Chapter 34

In May of the year when Li Shiji returned to the Tang Dynasty, Wang Shichong killed Sui Wang Tong, posthumously called Emperor Gong, and established himself as emperor with the name of Zheng.Officials, big and small, worship and dance, and call them long live.

Someone had reported to Chang'an earlier, and the King of Qin was startled and said: "Wang Shichong is the emperor, and his heart is full of serious troubles. The disaster is not small. Today's conquest is famous, and it must be my own." So he presented it to the emperor and sent Li Jing to Taiyuan to meet the enemy. In Wu Zhou, one hundred thousand Tang soldiers and thousands of grain and grass were raised, all of which were placed on the carriages.Order Shi Yue and Wang Chang to be the vanguard, and Tao Wuqin and Ma Sanbao to be the guards.The soldiers left Chang'an and hoped to advance to Luoyang.On the second day of Zhengxing, it was reported that Dou Jiande had allied with the Turks and invaded Tang Xiangzhou, and the governor Lu Min was defeated and died.Attacking Weizhou, the Hebei ambassador Huai'an Wang Li Shentong and Anchang Princess, and Li Yang guard Li Shiji.Shiji's father Xu Gai and Wei Zheng were all captured, and they were very sharp.King Qin was shocked when he heard this, and said: "Shixun is my heart, how can I also subdue Xia Xie? Losing an arm makes me uneasy all the time."

During the discussion, I suddenly saw a man riding alone with a light bow and short arrow, and a single horse came alone. Everyone regarded him as a world record.See the king of Qin, roll off the saddle, and bow down to the ground.The King of Qin said: "You have built virtue. When you come to see me again, do you want to be a traitor?" Shi Ji said: "The minister and Wei Zheng are the descendants of Wei. Fortunately, they will not be abandoned. The Kingdom of Holland is very kind, and dare to bear your highness. Special Because of the loss of power, I was profited by treacherous schemes, so I had no choice but to surrender, temporarily for the sake of security, with the intention of revenge. I am happy that Jiande will not die, so that I will still be in my old position and guard Liyang. [Recovery] Worship Wei Zheng as I live and give up my family. I am afraid that I will be rebellious, so I will send someone to hold my father as a hostage, and the elders will congratulate me. I will treat the elders very generously, so it is difficult to act." Qin Wang said: "What do you mean by coming here?" Ji said: "Come here just for the sake of loyalty and special news." Qin Wang said: "What plan do you use to get rid of it?"

Shiji said: "We have discussed with Wei Zheng and Guo Xiaoke. When Jiande goes to conquer Henan, we will cover up his unpreparedness, rob and kill his camp, and lead his people. I also got my father and the prefectures and counties where Jiande was based. It belongs to the Tang Dynasty. Unexpectedly, after Jiande won Liyang, he was on the alert day and night, and his orders were very strict, so he plotted against him. Every time I heard that His Highness was fighting with Zheng, his general Qin Qiong was brave and could not win. The counties of Bingzhou were attacked by Liu Bing , I heard it, I feel restless. Now I have to leave on business and come here thousands of miles away to comfort Your Highness. Qin Qiong and I are both Wei officials, and we have a very close relationship. Your Highness can write a book. I pretend to be a wandering Taoist. I left Xia privately, went to Luoyang, asked Uncle Bao, and stated his interests, so that both belong to the Tang Dynasty, the enemy respects morality, and the land of counties in the prefecture can be restored, and Luoyang will soon be returned to His Royal Highness." Qin Wang said: " Everyone says that the Duke will descend to Xia, but I don't believe it. Knowing that the Duke is loyal and loyal, it is true now. If this is the case, the community will be blessed.

However, the way of father and son is the love of heaven, Mao Gong does not think of me, but cuts off his love of heaven, and treats his lord to do his best, and the people of the world will listen to his teachings.Today, I will pay for the affairs of Hebei.


Shixun paid his thanks and wanted to go, Qin Wang said: "Let's get together for another night, and we will see each other in the future.

" Changsun Wuji came to see the King of Qin and said: "Mao Gong is a genius in the world. He knew the truth in the army in the Tang Dynasty. If the north returns to Jiande and holds his father as a hostage, and uses the achievements of the world, he will devote himself to attacking him. Our army is bound to be in danger.I hope that His Royal Highness will stay here, and don't teach me to follow Jiande.

