wine country

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The boy sat cross-legged on a large gold-plated plate, golden all over, dripping with fragrant oil, with a silly smile on his face, and a naive look.His body is decorated with green vegetable leaves and bright red radish flowers.The scout looked at the boy in despair, swallowing the liquid in his stomach that rolled up.The boy looked back at him with watery eyes, hot air was blowing from his nostrils, and his lips moved as if he was about to speak.His smile and naivety made the scout think about it, and he felt that the boy looked very familiar, as if he had met him not long ago.His crisp laugh rang around the Scout's ears.The smell of fresh strawberries gushed out of his tiny mouth.Dad told me stories.Don't pester Dad.At that time, the tender wife was holding the pink baby and smiling.In a blink of an eye the wife's smile turned into a ghastly ambiguity, and she twitched her cheeks, pretending to be very deep.asshole!He slapped the table and stood up angrily.

Diamond smiled meaningfully.The mine manager and party secretary smiled furtively.The scout thought he was dreaming, opened his eyes wide and watched carefully, the boy was still sitting cross-legged in the pan.

diamond said:

"Comrade Ding Gouer, please!"

Party secretary and mine manager said:

"This is the most famous dish in our city, called 'Kirin Songzi'. We used it to entertain foreign guests, and left a deep impression on them that will last a lifetime, and won high praise from them. We used it to exchange a large number of dishes for the country. Valuable foreign exchange. Use it to entertain the most distinguished guests. You are our most distinguished guests."

"Please! Comrade Lao Ding, Ding Gou'er, a special scout sent by the procuratorate, please eat 'Kirin Songzi'." The party secretary and the mine manager picked up their chopsticks and urged eagerly.

The boy's aroma is powerful and irresistible.Ding Gou'er swallowed some saliva, and reached into his briefcase.His hand touched the smooth barrel and engraved handle, as well as the five-pointed star in the center of the engraving.The muzzle is round and the front sight is triangular. The temperature of the gun is lower than that of the hand, so it feels cool.Everything feels normal, everything judges normal.I am not drunk, I am the scout Ding Gou'er, and I was ordered to come to Jiuguo City to investigate the case of the leading cadre, headed by Diamond Diamond, who cooked the boy. It is a major case, a special case, a cruelty rarely seen in the world, and an unprecedented corruption.I'm not drunk, I'm not delusional, they can't escape if they want to.There is a braised baby in front of my eyes, according to their saying: a plate of "Kirin Songzi".I'm sane, just to be on the safe side, I test myself: 85 x 85 = 7225, I yell out, it's not bad at all, they killed a boy for me to eat, trying to gag me, schemer, beast, beast .Holding his pistol in hand, he yelled sharply:
"Stay still, hands up, you beasts!"

The three men sat dumbfounded, and the red ladies shrieked and huddled together like a flock of frightened chickens.Ding Gou'er held the gun in one hand, pushed away the stool under him with the other hand, took two steps back, and stood with his back against the window.He thought if they were guys with military experience they could have easily taken the gun away, but they didn't.Now, all three of them are under his gunpoint, and no one can act rashly.The briefcase slipped between his legs as he got up.He felt the heavy coolness of the pistol grip in his hand, and felt the smooth spring of the trigger with his index finger.The safety has been opened during the grasping process of the gun, and the bullet and firing pin are waiting to strike and go off.He cursed calmly:
"Bastards, you are [-]% fascist! Put your hands up!"

Diamond Diamond slowly raised his arms, and the party secretary and the mine manager also slowly raised their arms.With a smile on his face, Diamond Diamond asked calmly:
"Comrade Lao Ding, have you overplayed your joke!"

"Are you kidding me?" Ding Gou'er gritted his teeth and said, "Who's kidding you?! Beasts that eat children!"

Diamond raised his face and laughed loudly.The party secretary and mine manager also laughed foolishly.

Diamond said with a smile:
"Old Ding, old Ding, you are a good comrade with a humanitarian spirit, really admirable! But, you are wrong, you have made a mistake of subjectivism, please take a closer look, is this a boy?"

Ding Gou'er's eyes were guided by Diamond Diamond's words, and turned to the baby on the plate.The boy still had a smile on his face, and his lips were slightly pursed, as if he was about to speak.

"He is so lifelike!" Ding Gou'er shouted.

"Yes, he is lifelike," said Diamond. "Why is this fake boy so lifelike? Because our wine country chefs are so skilled!"

The secretary of the party committee and the mine manager chimed in:

"This is not good! The boy made by the female professor of the Special Cooking Department of the Culinary Institute of our city can slap his eyelashes, and no one dares to use chopsticks!"

"Comrade Lao Ding, put down your weapons, pick up your chopsticks, and come enjoy this peerless delicacy with us!" Diamond Diamond lowered his hands in surrender, and greeted Ding Gou'er earnestly.

"No!" Ding Gou'er said seriously, "I announce my withdrawal from your cannibal feast!"

A trace of sullenness appeared on Diamond Diamond's face, and he said neither humble nor overbearing:
"Comrade Lao Ding, you are too stubborn. We are all people who have sworn oaths in front of the party flag with our fists held high. It is your task and mine to seek happiness for the people. Don't think that you are the only good person in the world. After eating our wine People at the China Baby Banquet include respected leaders, distinguished friends from the five continents of the world, and well-known artists and celebrities at home and abroad. They treat us with praise. Only you, Scout Ding Gouer, are full of enthusiasm. Your entertainers, raise their pistols!"

The party secretary or the mine manager chimed in:
"Comrade Ding Gou'er, what kind of evil wind and mist has blinded your eyes? Do you know that you are not aiming your guns at your class enemies, but your class brothers!"

Ding Gou'er's neck was sore while holding the gun, and the muzzle of the gun gradually dropped, his eyes were blurred, and the beautiful butterfly that had shrunk back into its cocoon started to crawl upwards again. The horrible feeling was as heavy as a boulder, pressing down on his shoulders. His position is unstable, and his bones will disintegrate at any time. In front of him is a bottomless quagmire emitting a foul smell. If he sinks into it, he cannot extricate himself from it.But that mischievous little guy, the scent-smelling little guy, the youngest son who stood firmly on his mother's side, was sitting in the fairy mist with the shape and color of a lotus flower, facing me, and raised his hand to me. hands!His fingers were short, fleshy, and unusually fat.The lines on the fingers sank in circles, a total of three circles, and there were four dimples on the back of the hand.His sweet laughter lingers in the fragrance.As the lotus rises, the child rises with it.The belly button is round, innocent and childlike, like dimples on the cheeks.You smooth-talking robbers!Don't even think about getting away with it!Your cooked baby smiles at me.You said that it is not a baby but a famous dish?Where is such a famous dish?During the Warring States period, Yi Ya steamed his son and presented it to Duke Huan of Qi. It tasted delicious, like a lamb is better than a lamb. Yi Ya, where are you going?Hands up, be judged.You are not as good as Yi Ya. Yi Ya cooks his own son, but you cook other people's sons.Yi Ya is a feudal landlord class, and loyalty to the king is the highest criterion; you are leading cadres, killing the sons of the people to feed your stomachs.God can't tolerate it!I heard children crying in steamers and frying pans.Crying on the chopping block.Weep in oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, sugar, fennel, pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cooking wine.crying in your stomach.crying in the toilet.crying in the sewers.Crying in the river, crying in the septic tank.Cry in the belly of the fish Cry in the fields of crops.In the bellies of whales, sharks, eels, squids, hairtails, etc., on the tips of wheat, in the grains of corn, in the tender pods of soybeans, on the vines of sweet potatoes, in the stalks of sorghum, and in the pollen of millet Wait and cry.Crying and crying, the unbearable crying sounds come from apples, pears, grapes, peaches, apricots, and walnuts.In the fruit shop are the cries of babies.In the vegetable shop are the cries of babies.In the slaughterhouse are the cries of babies.The horrific cries of murdered boys resounded at the feast in the country of wine.If I don't shoot at you, who will I shoot at?
He saw a few oily faces floating in the mist of the braised boy, flashing like broken glass.A greasy, cynical, or contemptuous smile appeared on their fleeting faces.Full of anger.The flames of justice and vengeance were burning brightly, making the whole room red like a lotus flower.He roared: Beasts, your end is coming!He heard the roar above his head, it was very strange.The sound hit the ceiling and shattered soundlessly. The fragments of the sound were like falling petals, dragging a smoke-like bloody tail, shaking one after another, and falling all over the banquet.He pulled the trigger hard, looking at those faces like shattered glass, those faces with shards of glass, those sinister smiles.With a click of the trigger, the firing pin rushed forward and hit the green butt of the cute shiny copper bullet, the gunpowder burned, the speed was invisible, the gas was compressed, rushing forward, forward forward, forward, Before, before.The bullet and the loud noise flew out of the muzzle, and a wisp of gunpowder smoke trembled at the muzzle.The loud noise was like a wave rolling over.Wow wow.Let all the unjust and inhuman tremble in the sound of my guns.Let all the good, beautiful, and fragrant things clap their hands and laugh amidst the sound of my guns.Long live justice!Long live the truth, long live the people, long live the republic.Long live my great son.Long live the boy.Long live the girl.Long live the mothers of boys and girls.Long live me too.Long live Long live Long live.

