Chapter 36

Shiji Yunyou visited Shu Bao Deming and said: "If you want to return to the Tang Dynasty, I will be the first!" The friendship between the necks, will you be able to bear you? The preface is the ear of the special drama. I also want to return to the Tang Dynasty, but Zheng Nai has treated me very well, and I can't bear to go." Zhijie said: "Brother's words are wrong, Shichong is promoted to brother As the teacher of the King of Han, Wang Xuanshu has no respect for his teachers. He despises the virtuous and disrespects scholars. Isn’t it ashamed, brother? Besides, there are soldiers from Zhu Can in the south, and the Tang Dynasty in the west. , the upper and the lower are jealous, and its power cannot be sustained for a long time. My brother and I will fill the ditch one day, what is the benefit here? It can be settled quickly." Deming said: "Your words are very true, and I can't be safe. ?
Zhijie said: "Only Shubao refuses to follow. You stay with the King of Han. If there is nothing wrong with him, he will be suspicious and separate people from top to bottom. Shubao's hard-hearted heart can't survive on its own." Deming said: "I will help each other." " Zhijie is about to send a hundred gold coins to Suwei, saying that every time Shubao sends troops to fight, the Tang soldiers will stick to the wall, fearing internal changes, and it should be done. For fear of having a different heart, Xuanshu, king of the Han Dynasty, also despised Shubao. Since then, Shichong suspected that Shubao had not made meritorious deeds for a long time, and he would not enter the army.

Shubao was shocked when he heard this, and he was not at ease.While hesitating, he suddenly saw a person coming from a distance with a Confucian scarf, Taoist clothing, hemp silk sash, and a medicine gourd tied around his waist.It's my old friend Xu Shiji who sees it.When Shubao received him, he moved his old thoughts and extended them into the camp.After the gift ceremony, Shiji said: "Shiji has been farewell to my virtuous brother for a long time. I don't want my virtuous brother to be famous in the world, and his prestige and prestige will move Guanzhong. I recalled the past, and I have taught you a lot. I will never forget my virtue. My virtuous brother belongs to King Zheng. All the people in Luoyang are convinced." Shubao said: "I heard that my brother abandoned Tang and returned to Xia, and he did it for the sake of building virtue. Such decorations, are you not a Taoist in the forest?" Shiji said: "The eyes and ears are different I have a secret matter to discuss with you. I am not a person of Taoism. Now I am ordered by the King of Qin to pay homage to my feet. I am planning a big event. I am afraid that people will be suspicious. Therefore, I have changed it like this and traveled around. I don’t know my ears.” So he presented the king of Qin’s handwritten letter.Shubao folded it open and looked at it, and the book said: Li Shimin, the king of Tang and Qin, wrote a book at the foot of General Qin, the great virtue: Gai heard that a king who is born immortal must have ministers who will never live. Yiwei went to Yin, Han Xin returned to Han, and he Everyone is afraid of God and knows their fate, observes the signs of survival and death, and sees the things of waste and prosperity, so they can succeed for a while and have a career in the world.Today, Wang Shichong kills the king and seizes the throne, and heaven and man are all angry; besides, this thief is cunning, narrow-minded, lying and swearing, he is the ear of a dead witch, how can he be the master of chaos?The General knows it all.Now there is civil strife in Luoyang, Liang and Chu are on the outskirts, princes and princes are expelled, the people are separated, and the four realms are disintegrated.My father, the emperor, has experienced the frost and snow himself, shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, first settled Chang'an, and managed Hebei. Heroes gathered and the people were popular.Don't you hear that the ancients said: 'A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a virtuous minister chooses a master to assist'?
The general is sincerely able to understand success or failure, and if he makes a big plan early, he can turn disaster into blessing in a short time.Today, there are Zhu Can's soldiers in the south, and Li Gui's troubles in the west. The generals live among them, and they cannot defend each other from head to tail. It is a pity that the beautiful jade is stuck in the mud.The king of Gai is prosperous, once in a thousand years, if he returns to the Tang Dynasty today, he will have a heavy responsibility.Wouldn't it be beautiful to sweep away the universe, to benefit the people, to be famous for bamboo and silk, and to have a portrait of Lingyan.A hundred catties of gold is specially offered, begging the general to choose the cheapest one.Sincerely.

