Chapter 39

Guo Xiaoke planned to retreat the northern captives, but he said that Guo Xiaoke went to the frontier fortress on Xingye and Shujing since he left the world, and found Khan Hoshana, the Western Turkic.This khan is the younger brother of Shibi Khan, who succeeded his brother, and became a Western Turkic, living in the north, and his power was also sharp.Xiaoke came to see him and offered ten pearls and a seal.He named Hona Khan the King of Guiyi, and borrowed troops to attack the Northern Turks.

On the same day, Xi Turkic received the seal book, received the title of Tang Jue, and saw the ten pearls of the upper night. He was overjoyed, so he looked west and thanked him again, and hosted a banquet for Xiaoke.Western Turkic Khan said: "The angels from the upper kingdom have come from far away, and they have to trek. If you want to borrow troops to attack the north, how much do you use?" I will go forward, it will be enough to be useful, and its merits can be seen." Xi Turk said: "According to what you said, you can choose a general to attack the north. Although we have many soldiers, there is no brave man in front of us." Before finishing the words, I saw a person from the next step responding and said: "Why does the king treat his subordinates so poorly? Although the minister is not talented, I would like to unite the army to help the king and help the Tang Dynasty. If the northern Turkic Khan comes, I will capture him alive; if not Since then, I will kill most of the northern soldiers. Now I have ordered the northern soldiers not to dare to offend our west and Tang Dynasty. If you don't agree with his words, I will kill the nine tribes." Everyone looked at him, and he was Tarlihuye.

Khan said with great joy: "If you get Qing to help Tang attack the north, why worry about being alone!" So Feng Tali suddenly became the right deputy marshal, and ordered five hundred soldiers to go with Xiaoke to attack the northern captives.The two took orders to say goodbye, and after a few days of walking, Xiaoke ordered the western soldiers to refit and look for them, all of whom were dressed similarly to the northern soldiers, forming a team of fifty or one hundred, each with a general in charge, and marching day and night.When he was approaching the camp of the Northern Turks, Xiaoke asked everyone to put one of the white goose feathers on their helmets as a mark, and at the end of the day they recognized that they were his own horses.Instruct the people to say: "Today, the Marshal and I are ordered to attack the north. You should work hard according to my code: if you hear the cry of geese, you will fight forward with all your strength; if you hear the cry of deer, you will receive your rank and recognize it." Go back to one place, hide and don't fight, or make him commit suicide." Everyone rose up and worshiped, saying: "I wish to fight to the death." Xiaoke was the night general who ordered everyone to drink.In the middle of the night, he put on his horse and went straight to the northern Turkic village, broke through the antlers, went straight into the village, and ran straight to the Chinese army to kill Khan.

It turned out that the northern army was surrounded by chariots and battles, so they couldn't get in.Xiaoke and Talihu's generals galloped across the center of the army, killing anyone they met. In every village, there were drums and whistles, the beacon fire was like stars, and the shouts were loud.Suddenly there was a shout in the camp, and the people and horses were so confused that they couldn't tell each other apart, killing each other and trampling on them, countless people died.When Xiaoke fights out from the south gate, no northern soldier dares to take him.Tarli suddenly led the army to respond, and Xiaoke led all the riders back to Zhengnanshan.The northern soldiers feared an ambush and did not dare to pursue them.Waiting until dawn, Beizhai collected some troops, stopped three times and folded one.I don't know where the soldiers are coming from.Hurriedly gathered people to discuss, that is to say, they left the people and horses, patrolled around, and followed up the sound.So he sent envoys to report to Liu Wuzhou in Dingyang to retrieve the troops and defend against accidents.

But it is said that Guo Xiaoke and Tali suddenly led troops into hiding to conquer Nanshan, and every time they asked people to inquire about the news.