The special scout muttered some gibberish that no one could understand, with white foam hanging from the corner of his mouth, and he was sluggish, like an old wall that collapsed on the ground.The wine glass swept down by his arm and the pistol hit him, and the beer, white wine and wine wet his clothes and face, and he lay on the ground, like a dead body fished out of a wine tank.

After a long time, Diamond Diamond, the secretary of the party committee, the mine manager, and the huddled red waitresses woke up, got out from under the table, climbed up from the floor, and stuck their heads out from other people's skirts.The smell of gunpowder overwhelmed all the smells, rippling in the restaurant.The bullet fired by Ding Gou'er happened to hit the braised boy in the head.The skull was broken, and the brains were sent to the wall, red red, white white, steaming, emitting fragrance, releasing various emotions.Braised babies become headless babies.The unbroken part of his head fell on the edge of the second floor of the dining table, and the watermelon-like skull or watermelon rind like a skull was placed between a plate of grilled sea cucumber and a pot of braised shrimp, dripping with juice , bleeding like watermelon juice or blood like watermelon juice, polluted the tablecloth, and also polluted people's eyes.Those two purple grape-like eyes or purple grapes like eyes rolled on the floor, one rolled to the back of the wine cabinet, the other rolled to the feet of a red waitress, and was crushed by her foot.Her body shook, and a scream came out of her mouth: Wow!
They regained their sanity during the "wow!", and all the elements that constitute a leader's quality, such as philosophy, party spirit, principles, and morals, all returned to their brains to control their actions.The party secretary or the mine manager stuck out his tongue and licked the baby's brains that splashed on the back of his hand.The taste must be very delicious, he smacked his lips and said:

"This guy, ruined a good dish!"

Diamond glanced at him dissatisfied, and the brain licker was ashamed under Vice Minister Kim's critical gaze.Deputy Minister Kim said:

"Help Comrade Lao Ding up quickly, wipe his face clean, and fill a bowl of hangover soup."

The red service ladies hurried into action.They helped Ding Gou'er up and wiped his mouth and face, but they didn't dare to wipe his hands.He held a steel gun in his hand, as if he was about to shoot at any time.They swept up broken wine glasses and mopped the floor.They moved his head, pried open his clenched teeth with a strictly sterilized stainless steel gag soaked in alcohol, inserted a hard plastic funnel into his mouth, and then, spoonful by spoonful, poured it into his mouth. The funnel is pouring hangover soup into his mouth.

Diamond asked:

"What's the date of hangover soup?"

The foreman of the red waitress replied:
"number 1."

diamond said:

"Use No. 2, No. 2 wakes up faster."

The waitress went to the kitchen to fetch a bottle of golden liquid, and after unplugging the bakelite cork, a cool breath gushed out from the bottle, refreshing the heart.They poured most of the bottle of golden liquid into the funnel.Ding Gou'er coughed and choked, and the liquid in the funnel sprayed up high.

He felt a clear spring flow into his stomach and intestines, doused the fire and awakened his mind.The body regained its vitality, absorbing back the beautiful butterfly of consciousness that crawled out of the head.He opened his eyes and saw the headless boy sitting on the gold plate for the first time, and his heart ached sharply.He involuntarily called out: Mother!I'm uncomfortable!Then raise the gun.

Diamond Diamond held up his chopsticks and said:
"Comrade Ding Gou'er, if we are really boy-eating devils, you should kill us, but what if you are not? The party gave you the gun to punish the bad guys, not to let you kill innocent people indiscriminately, right?"

Ding Gouer said:

"If you have anything to say, say it quickly."

Diamond Diamond picked up a chopstick and slammed it on the headless boy's beautifully raised penis on the plate. The boy immediately disintegrated and turned into a mess.Diamond pointed with chopsticks and explained:

"This is the boy's arm. It is made of fat lotus root in Moon Lake, with sixteen kinds of condiments, and refined by special techniques. This is the boy's leg, which is actually a special kind of ham sausage. Boy His body is specially processed on the basis of a roast suckling pig. The head that was knocked off by your bullet is a silver white melon. His hair is the most common lettuce. Let me explain in detail and accurately It is impossible to tell you all the raw materials and the delicate and complicated process of making this famous dish. This is the patent of Liquorland City. I only know the general idea, otherwise I will change my career as a chef. But I can be responsible I say to you: This dish is legal and humane, and you should use chopsticks to deal with him, not bullets."

As Diamond Diamond said, he picked up one of the boy's hands with his chopsticks, and began to eat in big mouthfuls.The secretary of the party committee or the manager of the mine crossed an arm with a silver fork, put it on Gou'er's dish, and said respectfully:
"Please, Comrade Lao Ding, you are welcome!"

Ding Gou'er examined this arm carefully, feeling very upset.It is indeed a bit like a lotus root but more like an arm.Its taste is attractive, it is indeed a bit like the sweetness of lotus root, but it is more of a fragrance that has never been smelled before.He put the pistol in his briefcase, feeling a little guilty.Although you have a special mission, you can't shoot casually.I should be careful.Diamond used a sharp knife to slice the other arm into dozens of pieces.He picked up one of them, held it up to Ding Gou'er, and said:
"Five-eyed lotus root, do your arms have eyes?"

Ding Gou'er heard the creak of Diamond Diamond eating his arm, it was lotus root.He looked down at the arm in front of him, wondering if he should make a move.The party secretary and the mine manager were biting the boy's leg.Diamond Diamond handed over the knife and encouraged him with a smile.He took the knife and tentatively pressed the blade against the boy's arm.As if attracted by magnetism, the knife sizzled and cut the arm-like lotus root into two pieces.

He tied up a piece of his arm, closed his eyes, and stuffed it into his my gosh.The taste buds on the tongue cheered in unison, the masseter muscles on the cheeks twitched, a small hand stretched out from the throat, and snatched the piece away.

Diamond Diamond said humorously:
"Okay, Comrade Ding Gouer joined us, you ate the boy's arm!"

Ding Gou'er was taken aback, but doubts arose in his heart, and he asked:

"You tell me it's not a boy."

diamond said:

"Oh my comrade, you are so rude. Are you joking to tease you! You think, our Liquorland City is a civilized city, not a country of savages, who would have the heart to eat children? You people in the procuratorate actually believe such a fantasy night Tan, sending people to investigate in a serious manner is simply at the level of a novelist who makes up random things!"

The two leaders in the mine held up their wine glasses and said:
"Old Ding, you shot rudely, and I will fine you three cups!"

Ding Gou'er knew he was in the wrong, so he accepted three cups of punishment.

diamond said:

"Comrade Lao Ding hates evil as much as hatred, and has a clear distinction between love and hate, three cups to you!"

Ding Gou'er liked flattery, so he received three cups of toast.

