Chapter 46

King Kong was defeated and went to North Turkic, but he said that the king of Qin took Baibi Pass, knew that Jingde was murdered, and was trapped in Jiexiu City, so the governor of the twelve chiefs urged the troops to advance.When the soldiers arrived in Juzhou, Ma Sanbao, the vanguard of the front, arrived first. Song Jingang sent Lei Lin and Xue Tan, the vanguards, to lead [-] troops to station Shukou.Ma Sanbao reported back to the King of Qin, who said: "Don't fight, he wants to be my soldier, and if he attacks it, he will hit his plan. And most of the thieves are here, and their lair must be empty. We can abandon this place and go to Taiyuan. The thieves must go to rescue them, and if they break them in the middle, they will surely win a complete victory." Everyone said: "Of course." All the troops were reined in to look at Taiyuan from the small road, and the banner was raised, and the army turned to the north of the mountain.

But Lei Lin and Xue Tan were discussing in the tent, saying: "When the Tang Dynasty attacks, you must not shoot lightly, and bows, arrows, artillery stones are not allowed to be fired randomly. Tang soldiers are far away, and it is difficult to stay for long. When the food is gone, use soldiers to hit them, and a drum. And Li Shimin can be captured." Before he finished speaking, Tang Bing suddenly turned to the north of the mountain and left.Lei Lin was shocked: "People in the Tang Dynasty knew that there was no army in Taiyuan, so they must go to attack the old camp. If Taiyuan is lost, our place is useless. We can use all the soldiers in Dingyang to attack it."

It turned out that the King of Qin left a dozen people pretending to be villagers, secretly peeping at the truth, and when he saw Liu Bing about to rise, he flew to report to the King of Qin.The King of Qin said: "He knew that I would take Taiyuan and pull out the stronghold to attack, which hit my plan.

"Nai ordered Qin Qiong and Cheng Zhijie to lead the first army to ambush in Jiming Valley of Jiashui. Liu Bing came and reported at the same time. The second general led the soldiers to go. Lei Lin and Xue Tan's army horses looked to catch up. The general advances from the rear, Qin Wang's soldiers return, and attack twice, Liu Bing is defeated, killing countless, and many descendants. Lei Lin and Xue Tan were able to fight to the death and went forward to Shoushan. Just when Song Jingang arrived, they merged into one place People and horses came to confront Tang soldiers. Xue Tan rode out, but Tang general Cheng Zhijie chopped him down with an axe. Liu Bing was defeated, Song Jingang led the defeated soldiers back into Juzhou City, and closed the door to guard. The pursuers surrounded him on all sides.

It was autumn, heavy rain fell, the river swelled, and the grain transport ships went from the mouth of the river to the city.It rained continuously for more than a month, and the water outside the Tang camp was three feet deep, and the soldiers were panicked.Luo Shixin, the general manager of Youzhou Road, entered the Chinese army and said: "The rain is continuous, and there is a sinkhole in the camp. It can't stop. I hope to move to the mountain in front of me." The king of Qin was furious, and said: "I don't know that the thief is here?
Encore random move?You wait to kill it again! All the officials and letters retreated. When we were young, Tian Liu'an, the general manager of Xuanzhou Road, came to report again: "The army is afraid of the water and intends to move the camp." "The king of Qin said angrily: "If you dare to talk nonsense and confuse our army, launch it and kill it!" At that time, the order was ordered to be at the gate of the camp, so the three armies calmed down. The king of Qin ordered the army and horses in the north of the city to retreat temporarily, and let the Liu army in the city collect wood firewood and graze the horses. Day and night, Xue Rengao was flattened in dozens of days.Now rushing here from far away, the soldiers are not ordered to attack, and the camp is full of rain and rain; and the people in the city are burning firewood, grazing cattle and horses, foolish and doubtful, please teach me, Your Highness. " Qin Wang said with a smile: "Although you are a general, you don't know how to use soldiers.In the past, Xue Rengao had less soldiers and more food, and the city could last a year. Our army was four times that of Rengao, and our food was less than one month. We used one month's food to defeat the enemy's one-year food, and four troops to defeat one. Soldiers cannot be slowed down, so casualties are not counted, and they compete with food.Today, there are many Liu soldiers, and I have few soldiers. The thieves are hungry and I am full, so there is no need to attack, and I will go on my own.Go and capture it, everything is invincible.I don't plunder cattle and horses, and I don't stop picking firewood, so I allow thieves to walk.Those who use soldiers are deceitful.If due to an accident, the thieves and food are all exhausted, and the army relies on Yulin and refuses to surrender, I will show that there is nothing I can do to make it safe.If you take the small road to surprise them, the thieves will clash and fight to the death.This rain will clear for several days, and when it clears, attack with all your strength, and the thieves can be captured. "All worshiped and said: "This is the calculation of martial arts. "

However, it was said that it was raining and clear for several days in the army. The king of Qin said to the generals, "Come early and surround the city on all sides, and fight the city with all your strength." Attacking day and night, arrows are shot like torrential rain.The food in the city is exhausted, and the soldiers are exhausted.

At that time, Lu Xuan, a general of the King Kong Ministry, came to see Lei Lin and said, "Outside the besieged city, our army has run out of supplies. This city is under our eyes. There is no place for us to die." Lin said, "The east gate is full of old and weak soldiers. I abandon King Kong and die How about running away?" Xuan said: "It's not your husband, why don't you capture the vajra and offer him, our whole body will be harmed forever." Lin said: "A vajra's confidant, and my siblings, how can you hurt your confidant with your siblings? If you only care about yourself, there is no use in killing the other." The two discussed and decided on a plan.Lu Rong secretly came to the Vajra Horse Courtyard to observe its movement. Seeing that all the people in the back slot were asleep, he killed several people and rode to the east gate.Lei Lin released it, pretending to chase after it.

