Martial arts become gods

Chapter 98 Give You 1 Sap

Chapter 98
Although Mo Xian couldn't hear what they were saying, he could tell from the expressions on their faces that Wang Yan and the others must be planning something wrong again.

Mo Xian huddled in a corner by himself, drinking the northwest wind, and the tip of his nose was lingering with the aroma from the restaurant.

It is said that eating meat is worse than drinking soup, and drinking soup is worse than smelling fragrance, but Mo Xian has a deep understanding now, this is pure nonsense, whoever loves smelling fragrance should smell it.

But for his next plan, he had to hear it, but Wang Yan invited Liu Wei to dinner, which could be regarded as helping him invisibly.

After waiting for about two hours, Mo Xian finally saw Wang Yan and his party staggering out.

It seems that they did not drink less today.

Soon, Liu Wei and Wang Yan separated, and Mo Xian naturally followed.

Being cheated by Liu Wei twice in a row, Mo Xian certainly wouldn't just let it go, so he planned to surprise the former.

I thought I would have to wait for several days, but I didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

"I'm smiling smugly, I'm smiling is a good day, hey..." Liu Wei hummed a strange little song, walking forward swayingly, not paying attention at all. A pair of eyes were staring at him firmly.

Not long after, Liu Wei walked into a very secluded alley with closed doors on both sides, which should be a private house.

He walked to a very simple and inconspicuous room with ease, opened the door and walked in.

After waiting for a while, seeing no movement in the room, Mo Xian climbed over the wall and approached the small courtyard.

This is a typical courtyard of an ordinary family, but only one room is lit at this time, and Liu Wei should be in this room.

After locking the room, Mo Xian tiptoed over and poked a hole in the window paper.

Through this hole, he could clearly see Liu Wei twisting his waist and swinging his hips in the room, as if he was doing some warm-up exercises.

The furnishing of the room is very simple, there is only a large and somewhat exaggerated bed, and a set of tables and benches.

Through the pink curtains around the big bed, Mo Xian could vaguely see a person lying on the bed.

"Baby, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, haven't you always been very noble, let you beg for mercy under me today!" Liu Wei walked towards the bed with a lewd smile on his face.

"Damn it, that's what he did." Mo Xian couldn't help but rolled his eyes, seeing Liu Wei's familiarity with the road, it seemed that Wang Yan usually greeted him a lot.

"I just wanted to knock you down, but now it seems that I can ruin your good deeds by the way!"

Thinking this way, Mo Xian slowly touched the door, then broke the lock behind the door with a vibration of Yuanli, and walked in quietly.

At this time, Liu Wei was only thinking about the woman on the bed, and he was too drunk and unresponsive, so he didn't even notice that Mo Xian was slowly approaching him.

"Beauty, I'm coming!" Liu Wei jumped on the bed with a lewd smile, and suddenly a loud shout came from behind, "Liu Wei!"

"Damn it, who is it!" Liu Wei didn't expect the danger at all, and turned his head subconsciously, but saw a huge hammer getting closer and closer to his head.

Then, he only felt a sharp pain on his forehead, and when his eyes went dark, he didn't know anything.

Liu Wei's strength is at least above that of a five-star martial artist. Originally, Mo Xian's strength could not help him at all, but this time he sent it to his door.

"Is the young master so easy to cheat!" Mo Xian cursed in a low voice, while hitting Liu Wei's body with both feet.

After smashing it for an unknown number of times, Mo Xian felt that the anger in his heart had dissipated.


When Mo Xian turned around and was about to leave, Su Mei's deep moan suddenly came from the bed behind him.As a young man with fresh blood, his blood surged up immediately, and he couldn't help but look back.

However, just this one glance scared his soul away.

The one lying on the bed was Shen Wei.

Since she had been facing inward before, Mo Xian couldn't see clearly, and thought it was some hooker girl.

Through the tulle, Mo Xian could see that Shen Wei's cheeks were flushed, her breathing was rapid, her mouth was still moaning indistinctly, and her body twisted and wriggled unnaturally.

"Damn it, why is it her!" Mo Xian suddenly became uneasy, if it's a hooker girl, he can ignore it, but Shen Wei is obviously not, and she seems to have been scared by someone.

"You are so courageous, even the teacher dares to move, and even dare to administer medicine!" Mo Xian couldn't help kicking Liu Wei who was like a dead pig again.

At this time, the medicine in Shen Wei's body seemed to have taken effect, she was panting continuously, and kicked off the quilt covering her body.

She kept tearing her body with both hands, and quickly tore the clothes to pieces, revealing a large area of ​​white snow.

"Gudong!" Mo Xian swallowed with difficulty, he had never seen this kind of formation, and he didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Yitiao's arm stretched out from the side of the bed and dragged Mo Xian in.

"Damn it!" Mo Xian couldn't help cursing, trying to struggle desperately.

But Shen Wei's strength was too great, he couldn't break free at all.

The two bodies were tightly pressed together in an extremely ambiguous posture. It was the first time that Mo Xian felt a woman's body at such a close distance, and his whole body suddenly became hot as if on fire.

Shen Wei's whole body was hot, and her two hands kept groping on Mo Xian's body, like two spirit snakes.

For a moment, Mo Xian felt that his body was about to explode, and he bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, which woke him up a bit.

"This is my teacher, and he has been drugged. I can't take advantage of others, or I will be worse than a beast!" Mo Xian reminded himself in his heart, and then struggled from Shen Wei's arms. It came out, and ran away like a frightened rabbit.

"Phew, luckily nothing happened!" Mo Xian took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down his excitement.

At this time, the medicine effect in Shen Wei's body on the bed seemed to have reached its peak, and her whole body showed an extremely sick flush.If it continues, I'm afraid there will be some irreparable trauma.

After thinking for a while, Mo Xian took out a large wooden barrel from the storage ring. Fortunately, he might need the wooden barrel at any time, so he was ready at any time, otherwise he didn't know where to find it now.

He tied Liu Wei up firmly, then filled the big wooden bucket with water from the well in the yard, and then walked carefully to the bed.

At this time, Shen Wei was a little delirious, and she kept talking in her sleep, as if she sensed that someone was coming, her two arms wrapped around Mo Xian like water snakes.

Mo Xian didn't dare to lower his head at all, and quickly hugged Shen Wei, letting the latter's hands keep groping around him, and quickly rushed to the bucket to put Shen Wei into the cold well water.

The whole process was done in one go, Mo Xian didn't dare to bow his head, and didn't dare to think wildly, otherwise things might get out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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