After six glasses of wine, he became a little confused again.When the mine manager or the secretary of the party committee handed over half of the boy's arm, he threw away the chopsticks, not afraid of the greasy oil, took it over, stuck his hands in it, and gnawed on it.

The people in the restaurant laughed.Ding Gou'er ate an arm.The mine manager and the secretary of the party committee launched a toast to the red service girls.The red ladies acted coquettishly and foolishly, and even poured 21 cups of Ding Gou'er.Clinging to the ceiling, he heard Diamond say goodbye to him.

Sticking to the ceiling, he saw Diamond walking out of the restaurant with ease, and heard him confess to the mine manager and party secretary.The spring-paneled door was opened by two red ladies.They stand by the door, one on each side, polite.He saw the swirls of hair on top of their heads, and the necks, and the things on the chests.This voyeurism is offensive, and he engages in self-criticism.Later, he saw the party secretary and the mine manager explain something to the foreman of the red service lady.The men are gone.The red waitresses gathered around the dining table, and together they grabbed the dishes and stuffed them into their mouths.The way women eat is very vicious, not at all like before.He saw his own body sitting on the chair, limp and limp, like a pile of flesh.His neck was leaning against the back of the chair, his head was tilted to one side, and the corner of his mouth was dripping with wine, like a crooked wine gourd.He clings to the ceiling and weeps over his half-dead flesh.

When the women were full, they lifted the tablecloth to wipe their mouths.One secretly stuffed a pack of Chunghwa cigarettes into her bra.He sighed at her squeezed breast.He heard the foreman say:
"Come on, take this drunk cat to the guest house."

The two ladies held his arms, and he was hard to hold, as if he had no bones.He heard the lady with the mole behind her ear scold: This dead dog!He is very angry.He saw a lady pick up his briefcase, unzip it, take out a pistol, and look it over.He exclaimed from the ceiling: put down the weapon, watch out for fire.But they are like deaf people.God help, she stuffed the gun in her briefcase.She unzipped the interlayer again and took out the picture of the woman.She said: Come and see!The red ladies gathered together and talked about it.In his rage, he cursed them with a stream of obscenities, but they didn't realize it.

Finally, four red waitresses put my body up.They dragged me out of the dining room and up the synthetic-carpeted corridor like a dead dog.One of them purposely kicked my calf with the toe of her shoe.Little bitch, my flesh is drunk and my spirit is not.I fluttered and flapped my wings in the air three feet above my head, and followed my body without moving a step.I gazed sadly at the unsatisfactory flesh.The hallway seemed longer.I saw the liquor spilling from my mouth and down my neck.The stench was overwhelming, and the red waitresses tried their best to seal off their sense of smell.A red lady retched.My head hangs on my chest, and my neck is as limp as a sun-dried garlic moss, so my head hangs on my chest and swings back and forth.I can't see my face, I can see two gray ears.A lady in red followed me holding my briefcase.

Finally walking down the long corridor, I recognized the hall.They threw my body on the carpet and turned me on my back.I was taken aback by my face.I closed my eyes tightly, and my face was like old window paper.Grinning, a mouth full of black and white teeth.An unpleasant smell of alcohol rushed straight up, making me want to vomit.My flesh twitched.My pants are wet, ashamed.

The red ladies gasped for a while, and carried me out of the hall.Outside is a sea of ​​sunflowers, the setting sun is like blood, and the golden yellow of sunflowers is extraordinarily gentle in the blood color.There used to be a flat concrete road in the sunflower forest.A silver-gray car, the luxurious Crown, was parked on the cement road.Diamond bent down and got in.The car drove away slowly, and the pair of twin brothers raised their hands and shook the car's buttocks.The car flashed by.The red ladies dragged me along the cement road.A dog stood barking under a sunflower as thick as a tree.It has a shiny coat, a black body, and white ears.When it barked, its body stretched and stretched, like an accordion being squeezed and pulled by God.Where are they going to take me?The electric lights in the mining area were on, like cunning eyes, the mining machinery was the same as in the morning, and the hoist at the pit mouth was also the same as in the morning.A group of black men in aluminum helmets approached.For some reason I dreaded meeting them head on.It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.The miners flashed to both sides of the road, and the red service lady carried me through the miners' lane.I smelled the thick stench of sweat on their bodies and the damp and rotten smell of the tunnels.Their eyes pierced my flesh like awls.A few people swear a few dirty words.The red waitress, with her head held up proudly, ignored them.It dawned on me that the sex-related swear words were directed at the red ladies, not me.

They carried me into a lonely hut. In the hut, two ladies in white sat knee-to-knee in front of a writing desk with handwriting on it.They parted their knees a little when they saw us enter.One of them pressed a button on the wall, and a door slowly retracted, which seemed to be an elevator.They put me in it.The door is closed.Sure enough, it was an elevator.It descends rapidly.I thought with admiration: It really is a coal mine, and all activities are underground.I don't doubt they can build the Great Wall underground.The elevator thumped, trembled three times, and came to the end.The door opened.The strong white light dazzled my eyes.In the luxurious hall, the marble floor that can illuminate figures is like water, reflecting the carved ceiling and hundreds of exquisite lamps.A large multi-edged column made of four marble slabs.Flowers and greenery.The most modern goldfish bowl.A school of warty goldfish that makes me sick.They put my body in room 410.I can't figure out how 410 came out, what kind of building is this?The mansions of New York lead to heaven, and the mansions of Liquorland lead to hell.They stripped the shoes off my legs and carried me to a bed.Put my briefcase on the coffee table.They are gone. Five minutes later, a beige service lady came in and put a cup of tea on the coffee table.I heard her say to my body: Chief, please drink tea.

My flesh does not answer.

Miss Beige wears heavy makeup and has thick, bristle-like eyelashes.Just then the phone on the bedside table rang.She reached out and picked up the microphone with a pointed hand.The room was very quiet, and I heard a man on the phone say:

"Is he awake?"

"He didn't move, it was scary."

"Feel his heart to see if it's beating."

Miss Beige pressed her hand to my chest with an expression of extreme disgust on her face.she says:

"Give him some Hangover No. 1!"

"it is good."

Miss Beige is gone.I know she will be back soon.She came back with a steel syringe in her hand, the kind veterinarians use.Fortunately the needle is soft plastic, so I don't have to worry about her pricking me.She inserted the soft plastic tube into my mouth and injected the medicine into my mouth.

Later, I heard my flesh humming.Its arms swung.It also said something.It released a force to attract me and capture me, I resisted, I became a big sucker sucked on the ceiling and resisted.But I feel a part of me sucked out of it.

I sat up with difficulty, opened my eyelids, and stared blankly at the wall for a while.I touched the cup of tea, gulped it down, and then fell back on the bed.

After a long time, the door opened gently.A 14-year-old boy with fish scales on his body, barefoot and shirtless, only wearing a pair of blue trousers came in.His movements were light and silent, like a cat.I watched the kid with interest.This kid looks familiar, I seem to have seen him somewhere.I must have seen him somewhere.He held a willow leaf-shaped knife in his mouth, like a black cat holding a willow leaf-shaped small fish.