The two of them went to Tangzhai to meet the King of Qin, and prepared to say that they wanted to return for a long time. Because Liu Wang's law was strictly detained, they were not allowed to come back.When Qin Wang heard the words, he did not doubt the two men, so he accepted them.At dawn the next day, the military academy outside the city shouted together, shaking the world.King Kong was frightened. He went to the city with his sword in a panic, and looked at all the gates.It was reported that Lei Lin and Lu Xuanye led several cavalry to surrender to King Qin.When King Kong heard this, he hated the two of them.Liu Junzhong Shu Shiheng said: "Today's food is exhausted, and even though Kongming comes out again, there is nothing to do." King Kong said: "It must be Liu Wang who listened to the slander and did not send out soldiers, otherwise why is this so?" Shiheng said: "Although the soldiers are damaged There are many, but enough to guard, but food is scarce, so it is difficult to support.

It's not too late for him to abandon this city, run back to Taiyuan, and regroup his troops. King Kong said: "I am also like this." Then he went to the city to wait and see, and saw that the flags and banners outside the north gate were not in order, and the soldiers were very weak. King Kong said, "where are you going?" "Or said to him: "These are all small roads in the mountains, and you can enter Taiyuan. King Kong said: "You can go this way tonight." Shiheng said: "There may be an ambush on the mountain road, so it's better to take the road." King Kong said: "There must be an ambush. We still have [-] soldiers. What are we afraid of?" " Immediately ordered that everyone should strictly adjust their belts and prepare to leave the city.

It was night and dusk when I got on my horse, opened the north gate with Shu Shiheng, Zhang Ji and [-] soldiers and rushed out.

Don't dare to think that Tang soldiers are sharp, and they are running around.King Kong carried his sword and galloped forward. At the beginning of about twenty miles, the torches in the mountain were all lit, and the drums were loud. A Biao army took the lead and a general, Cheng Zhijie, rode his horse and held an ax and shouted: "King Kong Come down early to save you from death!" King Kong was furious, and he rode his horse to fight with a knife.When you know the festival, you will leave, and all the elite soldiers will rise up.King Kong didn't dare to fight, and looked ahead.Knowing the truth behind the scenes, there are many dead King Kong men and horses.After another three or four miles, the drums in front of him vibrated, and an army spread out. The first general of the Tang Dynasty was Qin Qiong, who suddenly raised two maces to fight King Kong in the shadow of the fire.King Kong was furious and rode his horse to meet him.The battle was not three-in-one, King Kong was defeated, Shu Shiheng came to meet him with a gun, and then he handed over his horse. Shubao only had one mace, and Shiheng was defeated by his horse.There was a loud shout behind him, and soldiers rose up everywhere. King Kong looked anxiously at the path and walked away.Behind him, the king of Qin urged his troops to pursue the battle on a single horse for a day and a night. They traveled more than two hundred miles and fought for dozens of rounds. The Tang soldiers were tired.On that day, Lu Deming, the general manager of Xilin Road, said: "Your Highness is chasing the thief and going deep into the important place, but he still refuses to stop. Don't you feel sorry for the body of a thousand pieces of gold? Now that people are hungry and hungry, they want to fight but can't get it. You should camp here. When the rear army arrives and the men and horses are full, it is not too late to rein in the troops and pursue them again." The King of Qin said: "Now that King Kong's ambitions are exhausted and the three armies are terrified, they already have the heart to separate. Today, the hearts of the people are easy to scatter, and the opportunity is hard to come by. When you meet, you should take it because of the defeat.

If you don't take it more slowly, wait until the strategy is established again, and the defense is completed, then you can't attack again.I am devoted to serving the country now, how can I care about my own selfishness! " So he reined in his horse and whipped it, and ran forward to catch up. All the troops secretly complained.

But it was said that King Kong was running, and Zhang Ji came behind him, saying that Shu Shiheng had died in the rebellion.

King Kong was so distressed that Zhang Ji stopped, and King Kong opened the way freely.When people and horses go to the Quegu Valley, there are mountains on both sides.Turning around the valley, there is a flat land, which is good as a battlefield.King Kong garrisoned here, lined up his men and horses, and greeted the arrival of Tang soldiers.In eight battles a day, King Kong was defeated. The Tang soldiers beheaded more than ten thousand bandits and won a thousand times of luggage.At this time, the king of Qin had been deprived of food for two days, and he had been deprived of armor for three days.Take only dry food and cooked meat with you, and disperse the chief managers, so that everyone can have a meal, and the people and horses will rest temporarily.At that time, the King Kong soldiers stopped nine times out of ten, and although there were a few left, they were all scattered and scattered.

At dusk on the left side, under the moon in the east, as bright as the day, the king of Qin issued an order saying: "This thief is dead, and this is the only battle. You should all go forward." Little, can't resist.Suddenly, a new force from Yin Kaishan came from behind Liu Bing. When King Kong saw the soldiers arriving, he was in a hurry to leave, but Tang Bing had already scattered too many soldiers, and all the soldiers defected.King Kong was terrified and had no choice but to flee for his life. He led more than a hundred riders and fled to North Turkic in the starry night.What is the future?
General comment: Qin Bing looked at Taiyuan and left, and Liu Bing would come out of the stronghold. This is also a strategy to win by taking advantage of the emptiness.In the past, the eight divisions advanced in succession, and Rengao was flattened within a few dozen days. How can it be generalized today?
Moreover, the Vajra food is exhausted and it is difficult to support it. Eight battles a day, ten stops and nine stops, how can they become a vital army in Yin Kaishan and not flee for their lives to the Turks?

(End of this chapter)

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