to be the same as before, but turned into fiery red, and their strength was obviously much stronger than before.


After the stone men roared, their huge fists hit Mo Xian and Helena almost at the same time.


The fist of the stone man shrouded down like a rockery, covering the sky and the sun in an instant, and even the air had no time to escape before it was completely smashed away.

"Go!" Mo Xian's face darkened, and after a light drink, his figure flashed out immediately.

Helena's reaction this time was rather dissatisfied, Linglong's figure passed through those fist shadows.


The fist fell to the ground in an instant, and it was so powerful that it directly smashed the place where Mo Xian and Helena were standing just now.

At this time, the figures of Mo Xian and Helena were in the air.

A halo suddenly flashed in the dark eyes of the stone beast.

Then above the sky, countless rather sharp stone pillars suddenly appeared.

These stone pillars are not big, about a foot long, the thickness of a thumb, with a very sharp tip, faintly shining with a sharp and cold light.


All the stone pillars were vibrating violently, as if gathering strength.

Then in the next second, it was completely lased out.


Amid the dense sound of breaking wind, those sharp stone pillars enveloped Mo Xian and Helena like a torrential rain, with almost no gap between them.

This stone beast does not seem to have a clear level, but its attack is extremely powerful.

Almost every one of those stone pillars had the power that the Seven Star Martial King had to avoid.

Mo Xian's face froze, and before he could move, Helena made the first move.

As usual, she took out her weird scorpion pincers and swiped in the air.

"Bang bang..."

The scorpion pincers were huge, and they immediately hit the stone pillar, causing shock waves to spread away.

Helena's figure was also slightly shaken by the bombardment, but she was even more excited, and her scorpion pincers swung faster.

Countless stone pillars were blasted away, but new stone pillars appeared soon, seemingly endlessly.

The stone beast kept watching Mo Xian and the two without moving at all, appearing quite calm.

Mo Xian was a little annoyed by the sight of the stone beast, and immediately rushed out against the stone pillars.

"Bang bang..."

The faint halo that enveloped Mo Xian couldn't help shaking. Although it wouldn't break, it took a lot of energy.

But Mo Xian had just broken through those stone pillars when suddenly several giant claws came over.

Although those stone men were huge in size, their speed was not slow, bringing out fist shadows all over the sky.

Mo Xian had no choice but to give up attacking the stone beast, retreated temporarily, and immediately fell into the siege of those stone pillars again.

These stones cooperate very well, and it seems difficult to defeat them.

Therefore, Mo Xian didn't want to waste any more time, and immediately felt a hint of retreat in his heart.

As if he knew what was going on in his heart, Mo Xian felt that the air suddenly became thicker, and his body became much heavier in an instant, and he was slowly pushed down to the ground.

The same is true for Helena. After landing, she looked a little confused and looked around.

Looking at the stone beast again, the pupils of its eyes seemed to become deeper.

And just as soon as he landed, Mo Xian felt a faint wave hit his feet.

He immediately dodged to the side, and there was a huge sharp stone pillar protruding from the place where he was standing just now.

(End of this chapter)

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