I felt great fear for my half-dead body.At the same time, I wondered how such a little elf could appear in such a hidden place underground.The door closed automatically, and the silence in the room oppressed my eardrums. When the scaly child approached my body, I smelled the earthy smell of his body, which was the smell of a pangolin just pulled out from a crack in the rock.What is he going to do?His hair was disheveled, and there were many prickly balls of mature cockleburs. The sharp smell of these prickly balls crawled into my nasal passages and into my brain like little snakes.My flesh sneezed.The elf suddenly fell on the carpet.He stood up and touched my throat with his little paw.The willow-leaf knife in his mouth shone with a cold blue light.How I want to wake up my body but I can't.I searched my brains or racked my brains: When and where did I offend this little elf?He stretched out his fingers and pinched the part of my flesh called the neck, like a seasoned chef preparing a chicken for slaughter.I even felt that horrible, hard little claw, but my flesh was unmoved, it was snoring with a dull, suppressed snoring, not knowing the approach of death.I hoped that he would quickly take the small knife out of his mouth and hit my flesh in the mouth, so as to save my soul from being tortured on the ceiling.But he doesn't.After pinching the neck, he touched the clothes and pockets on my body.He took out a "Hero" brand gold pen, pulled off the cap of the pen, and drew a line on the back of his hand with the pen tip.There are also scales on the back of his hands.With a swipe, he retracted his hands and grinned, with an indistinguishable expression of crying and laughing on his face.I guessed that this elf was ticklish.From the screeching sound of the nib scratching the scales, I knew that this "Hero No. 800" high-end gold pen was completely finished.This is a prize for exemplary work.This boring game lasted for half an hour and finally stopped.He put the gold pen on the ground.Continue to search.He found a handkerchief, a pack of cigarettes, an electronic lighter, an ID card, a very realistic toy pistol, a wallet, and two coins from my pocket.It seemed that he was dazzled by this pile of treasures.Like a greedy child, he put this pile of treasures between his legs, and sat there like no one else, admiring one by one.Naturally, he stopped playing with the pen, so naturally he grabbed the toy pistol and held it up in front of him.The nickel-plated barrel gleamed in the light.It was a perfect imitation of the revolver of the kind American officers wear in their belts.The lines are very beautiful.I know that there are a few "bullets" embedded in the plastic chainring in the gun that will explode when hooked.His big eyes were lovely with joy and excitement.I was afraid that he would pull the trigger and expose himself.How far is the distance between the boy's arm and the fresh lotus root?Has my flesh been deceived?But nothing could stop him, and he pulled the trigger.Ping -!I saw the blue smoke and heard the gunshots.I waited for the noisy footsteps outside the door and the beige lady and the guards rushing into the room.Gunshots in the middle of the night, what else could it be but murder and suicide?I worry about this scaly little guy.He is in danger.I don't want him to be caught.It should be confessed frankly that this little guy is interesting not because he has scales.There are many things with scales, including fish, snakes, and pangolins. I don't like the clumsy and pretentious pangolins, but I don't like cold fish, and I hate gloomy snakes.My imagination was empty. After the gunshots, everything was as usual, no one ran and no one hit the door.The guy makes another shot.To be honest, the gunshots are pure and thin, and the room is well sealed. The carpet, ceiling, and wallpaper are all excellent materials for eliminating the sound.He sat peacefully, showing no sign of surprise. If he was not deaf, he would be a general who would not be surprised.The gun is enough to throw aside.Open the wallet and shake out everything inside.Money, food stamps, meal tickets for government canteens, receipts that were not reimbursed in time.He held the lighter and studied.The lighter spewed out bright flames.He smokes.He coughs.He threw the cigarette butt on the carpet.Oh my God!The cigarette butts ignited the carpet, and I immediately smelled burning wool.At this time, I finally understood: If my body is reduced to ashes, then I will also be reduced to light smoke.Its passing is my passing.O my flesh, wake up!

Scaly elf, I hate you!

I don't hate you anymore, I just want to laugh, but I can't laugh.He found the fire on the carpet, stood up slowly, pushed up one trouser leg, and clamped the hard, scaled pan with two fingers The high-pressure faucet was aimed at the fire on the carpet.A jet of water squeaked and poured onto the fire.The fire also rang.The amount of water is sufficient and flush, and it is more than enough to put out such two fires.I easily smelled the smell of urine and wet burnt, and thought joyfully: Genius, what a fucking genius!
He strips clothes from my flesh.He tried every means to strip off my gown.I heard him wheezing.He puts on my gown.My gown covered his knees.He pocketed the pile of things on the carpet.What else does he want to do?

He spat out the knife in his mouth, pinched it, and looked around the room.Later, he carved four "ten" characters on the wall with a knife.Then, with a small knife in his mouth, like a willow leaf in his mouth, he swaggered out of the room with his two fat sleeves swaying.

My body was pushed under the bed by this elf long ago.It still snores.

Teacher Mo Yan:

Let me call you like this, otherwise I will be very sad, awkward and uncomfortable.

Teacher, you are my veritable and real teacher. I found that you are not only an expert in writing novels, but also an expert in wine tasting.You can write novels like an old woman, and you can talk about wine even more.In today's world, it is not difficult to find an excellent novelist, nor is it difficult to find an excellent wine taster, but it is very difficult to find a genius who is both an excellent novelist and an excellent wine taster.And my teacher, you are such a genius.

Your analysis of "Green Ant Overlap" is incisive and accurate, reaching a professional level.The basic raw materials used in this wine are sorghum and mung beans, which are fermented in a century-old cellar.The basic medium of distiller's yeast is barley, bran and pea, and a small amount of rice bran is mixed.The liquor obtained after distillation is an elegant, sober light green color.It is basically a strong fragrance type, gorgeous and plump.Because the taste of the original wine is too spicy, we took many measures to suppress its violent character when blending, just like putting iron bits on a wild horse, but the effect is not perfect.Later, due to the eagerness to participate in the exhibition, I was able to make a final decision.As you said, the single quality of "Green Overlapping" is absolutely superior, but the disadvantage is that the wine body is not coordinated.

Using beautiful women as a metaphor for good wine is a visual expression of the style of wine when we taste wine, and your feeling is basically right.My father-in-law, Professor Yuan Shuangyu, and I have been thinking about the plan to improve the "Green Ant Overlap" for a long time, and it is almost mature. Unfortunately, now I am obsessed with literature and don't care about other things.

Teacher, in this huge world, there are so many living beings, the wine is like a sea, and the mash is like a river, but those who really know how to drink, and those who really reach the level of "drinking fine wine like a beautiful woman", are like morning stars, phoenixes like feathers, lins like horns, tiger dicks and dinosaur eggs .Teacher, you count as one, student as me, my father-in-law Yuan Shuangyu counts as one, and Vice Minister Diamond Diamond counts as half.Li Bai is also one of them... "Raise your glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadows will form three people", what are three people?One person for Li, one person for Yue, and one person for Jiu.The moon is Chang'e, the beauty in the sky; the wine is Qinglian, the beauty in the world.The combination of Li Bai and wine into one is the so-called Li Qinglian.This is probably why Li Bai came up with so many wonderful ideas about the freedom to come and go between heaven and earth.Du Fu counted as half of them. He drank mostly sour wine from the village. He was poor and poor, with rough skin and rough flesh.Cao Mengde is one of them. Singing to wine is singing to beauties. Life is short, and beauties are like morning dew.Beauty is fluid and perishable, and you can enjoy yourself in time.From ancient times to the present, up and down 5000 years, counting and counting, only dozens of people have reached the highest artistic level of drinking fine wine like a beautiful woman.The rest are stinky skins for wine.To fill this kind of stinky skin, just stir a bucket of spicy water, why bother with "overlapping green ants"?Why "Eighteen Miles Red"?
Speaking of "Eighteen Miles of Red", the hearts of the students are swaying, teacher, that is really an earth-shattering masterpiece!Peeing into a wine tank, this shocking and imaginative blending method, ushered in a new era in the history of human brewing.The most beautiful things are often mixed with the ugliest factors.Everyone knows that honey is sweet, but how many people know the composition of honey?Someone said: The main ingredient of honey is pollen!Yes, not bad at all.Saying that the main ingredient of honey is pollen is as correct as saying that the main ingredient of wine is ethanol, but it is also tantamount to saying nothing.Do you know that wine contains dozens of minerals?Do you know that wine contains dozens of microorganisms?There are many things in the wine that cannot be named, you know?I don't know my father-in-law and neither do you.Did you know that honey contains sea water?Did you know that honey contains manure?Honey cannot be made without fresh poop, did you know that?

