Chapter 11

Li Yuan joined forces to encircle Chang'an Yuan and took Huoyi. The sound of the army was loud, and there were thousands of heroes from far and near who joined him.He wanted to lead troops west to Chang'an, but he hesitated because he was afraid that they would be followed.Pei Ji said: "Qu Tutong is guarding Puguan, and it has not yet come down. If we go west of my house, if we attack Chang'an and fail, we will retreat to the heels of the east of the river. I will be attacked by enemies on both sides. This is the sign of defeat. If we don't break through first, then Going to the capital, the capital relies on the communication as a aid. If the communication fails, the capital will be destroyed." Shimin said: "Otherwise, the soldiers are precious and fast, and the prestige of my victorious victories will be comforted by the subordinates. People are horrified by the wind, they are too wise to plan, and they are too brave to give up. If you take it, you will lose your ears. If you drown yourself under a strong city, Peter will be prepared to wait for me, and you will spend the sun and the moon, and the hearts of the people will be discouraged. Let's go. And the generals who rise up in Guanzhong have no affiliation, so they are easy to attract and caress, and they have them. If the soldiers are strong, how can they not be restrained. How can they harm me if they guard their ears? If you miss the opportunity, you will win. The burden is unpredictable." Yuan followed him, so he left the generals to encircle the east of the river, and immediately sent his men and horses straight to the west.

However, when Tang soldiers set off, Yuan said to the generals: "The road ahead is rugged, and you must go forward as a vanguard, clearing roads when you encounter mountains, and building bridges when you encounter water. Who dares to take this job?" The general under the tent said: "Although a certain If you are not talented, I would like to be in the front line." Everyone saw it as Yin Kaishan.The generals said: "It is this man who cannot be the vanguard." Yuan said: "Now the generals will protect you as the vanguard in the front. I will send [-] horse troops and [-] infantry to take Guanzhong. You and the people of the world, Liu Hongji cited As the army advances, concentrate on filling up roads, repairing bridges, digging mountains and breaking rocks, and don’t let them hinder you. I have an army of [-] soldiers, and they will continue to march in the starry night. If you violate my order, you must follow the military law.” Kaishan followed his orders and marched.He then ordered Jiancheng to lead [-] troops, together with Liu Wenjing, Wang Changxie and Dou Gui, to garrison Yongfengcang and guard Tongguan to prepare for the east.

Not to mention the completion of the attack on Hedong, but also to say that the army of the people of the world is moving forward in the north of Weibei. The pioneer Yin Kaishan wants to make a first contribution and rush to Jishui.Before passing through Wuguan, looking back at the generals, he said: "There are not many troops in the pass, and we can rob the pass today." It turned out that the Sui general surnamed Hao and Daoheng who guarded the pass had only 1 people.There is water in front of the pass, and there is a big stream below. When Tang soldiers come, all the troops will guard them.Yin Kaishan led the army and horses to rush to the pass, and the arrows rained down like rain.Kaishan hurried back, shot down dozens of riders, and rushed to report to the people of the world.Shimin led hundreds of horses from the front of the tent until he closed the gate to look at it. When he closed the gate, he fired all the crossbows.Shimin patted his horse across the bridge, and Shimin was trapped on the bridge, and the horse couldn't afford to move.When Shimin walks away, Daoheng stabs him with a spear. Xue Kan, one of the Tang soldiers, turns around and shoots Daoheng under the horse.The people of the world took advantage of the momentum to rush to the pass, and closed five thousand Sui soldiers as masterless generals. They did not dare to resist and were killed by Tang soldiers.

At that time, the people of the world gave Xue Kan the armor and pommel horse, and moved them to the guard army.All the generals gathered under the tent, and the people of the world called Yin Kaishan and asked, "You are a pioneer. I have told you to build bridges and roads to wait for the army to advance. Today, the bridge stone is stuck in my horse's hoof. If it weren't for Xue Kan, I would have been killed by the Sui Dynasty. killed by people.

You have disobeyed my order, and you have reported it by beheading your sword and axe. "The generals said: "At the beginning of the army, they cut off the vanguard, fearing that the army will be disadvantaged.And this person's name is in the world, I hope the son will forgive him. "The people of the world stopped their anger and marched forward.

At this time, Yu Zhining from Gaolu was guarding Guanshi City, and Yan Shigu from Linyi in Langya was guarding Anyang City. Seeing that the Tang army was powerful and there were only [-] troops in the headquarters, they did not dare to meet the enemy and stood behind closed doors.Shimin ordered Liu Hongji to besiege Guanshi City and Xue Kan to besiege Anyang City.The people of the world said: "Soldiers are expensive and quick.