Suddenly it was reported that the northern captives had sent men to Wu Zhou to bring back their troops. Xiaoke clapped his hands and laughed and said, "Li Shiji's military commander is truly a saint! He has a clever plan, and people can't match it. Now that the northern captives return, Wu Zhou is bound to be lonely, and it is my plan. That is to say, Tali suddenly said: "It depends on your success today, please say goodbye from now on. You can lead your troops to and fro to look for tricks. If you capture a pawn, send it to the Tang camp and give you a reward according to your name. Return it to Khan , don’t attack the northern captives and form hatred, lest people will talk about our Tang Dynasty and blame you. My king of Qin, the martial arts, will never fail, and he will repay his virtue in the future." Xiaoke and Tali suddenly said goodbye, Tali Suddenly hold hands and weep, unable to bear to leave.Tali suddenly sighed and said: "Someone who lives in barbarians will say that my lord is the hero of the age, the land of abundance. Today, I see Chinese characters, and they are really well-dressed and prosperous. I want to abandon the barbarians and return to Xia. I hate that I have no plan, and my power is not enough. "Xiao Ke said: "Marshal, let's do our best, and we will meet someday." She shed tears and said goodbye.Xiaoke led dozens of riders back to Chang'an, and Talihu returned to the West Turks with 500 troops.Liquan's poem goes: Three companies harassed the Tang Dynasty, and Mao Gong tried to disperse the Hu and Qiang.

It's hard to tell the people in Jiezhai deeper, who wants to hide in the middle.

Guo Xiaoke also reported to the Tang Dynasty that the King of Qin knew that the Northern Turkic soldiers had retreated at this time, and it was expected that Liu Wuzhou would be alone.So he rectified the army and horses, dispatched soldiers, and took all the soldiers, crossed the river from Longmen, and went to Jiexiu County in Fenzhou.

Tan Mafei reported to Liu Ying, Song Jingang raised his tent, and all the generals said: "Now Tang Qin Wang Li Shimin led the army to Fenzhou, the former army was in the west of Jiexiu, and it was only forty miles away from Baipi Pass. Beg early to send troops to defeat the enemy." King Kong asked all the generals: "Who can lead the army to meet the enemy in order to find out the truth?" Before he finished speaking, one person stood up and said: "Although a certain is not talented, I would like to lead the army to meet the enemy and capture the world. To the people, it is like picking up mustard ears." King Kong looked at him: he was nine feet long, with a face like blood, a tiger's body and a wolf's waist, a leopard's head and ape's arms.A native of Texas, whose surname is Xun and who is a prime minister, is a brave general in front of the Vajra Tent.At that time, Liu Wuzhou paid for the military affairs, and listened to King Kong's own choice of military horses.On that day King Kong was overjoyed to hear what he said, so he added [Feng] as a deputy vanguard and led an army of [-] horses and infantry. Together with Murong Wei and Ye Shiguang, they got up overnight and flew to Jiexiu.

Qin Wangbing stationed in Xiazhai, Fenzhou.Xun Xiang discussed with Murong Wei and Ye Shiguang about the strategy of attacking the enemy. Murong Wei said: "In the future, we can strictly organize the troops and display the banners. I only need a while to ask the people of the world to surrender, and the Tang soldiers will go away without fighting. "I was overjoyed to find the prime minister. That night, I sent an order to send meals at four o'clock in the next day, and to march in Pingming. The troops must be neat, the troops and horses are mighty, and the banners and golden drums are in order.On that day, the people made the first call to battle, and the next morning the two armies approached each other and formed an array in the field of Fenzhou.Liu Bing saw that he was very brave against Tang Bing from afar. After three drums, he looked for Xiang Xiang to ride out on horseback. Murong Wei and Ye Shiguang held their positions.Probe out of the army, please fight before.The chief general was speaking, and the gate flags in the Tang army formation were opened. Yin Kaishan and Li Junshi came out from the left and right, each holding a weapon, and stood on both sides.After the second time, Tang will arrange them in pairs.In the center of the shadow of the door flag, King Qin came out on horseback wearing a golden helmet, a golden armor, and a golden outfit.Seeing the fierceness of the three generals facing each other, like gods, the King of Qin asked the left and right: "Who is this?" The answer was: "The person who recognizes the red beard in the center of the flag is the deputy vanguard. The two on the left and right, one It's the deputy general Murong Wei, and the other is Ye Shiguang." The king of Qin said: "These are all shameless dogs, what's the point of doing anything." So he immediately went to the front of the battle and sent people to say: "Stop making cold shots, the king of Qin is here." Murong Wei and Shi Guang immediately replied: "Your Highness is now the King of Qin, why should you belittle evil?