In recent months, I read some newspapers and periodicals. Those guys who don’t know anything about brewing even framed your strange and extraordinary creation as an unclean act, saying that peeing in wine is a blasphemy to human civilization. They don’t even know about the pH value. , Water quality, how much it restricts the character of the wine.The water quality is sour, and the wine is astringent and difficult to swallow. Sprinkle some healthy boy's urine, and it will become a high-end famous wine "Eighteen Miles Red" (the name is better than "Zhuangyuanhong" and "Nvnuhong" both have flavors), there is no absurdity in it, why is it rare and strange!As a Doctor of Oenology, I declare: it's science!Science is serious, and there is no room for hypocrisy. If you don't understand, just learn. Don't point fingers, let alone swear.Besides, what is unclean about urine?Those who sleep with prostitutes have syphilis, gonorrhea, and AIDS. Of course, the urine is unclean, but what your father spilled into the wine basket is a pool of original boy urine that is as clear as a mountain spring.In the classic book "Compendium of Materia Medica" written by Mr. Li Shizhen, an outstanding pharmacist in our country, it is clearly written that children's urine can be used as medicine to treat high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, and breast milk retention. Will Mr. Li Shizhen want to scold him?Boy urine is the most sacred and mysterious liquid on earth, and ghosts can't figure out how many precious elements are contained in it.Many politicians and celebrities in Japan drink a cup of urine every morning for their health and spirit.Secretary Jiang of our Jiuguo Municipal Party Committee boiled lotus seed porridge with poop, which cured years of insomnia.Urine is amazing, urine is the most beautiful liquid in the world, and it is the most profound philosophy.Teacher, let's ignore those fools. People's Commissar Comrade Stalin said: "We ignore them!" They are only worthy of urinating horses.

You wrote that you wanted to write a novel about wine, a burden that only you could take on.My teacher, your soul is a complete wine soul, and your body is a complete wine body.Your wine is harmonious and perfect, with red flowers and green leaves, green mountains and green waters, sound limbs, coordinated movements, dignified and generous, elegant movements, flesh and blood, and lifelike.My teacher, you are just like a bottle of "Eighteen Miles Red"!The students are helping you collect information about wine and have prepared ten bottles of "Green Ant Overlapping", ten bottles of "Red Maned Horse", and ten bottles of "Oriental Beauty". When our school has a car to Beijing, I will give it to you by the way Take it with you.From now on, teacher, you move forward boldly, keep the wine bottle in your mouth, leave your pen in your hand, and write nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine articles!Let those stupid things cry to the corner, the day when the people are happy is when the class enemies are sad, and victory must belong to us.

The "Meat Boy" I sent you last time is not a reportage, but it is similar to a reportage.It is true that some corrupt and dehumanized cadres in Liquorland City cooked babies. It is said that someone is investigating. Once the truth of this case comes to light, it will definitely shake the world.In the future, the student who will write this big case into a reportage is none other than me!With such an explosive subject in hand, teacher, you say, if I am not arrogant, who deserves to be arrogant?
"National Literature" has not given me any news so far, I hope the teacher can help me remind me.

Li Yan here is a "stare-faced man with butterfly spots", which may be the "stare-faced man with white face" in your memory. The butterfly spots on his face are probably caused by multiple illegal pregnancies.She told me that the land in her ditch was extremely fertile, and the fried seeds germinated.She also said that the doctors in the hospital snatched and ate the pre-term fetuses every time she shed them.It is said that the nutritional value of six or seven-month-old babies is extremely high. I think it makes sense. Isn’t the deer fetus a great source of energy and blood?Isn't maudan nourishing and pleasing to the face?
Send the new work "Prodigy".The method used in this article is "goblin realism". After the teacher corrects it, please send "National Literature" again. I will not give up until I knock on this ghost gate!Even if your threshold is higher than the sky, I will break your waist with my youth!
I wish Ann!

Student: Li Yidou


"child prodigy"

Readers, not long ago I wrote a story about a meat boy for you. In that story, I deliberately described the image of a boy wrapped in red cloth. You may still remember his two unusual eyes. : Thin, shining with a cold mature light.These are the eyes of a typical schemer.These eyes did not grow on the face of a conspirator, but were inlaid in the face of a child less than three feet long. That's why we can't forget them, and that's why Jin Yuanbao, a kind-hearted farmer in the suburbs of Liquor Country, was terrified.In this story of more than 1 characters, it is impossible for us to go back to the source and describe the baby's life experience. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was a definite image: a boy's body less than three feet thick, stiff and shaggy, with two conspirators. Eyes, two thick and big ears, a hoarse voice.He's a boy and nothing else.

The story unfolds in the Special Acquisition Department of the Culinary Academy, starting in the evening.Dear readers, "Our story actually started a long time ago."

There is a moon this night because we need it.A big, bright red moon rose slowly from behind the rockery of the Culinary Institute, and the rose-colored light made their complexions tender. The moonlight slanted in, and through the double-glazed windows, it was like a red waterfall.They are a group of boys, and if you have seen my "Meat Boys", you should be familiar with them.That little goblin is one of them, and he's going to be their leader or overlord soon, just wait and see!

The children's tears were shed before the sun went down.Their faces were stained and their voices were hoarse, which naturally did not include goblins.He won't cry!When the children were crying, he put his hands behind his back and took square steps, like a long goose, circling in this beautiful big house with mountains and rivers.Sometimes, he aimed at the buttocks of children who were crying loudly, and kicked them hard.The kicked child often utters the loudest growl, which then turns into a low murmur and sob.His feet became a good medicine for crying, and in this way he carried 31 children all over.In the sobs of the youngest boy, the children saw the lovely moon like a red horse jumping on the rockery.

They crowded to the window, held onto the ledge, and looked out.If you can't squeeze the front, hold the front shoulder.A little fat man with snot on his cheek raised a chubby finger and whimpered:
"Mother Yue... Mother Yue..."

Another child smacked his lips and said:
"Aunt Yue, not Mother Yue, but Aunt Yue."

The goblin sneered.A sneer came from above, like the hooting of an owl.The children trembled and turned to search.They saw the little elf squatting on the top of the rockery in the house, the red moonlight shone on him, and it must also shine on his red clothes.He is like a burning fire.The man-made small waterfall on the rockery is like a stretched red silk, falling beautifully and continuously into the pool below the mountain. The sound of the water is clear and crisp, and the splashing water is like a bunch of red cherries.

The children stopped looking at the moon, and turned around, huddled together, staring at him blankly.

He said in a low voice:
"Children, prick up your ears and listen to Lao Tzu - that thing, that thing like a red pony, is not mother, not aunt, it is a ball, it is a celestial body, it revolves around us, it The name is Moon!"

The children looked at him stupidly.

He jumped down from the rockery, and during the leap, his fat red clothes were agitated by the gas and turned into strangely shaped wings.

With his hands behind his back, he paced back and forth in front of the children.Occasionally, he raised his sleeve to wipe his mouth.He spat on the smooth stone floor.He stopped, raised a slender arm like a leg of lamb, waved it in the air, and said solemnly:

"Listen, children, you have never been human since you were born. Your parents sold you, like pigs and lambs! So, from now on, whoever dares to call you father and mother, I'll beat anyone!"

He waved that bird-claw-like hand and roared hoarsely.The moonlight hit his pale little face, making his eyes glow green.The two boys grinned and cried.

He cried out:

"Don't cry!"

He pulled out the two crying children from the pile of children, clenched his fists, and pounded their stomachs hard.Pounded them to the ground, rolling like rubber balls.

"Beat whoever dares to cry!" he announced the order.

The children huddled even tighter, and no one dared to cry anymore.He said:
"Wait, I will find the light for you."

He searched in this big strange house, walking like a cat against the walls.Near the door, he stopped walking, raised his face, and looked at the four light ropes hanging side by side.He straightened his arms, and the bottom end of the light cord was about one meter away from the tip of his middle finger.He jumped twice, and despite his good jumping ability, he was still half a meter away from the light rope.He moved away from the wall and dragged a fake willow tree welded with steel bars.He climbed up the tree, grabbed the light cord and pulled it hard, and the lights in the house crackled and came on.There are fluorescent lamps, incandescent lamps, iodine-tungsten lamps, white lamps, blue lamps, red lamps, green lamps, and yellow lamps.There are lights on the walls, lights on the ceiling, lights on the rockery, and lights on the artificial trees.The lights are brilliant and colorful, just like heaven and earth, a fairy tale world.The children forgot their pain and troubles and clapped their hands and cheered.

