Chapter 103

Chen Xianqi poisoned Xi Lie, but said that Li Sheng won a complete victory because of his contribution, and after rewarding the army and horses, he wanted to march into Caizhou.Tao Yuanliang said: "The general's meritorious service has been accomplished, and his prestige has been greatly enhanced. It can be stopped. If there is a loss, this achievement will be decadent. It is just like adding a snake to the sky." Li Sheng said: "No way. Today, the defeated soldiers are still trying to attack. Today I am here. In the battle of Yishui, the rebel soldiers were heartbroken. If you don’t take advantage of this time to take Caizhou, when will you wait? Don’t let your ambitions fall.” Yuan Liang refused to follow, and Sheng Nailed his troops to look forward to Caizhou’s advance. .But it is said that Li Xilie is about to lead the army to meet the enemy, and he suffers from sudden illness and cannot live in daily life.Chen Xianqi, the general of his department, wanted to punish him, but he had no choice but to seek advice from the doctor Chen Shanfu.Shan Fu said: "Xi Lie's life is in my hands, so why bother?" Xian Qi asked why, Shan Fu said: "Sooner or later, I will call someone for medical treatment. If someone enters with poison, he will surely die. Xi uses swords and soldiers." Huh?" Xianqi said: "If this is the case, the whole country of the Tang Dynasty will depend on the king." Shanfu resigned, and sure enough the next day Xilie said that his stomach was swollen and the pain continued, so he sent someone to call Shanfu to take medicine.Shan Fu thought to himself, "This thief's life is over." He hid poison inside.Xilie lay down on the couch and ordered Shanfu to administer medicine.Shanfu said: "It can be cured once you take it." The teacher took the Yinchou and tortured it face to face. The medicine was half dry, so Shanfu put the poison and entered it himself.Xi Lie took it and drank it down.After a while, Xilie's seven holes were bleeding, and his belly was like thunder.The thieves looked at him closely, and Xilie was dead on the couch.When Xianqi heard about it, he went up to the couch with a knife, and the owl lowered his head, and all the people came to surrender.Li Sheng is overjoyed, today's class teacher, Yinxian Qimianjun.The emperor granted Xianqi to stay behind.However, it is said that in the 27 years before and after the emperor's reign, there were three yuan changes, namely Jianzhong, Xingyuan and Zhenyuan.At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, he was two years old, but Lu Qi used his affairs, and rebellions followed one after another.It's just appeasement at the end of the year.In September of that year, Emperor Ou was sick and couldn't afford to lie down.After a few days, it collapsed in the inner hall.He passed on to the prince and was named Shunzong.Not long after, Shunzong was ill again and could not listen to politics.In the eighth month of his reign, he claimed to be the Supreme Emperor, and passed on to the crown prince, who was Emperor Xianzong Zhangwu.Lin Huangshang was granted the title of Pingzhang Shi, Wu Yuanheng was appointed servant of the sect, Li Jifu was appointed as the sect of Sanpin, Li Jiang was granted the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, Pei Du was enfeoffed as Yushi Dafu, and the rest of the civil and military officials were given gifts.Amnesty to the world.At that time, there were no guards in Huaixi and other places, so Pei Du went to the table and begged to guard Huaixi and other places.Emperor Xuzhi granted Peidu Governor Huaixi and other military horses, and received an imperial edict.Let's say that Pei Du's character is neutral, and he is also from Wenxi in Hedong.When I was young, my family was poor and helpless, and I was extremely embarrassed and humiliated.When I met Qiu He, a man of fortune, he said: "There are too many servants, and there is no one like this." Du asked why, Qiu He said: "Don't be surprised, I see you with a towering heaven and a sloping pavilion, if you weren't a distinguished guest from the Hongmen , It is determined to be poor and hungry, and the Lord will starve to death." To live the day: "Death and life have fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, why is there such a thing." Say goodbye and leave.During a one-day visit to Xiangshan Temple, a woman borrowed three jade belts and one rhinoceros belt as bribes for the crime of her father, went to the temple to pray, put them on the railing, and left without taking them.Pick it up and return it.At night, a man in the dream said: "According to your humble appearance, you should starve to death. God saw that you still have Yin skills, and specially ordered me to change your beards for you, so that you will be listed as a minister in another day. Ding Nai." After saying that, he left.When I woke up, I still felt a slight pain around my mouth.Later, when he came to the prime minister, Qiu He came back and saw it differently. He went over it carefully, and said sadly: "'The public minister is wearing a beggar's bone' and there are only four prime minister's beard ears. Its value is due to Yin virtue." At that time, Pei Pei Du invited soldiers to fight against the thieves, and supervised the army and horses to exercise all day long, so