Chapter 16

Li Yuan received Zen, that is, the emperor's throne text, and said: "The lord is fair and righteous. If he is not willing, he will take the honorary title. All officials will discuss with their elders for a while." It's usurping the throne." Pei Zhiyin, Shaoqing of Sinong, said: "When there is chaos, it is advisable to follow the change of circumstances; if you stick to the usual way, you will miss a big deal. We will ask for an imperial edict." Yuan repeatedly pushed back, but he was afraid that the army would change his mind, so he had to Yi Yun.The people of the world then ordered all the officials to follow Pei Zhiyin to ask for an imperial edict.At this time, Emperor Gong was young, so he ordered Xiao to make a grass edict, wishing to Zen in Tang Dynasty.Zhi said: "I have been in power for more than one month. When I was young, I was overthrown by the world. Fortunately, thanks to the spirit of my ancestors, I got Li's assistant government."Today, looking up at the sky and looking down at the hearts of the people, the number of Yan Jing has been exhausted, and the Dali has been attributed to Tang.Moreover, the traces of the gods and martial arts are not only the trees in the front, but also the brilliance of Mingde is shown in the back.The imperial seal is specially presented, followed by the Yao Code, Zen is located in the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang King has no speech.

On that day, Xiao Zao, Pei Zhiyin, together with all the officials, asked the king of Tang to present them with Danzhao and Yuxi.Wen Jing said: "Don't take it lightly. Although the imperial seal has arrived, you can build an altar to receive Zen, so as to avoid the world's slander." But Jiang Zuo built an altar outside Chang'an City, with a radius of nine miles, distributed in five directions, each with banners, and all the officials are arranged in order.Pei Ji and Wen Jing invite Yuan to the altar, and all officials hold the crown and imperial seal.The third concession is to accept, sit facing the south, and receive the congratulations of civil and military officials, that is, the emperor's throne.Amnesty, the Yuan was changed to the first year of Wude, and a hundred officials were granted one level.The county was changed to a state, and the prefect was changed to a governor.Li Jian became the crown prince, Shimin was made the king of Qin, and Yuanji was made the king of Qi.Take Pei Ji as the right servant and Zhizhengshi, Liu Wenjing as Nayan, Sui Xiaoyu as the secretary of the prime minister's mansion, Dou Wei as the internal history order, Liu Hongji as the marching chief, and the rest were knighted according to their merits.

Since the king of Tang ascended the throne, Emperor Gong retreated to Changle Palace.The next day, he received the congratulations in the main hall, and the king of Tang issued an imperial edict: "The rebel Yu Wenhua killed the Sui emperor in Jiangdu, fornicated the harem, called the orphan and changed his name, but led the troops back to the west. His son Yang Hao was poisoned and died. This enmity swears that the world is different, and the sun and the moon are together. Now that I am the emperor, Lai Qing and others support me. If I don’t avenge Emperor Yang, how can I be a courtier? I want to raise an army that will destroy the country, destroy Huaji, and serve Yang It is my wish to hate the emperor." Wen Jing said to him: "Your Majesty has just ascended the throne, and the seat is not safe, and now he wants to go on an expedition, toil and think, and it will cost the country, so it is not appropriate." The emperor said: "I rely on all the ministers. If you have the power, you will be established as the king. I have never dared to be negligent, and now it will last for a year. The army and horses have cultivated their vigor, and the warehouses have stored grain. Why don’t we just hunt for thieves at this time and fix the Central Plains, when will we wait?” So he ordered Qin Wang Shimin As the marshal of the march, he ordered his younger brother, King Huai'an, to be the deputy marshal. The two led [-] soldiers together to conquer them.The king of Qin resigned from the emperor and returned to the government. He discussed the deployment of troops to form a team to conquer and conquer.The allocation of the king of Qin has been completed, and he selected Bingyin to leave the army in July of the first year of Wude.

Suddenly, he saw a man, majestic and stern, with leopard head and eyes around him, tiger arms and wolf waist, coming to the king of Qin to present his plan.Everyone sees him as a native of Sanyuan, Jingzhao. His surname is Li Mingjing, and his style name is pharmacist. He is now the general of the right.Jing said: "Rebellious officials and today's power have more than [-] elite soldiers under Emperor Yangdi. The front is very sharp and the enemy should not be underestimated. It is better to send someone to ask Wei Gong Li Mi to attack the right side, Le Shou Jiande to attack the left side, and Luoyang Wang Shichong. After that, my soldiers refused to move forward. The thieves are pressing, and they will be exhausted without fighting." The king of Qin was overjoyed, and immediately sent Liu Wenjing to write a letter, and invited the princes from all walks of life to raise troops and go to Wei County to beg the thieves.On the one hand, he personally led the soldiers to leave Chang'an and head towards Wei County.Liquan's poem goes: "One hundred thousand soldiers are clamoring in the pass, and the order of the King of Qin is self-evident."

The flag wears the dawn, the clouds and clouds are mixed, and the mountains lean against the autumn sky, and the sword and halberd are new.

Qianli Shuangwei's golden axe is heavy, and the battle robe of Sanqiu style is light.

With whom to save the water of the Tianhe River, wash away the bloody war in the Central Plains.