The goblin tilted her mouth contemptuously, admiring her masterpiece.Later, he picked up a string of copper bells from the corner and shook them urgently.The string of bells attracts the children's attention.He tucked the string of copper bells specially prepared for him into his waist, spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and said:

"Children, do you know where these lights come from? You don't know. You come from remote and backward villages where you knock stones to make fire. Of course you don't know where the light comes from. Let me tell you, it is electricity that brings us light. "

The children listened to his speech in silence.The red light of the moon receded into the open air.A pair of bright little eyes.The two boys who were knocked to the ground also got up.he asks:
"Is the electricity good?"

"Okay!" The children answered in unison.

"Am I capable?"


"Are you listening to me?"


"Okay, kids, do you want a dad?"


"From now on, I will be your father, I will protect you, I will educate you, and I will manage you. Anyone who dares not to listen to my words will be forced to die in the pool! Do you understand?"


"Call me father three times, call me at the same time!"


"Kneel down and kowtow to dad, three kowtows each!"

Among the boys, there were a few mentally weak, who could not fully understand what the goblin said, but their ability to imitate helped them. Thirty-one little boys knelt on the ground in a mess, laughing and kowtowing to the goblin.The little goblin jumped onto the rockery, sat cross-legged, and accepted the kneeling of the group of children.

After kneeling down, he chose four articulate and quick-moving little guys as monitors, and divided the 31 children into four classes.After the class was divided, he said:

"Children, from now on, you are fighters. Warriors are men who dare to fight and win. I will train you to fight against those who try to eat us."

A squad leader asked curiously:

"Father, who wants to eat us?"

"Bastard!" The little goblin shook the brass bell and said, "sons are not allowed to interrupt while father is talking!"

A monitor said:
"Father, I was wrong. I won't interrupt anymore."

goblin said:

"Comrades, boys, now I tell you, who wants to eat us! They have red eyes, green nails, and gold teeth in their mouths!"

"Are they wolves? Are they tigers?" asked a little fat man with dimples on his cheeks.

The squad leader went up and slapped the little fat man, and reprimanded him:

"Don't interrupt when Dad is talking!"

The little fat man bit his lip and suppressed his crying.

"Comrades, children, they are not wolves, but they are more ferocious than wolves; they are not tigers, but they are more terrifying than tigers."

"Why do they eat children?" asked a little boy.

The goblin frowned and said:
"Worry, worry! Don't interrupt! Squad leaders, take him out and punish him!"

The four monitors dragged the talkative little boy out of the line.The little boy struggled and howled, as if on the execution ground.As soon as the squad leaders let go, he ran back to the team with two legs.The four class monitors went to delay again, and the little goblin said:
"Forget it, let him go. I'll say it again: children are not allowed to interrupt while Daddy is talking. Why do they eat children? The reason is simple, because they are tired of eating cows, sheep, pigs, dogs, mules, rabbits, chickens , ducks, pigeons, donkeys, camels, foals, hedgehogs, sparrows, swallows, geese, geese, cats, mice, weasels, lynxes, so they have to eat children, because our meat is tenderer than beef, fresher than mutton, and more Pork is fragrant, fatter than dog meat, softer than mule meat, harder than rabbit meat, smoother than chicken meat, richer than duck meat, more decent than pigeon meat, more lively than donkey meat, more delicate than camel meat, more elastic than foal meat, and more thorny Rampant meat is kinder, more dignified than sparrow meat, fairer than swallow meat, less youthful than goose meat, less chaffy than goose meat, more serious than cat meat, more nutritious than rat meat, less ghostly than weasel meat, and less ghostly than lynx meat Popular. Our meat is the most delicious in the world."

After talking a lot in one breath, the little goblin foamed at the mouth, as if she was a little tired.The second squad leader asked shyly:

"Father, I want to talk, okay?"

"Go ahead. Dad said he was tired. Dad wanted to smoke a cigarette, but unfortunately he didn't." The little goblin yawned and said.

"Father, how do they eat us, should they eat us raw?" the second squad leader asked.

"They eat us in many ways, such as deep-frying, steaming, braised in soy sauce, white chopping, vinegar, and dry cured. There are many ways, but they generally don't eat us raw. But it's not absolute. It is said that an officer surnamed Shen ate it raw. A boy, he made a kind of vinegar imported from Japan and dipped it in."

The children huddled together, weeping timidly and in a low voice.

The little goblin cheered up and said: "Children, comrades, so you must obey my command. At this critical juncture, you should mature immediately. To become a man of indomitable spirit overnight, you must not cry, hum Hum, chirp. In order not to be eaten by them, we must unite into a collective of steel. We must become a hedgehog, a porcupine, they have eaten enough porcupines, our meat is softer than porcupine meat. We must become steel hedgehogs , Iron Porcupine, smash the lips and tongues of those man-eating beasts! Let them be too delicious to digest!"

"But, but, these lights..." the fourth squad leader stammered.

The little goblin waved his hand and said, "Stop talking, I understand what you mean, you want to say: Since they want to eat us, why put us in such a beautiful place, right?"

The fourth squad leader nodded.

"Okay, let me tell you," said the little goblin, "14 years ago, when I was a child, I heard the story of the officials in the city of Liquorland eating boys. Later, my mother continued to give birth to my younger brothers, but one was born to me. When she was about two years old, she suddenly disappeared. I thought, my younger brother was eaten by someone. At that time, I wanted to expose this heinous crime , but failed, because I was suffering from a strange skin disease at that time, fish scales all over my body, yellow water flowing when I moved, whoever saw it would be disgusting, no one dared to eat me, and I couldn't go deep into the tiger's den. Later, I specialized in stealing , I secretly drank a bottle of wine with a picture of an ape in an official's house. The fish scales on my body peeled off layer by layer, and my body became smaller and smaller, and I became what I am today. Although I look like a baby, my thoughts But it is as wide as the sea. The secret of cannibalism is about to be revealed, and I am your savior!"

The children looked serious and listened to what the goblin said.He continued:
"Why set up such a beautiful big house for us? They want us to be in a good mood. If we are not in a good mood, the flesh will turn sour and hard. Boys and comrades, obey my orders and put everything in this house Smash it to pieces!"

The little fairy picked a stone out of the rockery and threw it at a wall lamp that was shining with red light.His strength is great, and when the stone flies, it brings a cool breeze.He misses the shot, and the stone bounces off the wall, nearly breaking a boy's head.He picked up the stone, took aim, and missed again.He cursed angrily.He picked up the stone and exerted all his strength.fuck you!Throw it hard, hit it straight, the wall lamp shattered, the tiles fell to the ground, and the forked filaments turned red and went out.

The children looked at the actions of the goblins, like a group of puppets.

"Smash it! Why don't you smash it?!"

Several children yawned and said:
"Father, sleepy, sleepy..."

The goblin rushed up and punched and kicked the yawning children.The beaten child cried out, and a bold one fought back, drawing blood from the little fairy's face.Seeing the blood, he opened his mouth and bit the child's ear, biting off half of the ear.

Then the door opened.

An aunt in white overalls opened the door and ran in.It was with great difficulty that she separated the goblin from the boy.The bitten boy was crying so hard that he was about to faint.The little goblin was spitting the blood from his mouth, his eyes were green, and he didn't say a word.The boy's ears were quivering on the ground.Auntie looked at the ears on the ground, looked at the face of the little goblin, her face was pale, she screamed, turned and ran away.Her hips twitched, and the heels of her shoes smacked the floor with a cacophony of noises.

The goblin climbed up the iron willow tree and put out all the lights.In the darkness, he lowered his voice and threatened:

"I will bite off the ear of anyone who dares to talk nonsense!"

Then, he walked to the rockery and washed the blood from his mouth with the water of the waterfall.

There were footsteps outside the door, and it seemed that many people had come.The goblin grabbed the stone that had broken the wall lamp, and waited behind the iron willow tree.