they erected fences everywhere to prepare for the troops and horses everywhere to garrison.Pei Du had his own way of doing things. From time to time, bandits would station Wu Yuanji in Caizhou. In July of that autumn, Yuan Ji held a meeting and invited all the generals to discuss the matter of entering the bandits.Suddenly a person in the seat said: "The general has won all the battles and victories. The officers and soldiers are famous and only guard this county as the top. Why do they want to join the invaders? If it is not good, it is not beautiful." Yuan Ji regarded it He is from Weizhou.His surname is Ding and his name is Shiliang, he is the deputy general of Yuanji's subordinates.Yuan Ji said: "You only know that the Tang Dynasty has a large army, but you don't know how many things are easy to attack. There are five victories and defeats in Tang Dynasty, why don't you enter the army?" The thieves said: "What are the five victories and defeats? "Yuan Ji said: "The Tang army was defeated and exhausted. Although our soldiers were defeated, they were not injured. Once our soldiers entered, they could win. Our soldiers are soldiers who have been trained for a long time; Two can be victorious. I use boats and ships to carry the army to advance without fatigue; the other army comes from the dry road, and three can win. The other army is equipped everywhere, and the army is divided; There are four victories for Ande to rescue. Our soldiers are now out of Lingchuan and plundering wheat grains for food, five can be victorious. If we don't enter the Tang Dynasty at this time, when will we wait?" Wu Xiulin said: "Pei Du has plotted It is far-reaching, and if you are given the post of recruiting envoy in Huaixi, you must be prepared all the way, how can you be better than others?" Yuan Ji said: "What do you worry about, I have my own clever strategy. You wait for the rest of the prestige of others, and destroy it. My own vigor. I have decided that I will take the counties first." All the remonstrances refused, Yuanji took the front line, and ordered the three armies to advance one after another. He left Caizhou, raised troops to fight, and attacked and killed Ben Lingchuan. .The former army sentry horse reported: there are nine villages under Lianlu, each guarded by troops.Yuanji heard this, so he led several horsemen to Gaofu to look at it: Lingchuan Jiuzhai, like a long snake, looks at each other head to tail.Yuan Ji said: "Wu Xiulin's words are trustworthy. The law of this village is what Guo Linggong can do. Looking at Pei Du's actions today, he is not inferior to this person." Then he returned to the village and called the deputy general to listen to the order and said: "Tang Bing We have already prepared, and the speed must be here. You can set up my flag in vain, and go down to the village at the mouth of the valley. Send hundreds of troops out of the post, call for the flag armor, and fight the five flags of blue, yellow, red, white, and black. , to show that we have a large number of soldiers. I sent a large army to steal out of the Qin Pavilion and attack Ruyang." He ordered the bandit general Xin Yong to station his troops at the mouth of Lingchuan Valley, and Yuan Ji took his troops away.But Pei Du heard that the bandits had left Lingchuan, and at that time he and Li Guangyan were in Lingchuan stronghold, ready to meet the enemy.Seeing that he didn't come to fight for days, five times a day.When Xiao Ma leaves the stronghold, he will return within ten or fifteen miles.Every time I wait and see, I see that the sentinel horses are only these few horses, and they are more obedient and galloping back and forth, all because the master will be incompetent.Nai and Li Guangyan, the chief general, said: "General, you should attack with an army, and you will surely win. If you break through the fence, you will attack after Yuanji. It is better to deny the main road of Qinting, and the bandits will be in danger." Duling the army to rescue you Yang: "Occupy Jiugong Mountain from a small path, if it is far away from this mountain, Wu Yuanji must take the dry slope. There is a valley on the road, called Tingmapo, the land is dangerous, and it is very good for ambushes. When we come to fight for Jiugong Mountain, I will go ahead The first army is lying on Tingmapo, and the thief will be captured." Li Guangyan said: "I am now a general, and I have never observed geography so clearly. You are a master of learning. You are a true god. You should go quickly, and I will attack here." So. Pei Du led tens of thousands of horses, and traveled on a starry night to take Jiugong Mountain, but the bandits hadn't arrived yet.After going down to the stronghold, Yan Shou, the vanguard, and Tian Xiyan, the deputy general, were called to lead five thousand soldiers each.Du sent an order to stop the flags and drums to wait for the bandits.After all how?And listen to the back end.The general batch: Li Xilie is rebellious and likes to kill, and he kills barbarians at every turn.Pei Zhongli's appearance is obscene, but he is actually hungry; just because of this, he is grateful to God.There is no one else here, only a spiritual platform, which few people can reach.

(End of this chapter)

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