If Jiande beheads his father, Shiji will avenge his father and attack Jiande. "Qin Wang said: "Otherwise, it is not benevolent to let someone kill his father and I use his son alone;I would rather die than do something unrighteous. Besides, if I go, I will achieve great success, so why stay? "Everyone went away sighing. King Qin asked Shiji to drink until midnight. King Qin said: "I heard that the trip of the Lord made me feel like I lost my left and right hands. Even though the dragon liver and phoenix marrow are not willing to taste.

" Shiji said: "Your Highness, don't worry, I'm going here just to talk about Shubao, and I'm sure I'll be disappointed soon.


Shiji left after parting, and returned to Leshou in Chengcheng, and entered Jiande.After the salutation was over, Jiande asked, "When will my feet go?" Shiji said: "Since I was young, I have been fond of hunting and hunting, holding a bow and trying out arrows. I roamed the suburbs. If I didn't leave for a long time, my body would definitely fall ill. Yesterday I traveled a lot. Day, inquire about the news. The old father is fortunate to be merciful, and the world is full of shame." Jiande said: "My father is here, you can do your best in the morning and evening, and I will listen to the teachings." Thank you Shiji.

However, after Shiji returned to Xia Dynasty, Jiande envoys guarded Liyang, and they had no intention of treason, because they persuaded Jiande to attack Huazhou.The governor of Huazhou, surnamed Wang Minggui, was killed by a domestic slave and surrendered to Jiande with his head.Shiji said: "Slave killing his master is the way of great rebellion. How can there be such a reason? Behead him to warn his subordinates." Jiande followed him, beheaded his slave, and returned the head of the track to Huazhou .The officials and people in Huazhou are delighted, please surrender today.Therefore, the surrounding states and counties all looked after the wind and attached themselves, and Jiande followed the plan of the world's achievements.Shiji's words must be in line with reason, and Jiande is deeply appreciated by himself. Therefore, the upper and lower levels work together, and the monarch and ministers are one. Although there is a slight gap, there is no suspicion.

But Shiji thought to himself: Farewell to the king of Qin, and promise to return to Tang with meritorious service.Desire to escape, there is nothing to do.I walked leisurely under the moonlight at night, sighing.Suddenly he saw a person coming in from the outside, and said with a smile, "Why is Maogong like this? Why don't you discuss it with me and suffer yourself?" It was Wei Zhengye who saw it.Shiji, please sit down, and said: "What Shiji laments is that my father is in Xia, and he hates that there is no way to escape." Zheng said: "Why don't you take advantage of this and flee first, and I will go to Jiande On the table above, it is secretly said that your heart is uncertain, and you are afraid of changes. It is advisable to prepare for it. Jiande senses that you have gone far away. If you offend your father, Shiling Changshi Su Jin will be in the palace to Chen Zuo for his benefit. Jiande is useless. I must be deceived by him. This person is my life-and-death acquaintance. He knows that Jiande is not the real king. He always has the heart of going to the country and wants to return to the Tang Dynasty with me, but he has no reason. If you entrust him as your confidant, you will be able to The protection order [respect] [nothing] is a matter of loyalty and filial piety." Shiji put away his luggage, and the next day [Wei] Zheng went to see Jiande, and he had to play Shiji's return to the country.Jiande said: "I have my own plan to keep it."

But Shiji said that Pingming led Guo Xiaoke and other dozens of horsemen, with light bows and short arrows, pretending to be hunting, and went out of the south gate to look at the official road.On the same day, Jiande was discussing the Shiji and the matter was still undecided, so reports came from left and right: Shiji led dozens of people and fled through the south gate.Jiande was shocked when he heard the words, and said: "Shiji is gone!" Everyone was astonished, and one general stood up and said, "Shiji betrayed Xia and returned to Tang, and his father can be punished. A certain general, three thousand cavalry, should capture Shiji alive. , and present it to Your Majesty." Everyone regarded it as Cao Dan.How does Cao Dan want to catch up with the world record?
General comment: Wang Shichong is famous for killing the king and seizing the throne, and the king of Qin challenged him.And the world's achievements are not in the summer, but for the time being, it is a way to settle down, aiming at revenge.Even if he returns to Jiande in the north, he will surely achieve great success if he goes there. King Qin firmly believes in it and does not doubt it.And confronted Wei Zheng, but pretended to be hunting to return to the country. As a result, he did not forget his parting words.

(End of this chapter)

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