After the door was pushed open, a white figure groped for the light cord close to the wall.The goblin aimed at the upper part of the shadow and threw the stone away.Bai Yingying screamed, his body shook, and the people outside the door ran away.The little goblin picked up the stone, aimed at the white shadow, and struck hard again.White Shadow fell down.

After a while, several beams of bright light shot into the door, and several people with flashlights broke in.The goblin nimbly slipped to the corner, lay down on the ground, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

light is on.Seven or eight tall people first carried away the white-clothed aunt who had suffered a heavy blow to the head, and then took away the fainted boy with the missing ear, together with the ear.Then, the hunt for the murderer begins.

The little fairy lay on the corner of the wall and snored to sleep.When a big man in white pinched his neck and picked him up, he waved his limbs and cried out, like a poor kitten.

The inventory work was not going well.The children worked hard all day, hungry and hungry, and were tossed about by the little goblin. At this time, they were already staggered and delirious.

The white clothes turned off the lights and locked the door and left. The little elf smiled triumphantly in the dark.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun had not yet risen, and the house was hazy.The little goblin got up, took out the copper bell from his clothes, and shook it vigorously.The rapid ringing of the bell woke up some children. They squatted on the ground to urinate, and fell asleep after urinating.The goblin rolled her eyes.

After the sun came out, the house was full of red light. Most of the children got up and sat on the ground, moaning and crying.They are hungry.What happened last night didn't have many memories in their minds, and the authority that the little goblin had painstakingly cultivated was almost gone.There was an expression of helplessness and hatred on his face.

In order to avoid making mistakes, I, a storyteller, had to narrate objectively and try not to describe the psychological activities of the goblin and the children.I only write about actions and words. As for the psychological motives of the actions and the implication of the words, it is up to the readers to understand.My story was having a hard time because the goblin was trying to shatter my story, and he really wasn't a good boy. "Actually, my story is coming to an end."

The breakfast is very rich, including small steamed buns with fine powder, milk, bread, jam, pickled toon sprouts, sweet and sour radish sticks, and a bucket of egg drop soup.

The old man who delivered the food was very responsible for dividing all kinds of food into equal portions, serving them on plates or bowls, and delivering them to the boys.The goblin gets a copy too.He lowered his head and followed his eyes, not wanting to touch the old man, but the old man still looked at him specially.

After the old man who delivered the food left, the little goblin raised his head and said with piercing eyes:

"Comrades, children, don't eat it. They want to fatten us up first, and then eat us up. Go on a hunger strike, children, whoever gets thinner from hunger dies later, or even never dies."

The boys ignored his incitement at all, or could not understand his meaning at all. When they saw the food and smelled delicious food, they didn't care about anything.The goblin was about to use force to stop this stupid act when he saw a tall man enter the house.He secretly looked at the man's feet, picked up the cup of hot milk, and took a loud sip.

He felt that the man was watching him condescendingly, so he drank milk and ate steamed buns harder.He deliberately dirty his hands and face, and made a purring sound from his throat.He tried hard to make himself a gluttonous fool.He heard the man say:

"Little Piggy!"

The two thick legs like stone pillars moved forward, and the little elf raised her head and stared at the man's back.He saw that the man had a long oval head, with a few curly yellow strands protruding from a white hat.When the man turned his face, the goblin saw that his face was rosy, and his nose was oily, like a strange-shaped water chestnut smeared with lard.With a grin on his face, he asked:

"Children, are you full?"

Most of the children said they were full, but some said they were not full.big man says:
"My dear children, you can't eat too much in one meal, or you will easily suffer from indigestion. Now, let's go out and play games, shall we?"

The children blinked their eyes and did not answer.The man patted his head and said that I was confused and forgot that you are children and don't understand what games are.Shall we go out and play eagle and chicken?
The children cheered in unison, followed the man, and swarmed into the yard.The little goblin seemed extremely reluctant, and followed slowly at the end.

At the beginning of the game, the long-nosed man chose the goblin to be his cock wife—perhaps because his red dress was particularly dazzling—and behind the goblin, a large group of children was dragging.The long nose acts as an eagle.He stretched his arms, imitated the movement of an eagle flapping its wings and flying, stared, bared its teeth, and let out a strange scream.

The eagle flapped its wings suddenly and flew at low altitude.The bridge of its nose is curved, the tip of the nose touches the thin upper lip, and the eyes radiate a dark light.This is indeed a ferocious carnivorous bird.Its dark shadow dangled over the children's heads.The goblin stared nervously at its twitching claws.Sometimes it lands on the green grass, sometimes it takes off, it plays with the children calmly, waiting for the opportunity.Carnivorous birds are actually extremely patient animals.The attacker is always in an active position.The defenders were so nervous that they didn't dare to relax even for a second.

The eagle launched an electric offensive.The goblin bravely rushed to the tail of the team, and rescued a child caught in the eagle's claws with his head, claws, and teeth.The children screamed in excitement and terror, running away from the eagle.The little goblin jumped cleverly, blocking the way of the eagle.His eyes shone with a gleam sharper than that of an eagle's.Eagle couldn't help but startled.

Another attack began, and the goblin rushed forward vigorously, getting rid of the involvement of the children's team.His movements are agile and accurate, definitely not a child's skill.Before the eagle could react, the goblin flew to his neck.He felt a real terror creep over him.He felt a huge black spider lying on his neck, or a man-eating bat with bright red flesh membranes between its limbs.He shook his head, trying to throw the child out.His actions are futile.The goblin's sharp claws dug deep into his eyes.The pain made him lose any ability to resist, he howled heartily, moved forward, and stood upright, like a dead tree fell down.

The little goblin jumped up from the man's head, with a treacherous, evil and cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, walked up to the children, and said:
"Boys, comrades, I pulled out the eagle's eyes so he can't see us. Let's play, boys!"

The eagle with its eyes gouged out rolled on the ground.His body sometimes forms an arch bridge, and sometimes twists into a dragon.He covered his face with his hands, and black blood flowed out from between his fingers, like black earthworms crawling on his face.He wailed, his voice was terrible and terrible.The children huddled together as usual.The little elf looked around vigilantly: there was no one in the courtyard, and there were a few white butterflies flying tremblingly on the tip of the grass.There was a chimney outside the courtyard wall emitting raging black smoke, and a strong fragrance rushed into the little fairy's nostrils.The more it is like this, the more miserable and sharp the eagle's cry is.He turned a few times in a hurry, and landed on the eagle's back with another leap, and the two sharp little claws strangled the eagle's throat.His face was too horrible to describe.There is no doubt that his ten fingers were deeply inserted into that fat neck.Does the goblin's hand in a person's neck feel like hot sand or oily grease?We don't know.Did he experience a thrill of revenge?We also don't know.Readers are always smarter than authors, and the narrator is convinced.When he pulled out his hand, the eagle's cry was weak, and a string of blood bubbles emerged from the eagle's neck, one after another, as if there were several crabs that liked to spit foam in the eagle's neck.Holding up ten bloody fingers, the little fairy said calmly:
"The eagle is dying."

The brave children came around, and the timid ones came around one after another. The children watched the dying eagle's body.It was still twitching and twisting, but the range of motion gradually narrowed, and the frequency of movements gradually slowed down.The eagle's beak suddenly opened, as if about to cry.Without chirping it spewed out a stream of blood.The blood fell on the green grass, making a splashing sound.The blood stained the blades of grass so viscously that it scalded the grass.The goblin dug up a handful of dirt and stuffed it into the gaping beak of the eagle.There was a sudden loud sound from the eagle's throat, and some mud spots and blood stars exploded.The goblin ordered:
"Children, stop it, block the eagle's beak, it won't be able to eat us if it is blocked."

The children actively responded to the little fairy's call. There were dozens of hands working together, and mud, grass, broken sand, and raindrops filled the eagle's beak, covering the eagle's eyes and nose.They worked harder and harder, the spirit of joy was born, the game seemed like life, and the eagle's head was covered with mud.Their activities often appear in daily life, such as partnering to beat an unlucky toad, a snake crossing the street, and a wounded cat.After playing, they gathered around to admire.