The story is divided into two parts, not to mention Liu Wenjing's writings everywhere, but first to say that after Dou Jiande committed suicide with Guo Xuan, he lived in Leshou and claimed to be the king of Changle.He also defeated Xue Shixiong in Zhuojun, and led his troops to attack Hejian.The Prime Minister of Hejian Fu, also from Yiyang, surnamed Wang and Mingcong, is good at talking about the art of war, has the courage to be bold, trains soldiers day and night, and rejects Jiande.Jiande Wai will last for a year and cannot be taken down.At that time, Wang Cong heard that Emperor Yang had been murdered in the city, and he mourned for the two emperors. The elder and younger wore plain clothes and set up seats to mourn.The soldiers also wailed and moved the people all over the city, as if they were mourning and trying to test Yao, and they all hurt the two emperors and died unexpectedly.Jiande found out about it and felt sorry for his loyalty and filial piety, so he sent sacrificial wine to Ling Jing to hang him in the city.The small school reported: "Jiande sent Ling Jing to see him. He had no armor, and there were only a few people after him." Cong ordered Xiu to go into the city.Le Minjin said: "Jiande saw that I was poor, and Ling Jing, the special envoy, said, why should I reject him? Let people see what he said, if he can, he will follow him; if he can't, he will send him away. Why not use his words to express my ideas. "

Wang Cong followed his words, and Ling Jing entered happily.Cong said, "Why is the sacrificial wine here?"

Jing said: "Today, I am here to praise the military aircraft under the tent of the king of Changle, and I am waiting for the gift of the superior. Seeing that my step bears such a great talent, I have a heart of loyalty and filial piety, so I don't avoid the ax and axe, and I want to benefit my step." Cong Zhengse said: "Jian Virtue is also my enemy. If you invade my city, why do you say so much? Since you have the theory of gold and stone, let you come into the city, when will you see me with slanderous words?" Jing said: "I don't dare to be a sycophant. Seeing that you are in a hurry, I came here to make peace between the two families." Cong said, "What are the gains and losses? Try to say it for me." Jing said, "Recently, there is competition in all directions, and everyone wants to return to the Ming Dynasty. Emperor Yang is still alive. Don't dare to move around. You should only stick to the city to fulfill your duties.

Now that Emperor Yangdi is dead, the Younger Emperor is dead, and Sui Zuo has no legacy. Why is he so stubborn?And with an isolated city, wouldn't it be foolish to reject tens of thousands of teachers? Cong said: "Now I regard death as my home. You should go quickly, and I will not surrender." Jing laughed and said, "What you see is wrong!"Moreover, when people are alive, they just want to gain a good name, seek wealth and honor, and think of their descendants.It has been a few days now that I have been guarding Hejian, mourning for the two emperors, showing my utmost mourning, loyalty and filial piety, known to everyone in the world.What's more, the world is in turmoil, the world is not suitable, the city is under the eyes, and you still don't think about it. If you are so obsessed, one day everything will be destroyed, and it will be too late to regret.Why don't you follow me to the King of Changle, establish the country and secure the people, punish the rebels together, and make immortal achievements, wouldn't it be beautiful?I would like to think about it. Cong saw that Jingyan was in order, pondered for a while, then sighed and said, "I can't be a loyal minister!"I would like to follow the king's words to save the lives of a county.But I can't avenge the two emperors, I feel ashamed, and I'm afraid that King Changle won't tolerate me. Jing said: "The king of Changle is lenient and generous, so why not tolerate it."Now that you are raising your mind, you are hunting for thieves, and you will surely be able to stretch your ambitions. " Cong said: "Nevertheless, please temporarily ask the king of Changle to withdraw from the army, and let me clean up, even if he comes to surrender. "

Ling Jing bid farewell and went back to the camp to tell the truth.Jiande was overjoyed, so he ordered the soldiers to retreat [-] Li to set up camp and hold a banquet to wait for Wang Cong.The next day, Jiande sent Song Zhengben, the supervisor of the army, to meet him, and Jiande met him from the gate.Wang Cong worshiped lightly, but Jiande hurriedly lowered his tent to help him up.

Cong said: "The defeated general deeply appreciates the kindness of the king not to kill, and he should serve as the reward of a dog and a horse." Jiande said: "I have always known that loyal and righteous people under my feet will be harmed. Special order Ling Jing, please help me to build the country, and work together Preserve wealth and honor." Cong said: "A certain person is mediocre and mediocre, how dare he take up the post, but he can only serve as a whip and stirrup. However, the enmity between the two emperors must be avenged. If the king is with a brigade of teachers, the minister will go first. May I help you." After saying this, tears fell like rain, and he beat his breast and cried.Jian Germany: "This matter hastily disturbed, I will raise troops to discuss it." After making a banquet, Wang Cong thanked him and dispersed.After all how?
General approval: Li Yuan was recruited to the altar, and he accepted three concessions, not usurping or murdering.But he raised troops to fight against the thieves again, in order to avenge the Emperor Chang, which can be a warning for future generations of courtiers.Look at how well-organized he ordered the king of Qin and his younger brother, but he must call it "Zen" if he takes it with soldiers, which is a sign of the decline of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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