"Then withdrew [-] troops, and the stars and electricity went away. It was unstoppable. Go to Zhongwei Pass, and the guards Zhu Qian and Shang Bao discussed with each other. Qian said: "Tang soldiers come with [-]. . Shang Bao said: "Tang soldiers are tired from afar, so what's the benefit if there are many."If there is no battle, the two cities of Guanshi and Anyang will die. "Zhu Qian hesitated, and people reported that the Tang Brigade had arrived.

The people of the world raised their whips and pointed at the pass and said, "I have hundreds of thousands of soldiers here now. You will return early and be promoted according to their grades, otherwise all jade and stone will be destroyed." Three thousand troops came to pass.Shimin led his troops away, and Shang Bao took advantage of the momentum to lead his troops to chase and kill them for more than [-] li.When the Tang soldiers reunited, Shang Bao hurried back, closed the gate and raised the Shun flag.Shang Bao was shocked and scolded the ungrateful thief.I saw Zhu Qian shouting at the gate: "I have surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, you can surrender with me." Shang Bao was furious and scolded, "You rebel, what face do you have to see the world!" Close the arrow stone Like rain, Shang Bao turned back and fought back. The Tang soldiers came from all directions. Shang Bao fought to the death in the chaos and could not escape.Bao Nai sighed and said: "I am exhausted, and I wish to be the ghost of the Sui Dynasty!"Shimin won the Zhongwei Pass, at this time Shimin's wife and elder brother Sun Wuji also led troops to help.Li Quan's poem sighed and said: "The people of the world drive one hundred thousand soldiers by themselves, and the Sui officials have no plan to guard the lonely city."

I wish the death of Shangjun, who surrendered to the captive, and the leopard has a notorious reputation.

Yuan Bing came later, and Liu Wenjing was left behind to refuse Qu Tutong in Hedong, and all of them came.The people of the world were overjoyed at the reception, and Yuan immediately ordered Weibei to surrender to the soldiers to give him food and wine, saying: "Tonight, I will use you and others to take our army to take Acheng, and each will have a reward." Everyone agreed.That night, he called Qian and Leopard's men to introduce them to Acheng, and said, "We are in a hurry. We are here to tell you. You can open the door quickly." When the city heard that it was their own house, they opened the door immediately.As soon as the sergeant rushed in, the sword was not stained with blood, so he captured Acheng, and fell all the way to Guanzhong.

But it is said that Yuan's daughter married Chai Shao, learned to dance swords and gallop bows and horses since she was a child, and also led more than [-] female soldiers in dancing and shooting. sharp.It turned out that when Chai Shao first arrived in Taiyuan, he said to his wife: "My lord, raise your troops. If I walk with you now, I can't do it. If you stay here, you will be in trouble. What can I do?" Don’t worry about me if you want to hide it.” Shao then went on his own.The wife sneaked back to a remote place in the village of E County, scattered her family's money, and gathered disciples.At this time, Yuanzhi's younger brother Shentong was also in Chang'an, and he died in the mountains of Hu County, and joined forces with Chang'an hero Shi Wanbao to respond to Yuan.

Another bandit leader, He Panren, gathered tens of thousands of people and robbed Li Gang as a long history.Li made his slave horse Sanbao talk about Pan Ren, and ordered him to join forces with Shentong to attack Hu County.Pan Ren followed him and then conquered Hu County.There are more than [-] supernatural powers, and there are more than [-] Tang soldiers.When Yuan passed through the Sui Dynasty, he traveled to the palace and garden, and after learning about it, he was ordered to stop, and the maids were released, and each returned to his home.According to the order, [-] troops were built, first from Xinfeng to Bashang, and then Shimin led the troops to march towards Xicheng.There is Fang Xuanling's Lun scarf Taoist uniform, which enters from the outside and pays homage to the people of the world at the military gate.When the people of the world saw it, they were overjoyed and said: "The one who makes me a great event must be this person. I am here to meet you. Fortunately, Mingjiao can help me." Xuanling said: "A mediocre talent is not enough for me. I hope Ming Gongwei In addition to the sea, it is famous for bamboo and silk, Xuanling can use its size, and the rest is not enough." The people of the world were overjoyed, so they stayed as a record room and joined the army, introduced it to Yu Yuan, and added it as a mastermind.Xuanling sees that the people of the world treat them generously, and she also thinks that she has met her confidant, knowing everything she says, and everything she says is true.Xuanling said: "This is not far from Chang'an, only a few feet away, and things are under control. Soldiers are precious and fast, so don't be slow." The people of the world led their troops straight to Changle Palace. What happened after all?

General batch: Break through first and then go to the capital. It is certainly a sight, but big things may not go away.If you use the prestige of repeated victories to appease the people who belong to you, then take Chang'an like a rotten ear.Yin Kaishan is a true pioneer, Xue Kan is also a true hero, and Xuanling is considered the mastermind, so it is so difficult to decide.

(End of this chapter)

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