After reading the book, Shubao said with a smile: "I deeply feel the kindness of the King of Qin. I am here with my body and my heart. Does the King of Qin know me? It is unjust to accept his money privately; it is not right to go away from the Lord." Loyalty. I count my death as the end of my life, but will it be a matter of infidelity and unrighteousness?" Because he didn't accept it.

Shiji said: "My brother's words are wrong! Every man who behaves in the world, regardless of the importance, is not a man.

I think Wang Shichong treats his younger brother worse than King Qin.Now that the soldiers of the three routes are attacking each other, Shichong has no reason to advance or retreat.With the old contract, I am here to tell you to my heart's content, why do you insist on stagnation?Brother, please take it. " Shubao said: "I know that the king of Qin pays attention to me, but since I am serving Lord Zheng, I can't bear it. Let someone calmly plan and then go. Shiji said: "When things are in danger, the situation has already been seen, so why doubt it?" "

During the discussion, the family boy entered the newspaper: Lu Deming, the teacher of the King of Han, came to visit.Shubao asked Shiji to hide behind the screen, and Shubao went out to meet the tent.After the salute was over, Deming said, "I have something to tell you. Does the untrial general know?" Shubao said, "What's the matter? I really don't know.

" Deming said: "today Zhu Can of Southern Chu invaded Zheng, reporting twice a day, the military situation is very tight.Lord Zheng wanted to go back to the army Gu's house. Seeing that the Tang soldiers stood firm and did not fight, he was afraid that there would be troubles behind him, and the matter was still uncertain.

It is deeply suspected that the general is stagnant and has ulterior motives. If something unexpected happens day and night, so I don't avoid the iron axe, so I come here to reveal it. " Shubao sighed and said: "Only God can show this matter!"I serve the Lord faithfully, so what is wrong with me?There must be some people who slander at Lord Zheng, alienate the king's heart, make me suspicious from top to bottom, and plot to defeat him.This is a plan to treat the master against the guest. If the king doubts his ministers, he will die; although he knows it is a plan, there is nothing he can do! " Deming said: "I now regard Shichong as my heart, but I see that Shichong regards my step as worthless.A man should live in the world vigorously, decide to leave early, endure humiliation, act like a woman, and be willing to be humiliated? "

Shubao was hesitating, when suddenly General Li Junbao and Tian Liu'an came together and said something about it.Shubao invites you to have a drink in the back hall, and suddenly reports Cheng Zhijie to come to see him. Shubao said: "Your Majesty, wait for this. I will go to see Yaojin and see what he said." Take profit and harm, and make a plan early, and the elder brother will not listen. If this happens today, what can I do?" Shubao said: "Just now, everyone here is here to speak about this matter. I invite you to meet in the back hall. Discuss the matter." Then Zhijie entered and had a drink with everyone.Shiji pretended to say from behind the screen: "If you want to betray Zheng and return to Tang, I will go to see Lord Zheng first and report to him."

Zhijie and Deming had already understood each other, but they laughed and said nothing, Junshi changed color, and said angrily: "Loyal ministers are not afraid of death, and if they are not loyal ministers, I would rather die than not be humiliated by the world's wild dog slaves!
That is to say, kill you first, so as not to cause harm, and then throw yourself to the Tang Dynasty. "Junshi draws his sword to kill Shiji, but Shubao grabs Junshi's hand forward. What's the fate of the husband?
General comment: Returning to the theory of the Tang Dynasty, Shubao does not follow each other, so he knows the truth and speaks out his interests. Suwei is separated by gold, and he just wants his fleas to make a plan, succeed for a while, and succeed in future generations.Unexpectedly, Shu Baojian is concerned about Zheng, and he is unwilling to suddenly have a different ambition.Geshi Chonggu is not the master of true destiny, but Baoshi is a loyal minister.

(End of this chapter)

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