A puff of gas burst out from the eagle's lower body.

"It's not dead, it's still farting, stop it."

Another downpour of dirt nearly buried the eagle—almost buried the eagle, basically.

The person in charge of the Special Purchase Department of the Culinary Academy heard the sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves coming from the yard of the meat boy's breeding room, her neck and bladder contracted suddenly, and the thought of disaster crawled into her heart like a bug.

She stood up and walked to the telephone. As soon as her right hand touched the receiver, she felt a violent current rising rapidly along her fingertips, numb half of her body.She dragged half of her body back to the desk and sat down, feeling that her body was divided into two halves, one half was cold and the other half was burning.She hastily opened the drawer and took out a mirror to look at her face.The face was half purple and the other half white.She was so nervous that she jumped back to the phone, just stretched out her hand and then retracted it like an electric shock.Seeing that she was about to collapse, a spiritual light illuminated a path in her mind: on the road, there was a big tree struck by lightning, half of which was verdant, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and many fruits; Ye Bucun, in the sunshine like the sea, radiates a strange look.She suddenly realized: This tree is me.She suddenly filled her heart with tender passion, and tears flowed happily on her face.She gazed fascinatedly and infatuatedly at the half of the big tree that had been melted in the thunder fire, and avoided the green other half in disgust.She called for the thunder and lightning, and called for the thunder and lightning to smash the green into copper branches and iron trunks, forming a brilliant whole.So she reached for the phone with her left hand.So her whole body was burning.She seemed to be ten years younger all of a sudden.She ran out into the yard.She ran to the lawn in front of the meat boy breeding room.She laughed when she saw the dead eagle buried.She stroked her palm and said:

"Children, kill well! Kill well! Run away, run away! Get out of this murderous den, quickly."

She led the children through the iron gates and through the labyrinthine campus of the Culinary Academy.Her attempt failed.Except for the little goblin who escaped, all the children were caught and she was dismissed.Readers, why should I waste such a poetic pen and ink on her here?Because she is my mother-in-law, that is to say, she is the wife of Professor Yuan Shuangyu from the Brewing University.Everyone said that she was mentally ill, and I think so. Now she hides at home every day and writes letters of complaint. One of them was actually sent to Bao Heizi Bao Qingtian from Kaifeng Prefecture in Henan Province. What do you mean she is not crazy?If this continues, you will be poor if you just buy stamps.

When two flowers bloom, one branch is straightened first.A group of men in white took the escaped boy back to the special breeding room.It took a lot of effort to catch this group of children.After the baptism of fighting eagles, those little guys became savage and cunning one by one. They got into the bushes, into the holes in the walls, climbed up the treetops, and jumped into the latrines.They hid wherever they could.In fact, after my mother-in-law opened the solid iron gate in the yard of the special breeding room, the children ran wild.She felt that she was fleeing from the den with a group of children—an illusion—in fact, only her shadow followed her.When she was standing at the back entrance of the college facing the street, loudly encouraging the children to run away, the only people who heard her shouting were those who were lying at the exit of the college sewer leading to the creek, waiting to eat the exquisite food excreted by the culinary college. Old men and old ladies, he (she) is lying in ambush among those amazingly dense wild plants by the river, and my mother-in-law cannot see him (her).Why is my mother-in-law, who holds an important position, crazy?Whether it is because the body is electrified is another matter.

After discovering that the child had escaped, the Culinary Academy organized the School Security Department to call an emergency meeting and formulated emergency measures, such as immediately closing the four doors of the academy.Then organized several capable squads to search and arrest the campus.During the hunt, ten team members were bitten by the vicious meat boy, and one female team member was gouged out and blinded by the meat boy.The leaders of the college expressed condolences to the injured, and awarded various bonuses depending on the severity of the injury.They locked the meat boy in a tight room, and when they counted, they found that one was missing.According to the white-clothed aunt who regained consciousness after treatment, the meat boy who escaped was the murderer who injured her.Moreover, it must be him who killed the eagle.She vaguely remembered that the meat boy was wearing a red dress, with gloomy eyes like two snakes.

A few days later, when a school worker was cleaning the sewer, he found a set of red clothes that were filthy, but there was no trace of the goblin, murderer, and leader of the meat boy.

Readers, do you want to know the whereabouts of the little goblin?


Brother Liquor:

Letter received.After reading the masterpiece "Prodigy", the little goblin wearing the red flag made my heart jump, and I couldn't sleep peacefully for several nights.Dude, the language of this novel is so sophisticated and full of fantastic ideas, I am ashamed of myself.If I insist on making an opinion, I can make a few perfunctory remarks: for example, the origin of the little goblin is unknown, it does not conform to the principle of realism, the structure of the article is loose, it is too random, etc., it is not enough to teach.Facing Your Excellency's "goblin realism", I really dare not make rash comments. "Prodigy" has been sent to "National Literature", which is a big-name publication with sufficient sources of manuscripts and a huge backlog of manuscripts. It is completely normal that there is no news about your first two masterpieces yet.I wrote letters to Zhou Bao and Li Xiaobao, the two famous editors of "National Literature", asking them to help with the search. The two treasures are my friends, and I believe they will help.

In your letter, the words about wine are full of witty words, both grand and harmonious, both from the right and the left, and from both broad and broad perspectives.It really is Dr. Wine, I admire it very much.Hope you talk to me more about wine, I'm interested.

The detail of peeing into the wine basket in my book "Sorghum Wine" was praised as a technological invention by my brother, which made me dumbfounded.I have no knowledge of chemistry, let alone blending skills. When I first wrote this detail, it was purely out of a mischievous psychology, just to make a little joke with those "aestheticians" with bloody eyes.Unexpectedly, you can use scientific theory to demonstrate the rationality and nobility of this detail. In addition to admiring you, I would also like to thank you.This is called "experts watch the way, laymen watch the excitement", this is "intentionally plant flowers and flowers, but unintentionally plant willows and willows to make shade".

Speaking of "Eighteen Miles of Red", there is still a big lawsuit.After the movie "Red Sorghum" won an award in West Berlin, the director of the winery in my hometown went to find me in a warehouse where I was writing, and said that he wanted to trial-produce "Eighteen Miles of Red", but failed due to insufficient funds. mount.A year later, the provincial leaders visited the county and proposed to drink "Eighteen Miles Red", which made the county very embarrassed.After the leader left, the county finance allocated funds to the winery and set up a research team for the trial production of "Shibalihong".I think the so-called trial production is nothing more than blending several wines, designing a new bottle shape, bottling and labeling, and it is considered a success.I don't know if they add baby urine to the wine.Just as the winery was excitedly sending "Shibalihong" to the county to announce the good news, "Film Public" posted a message saying that Shibali Red Winery in Shangcai County, Henan Province held a press conference in Shenzhen and hosted a film banquet. circles.News was released at the meeting, saying that the "Eighteen Miles of Red" of the factory is the "Eighteen Miles of Red" in the movie "Red Sorghum".There are words like this printed on their wine boxes, to the effect that Dai Jiuer, the heroine in the movie "Red Sorghum", was originally from Shangcai, Henan Province, and then fled to Northeast Gaomi Township, Shandong Province with her father to brew the famous wine "Eighteen Miles Red". The recipe was brought by Henan Shangcai to Gaomi, Shandong. Therefore, Henan Shangcai is the real hometown of "Eighteen Miles Red".

The head of the winery in my hometown saw this news and scolded Henan Shangcai for being extremely slick, and immediately sent someone to Beijing to find me with the authentic "Shibalihong" produced in Gaomi, and asked me to come forward as the original author to help Gaomi " "Eighteen Miles of Red" fight back.However, the smart Shangcai people in Henan have already registered "Eighteen Miles Red" as a trademark with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. The law is ruthless, and the "Eighteen Miles Red" made by Gaomi Distillery is already illegal.The Gaomi people asked me to help them with the lawsuit,

(End of this chapter)

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