In case of loss, don't regret it. "The king of Qin cursed with his whip and said: "You and other dogs invade my realm, and swear that we will not share the sky and the sun and the moon.Return to the state and county early and come to my Tang Dynasty to save you from death. "Xun Xiang said:" Do you dare to confront Tang soldiers? "

Before the words were finished, Shi Guang suddenly charged out with a spear, and Yin Kaishan, behind King Qin, took Shi Guang with an axe.The king of Qin looked at him and said: "A real tiger general!" Shi Guang just wanted to leave. Murong Wei's younger brother Murong Sheng saw that Shi Guang couldn't stop him, so he swung his sword and rode out. .Yin Kaishan yelled, and chopped Shi Guang off his horse with one axe. Murong Sheng was shocked and caught off guard, and was chopped off by Ma Sanbao.The second general beat Ma Lai to fight Xun Xiang and Murong Wei, and the two rushed into the battle.The King of Qin pointed his whip and scabbard, and the powerful army and horses covered and killed them all. The chiefs of all the roads advanced together, each wanted to fight for merit, and fought hard to move forward.King Qin won a complete victory.

But he said that he would return to the base camp after finding the prime minister. Murong Wei said: "The people of the world expect our army to be defeated, and the people and horses are slack. They will definitely come to rob the stronghold tonight. You can divide your army into two groups, pass by a small path, and go to rob Tangzhai by taking advantage of the emptiness. The horse army is outside the stronghold, attacking from left and right." Xun Xiang replied: "This opportunity is exactly with me." Then he sent an order to Mu Yong and Ruan Zan to listen to the plan, and said to each other: "You each lead five thousand troops. , After copying to Hushan in Fenzhou, but seeing the Tang soldiers coming to our village, the two of you entered the army to rob the Tang village. Don't enter lightly. If the Tang soldiers don't come, they will withdraw the troops.

"Mu Yong and Ruan Zan went to select five thousand soldiers and horses. Xiang Yuwei said: "I and you each lead an army to lie outside the stronghold. There is only a few people left in the stronghold.If the Tang soldiers arrive, they will set fire to it, and the rest of the Liu soldiers will be divided into two. "The call has been made, and each is ready to go.

But it is said that King Qin was in the stronghold and called Yin Kaishan and Ma Sanbao: "Listen to my order first!
"Qin Wang said:" You two each lead your own troops to rob Liuzhai. "Yin Kaishan said: "Looking for a minister is also a person who understands the art of war. It is expected that if I am defeated, I will come to rob the stronghold. How can I not be prepared?
"Qin Wang said with a smile: "I'm just trying to find an equal to calculate my coming. He must have soldiers lying behind Songshan.I want you two to lead the troops to go across the lake and mountains, and let Liu Bing come to my village.You see the fire, but divide your troops into two: Yin Kaishan refuses to stay at the mountain pass, but asks Sanbao to lead his troops to kill him. He must meet Liu Bing, but he wants Liu Bing to be defeated and go back to the stronghold. But all wins. "

Kaishan and Sanbao went to collect the plan together.The king of Qin also called Shi Yue and Wang Chang to lead an army each, lay down on the main road of Hushan, let Liu Bing go, but rushed to Liuzhai from the way Liu Bing came.The two went to lead the plan, but they called Qiu Shili, Xiang Shanzhi, Tao Wuqin, and Samurai Yu to distribute the four villages and attack Liu Bing from all sides.The king of Qin set up a shed in vain, and piled up firewood in the village to prepare for the fire.King Qin led all the generals to retreat to Houzhai to watch the movement.After all how?General comment: The three armies harassed the Tang Dynasty. If they tried to retreat the northern captives, Wu Zhou would be alone.Fortunately, Tali suddenly helped Tang to use it, and he died to success.General Xiao is looking for a prime minister. It is expected that Tang will come to rob the stronghold, and I will also take advantage of the emptiness to rob the stronghold.

(End of this chapter)

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