Chapter 48

Liu Shirang murdered Wu Zhou, but said that Tang Jian, Minister of the Ministry of War, Yuan Junbao, and Liu Shirang, the general manager, were all held by Jingde and sent to Liu Wuzhou.Wu Zhou wanted to use it, but the three were unyielding and imprisoned in prison.When Wu Zhou's soldiers were defeated and fled to the north, several people were able to escape and came to see the king of Qin.The King of Qin said: "All of you are arrested, why don't you die, and come back?" Liu Shirang said: "When you are arrested, you know you will die. I don't know that Tang Jian and Jingde have one side. Several times of harm, Lai Jingde praised him, released him from death, and imprisoned him in prison. Today I can see your highness, which is a gift of Tang Jian and respect for morality." Qin Wang said: "You all refused to use force in the end, which led to the defeat of Wang Shi.

Returning the country today, it is advisable to add a crime, but it is because the king of Qi abandoned Bingzhou privately, which caused this loss, and I will not do anything about you. You should make meritorious service to redeem your former post. "A person in the tent came in and said: "A certain person is not talented. He has been with His Highness for many years and has not made an inch of merit. " Qin Wang regarded it as Tang Jianye. Qin Wang said: "Why do you say it?
"Jian said: "Jingde and a certain teacher practice martial arts, and they have a very close relationship;Recently, people have been arrested because they look down on their ministers and are so salty that they can't die.If you go to that place now, if you talk about it in terms of benefits and harms, you will definitely come and surrender. "

The king of Qin was overjoyed, so he sent Tang Jianxing with wine.Jian rides his horse to the city of Jiexiu and shouts: "My old friend Tang Jian comes to see you!"Jingde said: "Why did the old man come here?" Jian said: "A certain man is returning to the court now, and he is a military counselor under the tent of the King of Qin. He has seen love in the past, and he has never dared to forget it. Now I see Wu Zhou and King Kong all dying in battle. There is no return to advance or retreat. I have discussed with Shiren and others, and there is no way to repay my virtue. I am here to persuade you to return to Tang." Jingde suddenly changed his face and said, "Li Shimin is my enemy! I serve Liu, you serve Tang, and everyone does his own thing. Lord. In the past, I treated you with the courtesy of an old man, and explained that you will not die. Now that you are here again, why do you say more?" Jian said: "If someone is not talented, he is still a minister of the Ministry of War. If the public comes there, it is too precious." Jingde said: "Death and life are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, my life is the same as the poor and humble, how can I expect glory and honor? What can be said, but I just want to repay Master Liu's kindness." Jian said: "Master Liu and Song Jingang actually died in the battle. Well, what are you going to do?" Jingde said, "I don't believe this." Jian tried to persuade him with sweet words.Jingde pondered for a long time, and said: "If I want to follow the Tang Dynasty, I must see Lord Liu's real body, cry three times, do my best as a minister, and then obey." Jian said: "The head of Wu Zhou has been sent to Chang'an " Jingde said: "If there is no Lord Liu's true body, it will be difficult to follow the Tang Dynasty. When I return to see the King of Qin, I am willing to fight to the death, so I will attack with all my strength. I am not afraid of him."

Jian bid farewell to the king of Qin, and the king of Qin said to Shiji: "How should we deal with this matter?" Shiji said: "If only one person goes to the back of the mountain together, things will be harmonious." Qin Wang said: "Only Liu Wenjing is good at talking and can do great things. , Now this person has been killed by the emperor, and no one will get him." Before the words were finished, a person suddenly stood up and said: "A certain person is willing to do meritorious service behind the mountain to redeem his former position, so that Jingde will surrender." It is Liu Shirang, the general manager, who sees it.The King of Qin said: "How did you go to advance?" Shi Rang said: "A certain man heard about the Northern Turks behind the mountain, and he knew that he was brave but not scheming. , and even painted a picture of a beautiful woman, to win her ambition with her color, and she will definitely kill Wu Zhou to offer it, so that Jingde will be speechless when she sees it, and then she will vote for Your Highness." Qin Wang asked Shiji and said: "Is this possible?" Shiji said: "Your Highness If you want the country to be safe, why should you cherish gold and pearls?" The King of Qin willingly gave it to him, and he even drew a picture of a beautiful woman with a famous horse.Shi Rang rode a horse and took dozens of people to the mountain to meet the Northern Turks.

However, it is said that there is a general under Luo Khan in the Northern Turkic Region, whose surname is Kang and whose name is Jiaoli, and he was appointed to the post of Zhuguo.This person has outstanding talents and superb martial arts, and he is a badge of honor for the north.It was mid-autumn, and the weather was clear, so I led dozens of people to play siege in the suburbs.Suddenly it was reported that a group of people came from the south, playing the banner of Datang.Sheath Li looks forward eagerly, and recognizes that it is Liu Shirang, the general manager of Tang Dynasty.

It turned out that when Tang Gaozu rebelled, he sent Liu Wenjing to North Turkic to borrow troops. The leader of the army was Kang Jiaoli, who had a meeting in Taiyuan, so Shi Rang also recognized Kang Jiaoli from the Turkic Pillar Kingdom.When they met, they got off their horses and complained about the past.Sheath Lee said: "Where do you want to go now?" Shi Rang said: "The Emperor Tang sent me as an envoy to pay tribute to your country." Sheath Lee said: "When the Tang Dynasty borrowed my Turkic soldiers, I promised to pay tribute every year. , After five years, how can we fail to meet the promise?" Shi Rang said: "My lord Tang Emperor's tribute is not lacking every year, only because Liu Wenjing, who was envoy of Nayan, passed by Shuozhou, connected with Liu Wuzhou, Wu Zhou Relying on the force of bravery, everything was taken away. Another princess, the real daughter of the Tang Emperor, was extremely beautiful and sent to Khan as his concubine, but was also taken away. Later, when the truth was found out, the Tang Emperor was furious, and sent Wen Jing beheaded, and the soldiers conquered Wu Zhou, so that the road was connected, and a certain envoy was sent to send the portrait of the princess.

There are also 1000 taels of gold, several pearls, and ten boxes of brocade sections, all of which are dedicated to Khan.There is a famous horse and a jade belt outside, and they are given to Zhu Guo as a reward for the help of the leading soldiers in the past. Wang Zhu Guo expressed his ideas in front of Khan. "Sheath Li said: "That's the case, I really don't know it.

It is appropriate for the Khan to receive tribute, and I also benefit from it, so why should I do so? "Shi Rang said: "This thing is not enough for long-term use, and the right is a gift for Zhi Zhi. "So the two of them rode together and went to the city. The scabbard led the world and let Luo Khan, who entered the audience, finish the ceremony, and prepared to tell the previous story, and presented gold beads and other things.

The Khan was overjoyed, and ordered Shea Li to unfold the portrait as if it were in the palace, and all the courtiers admired it.Khan said: "This is Guanyin from the South China Sea, she is a woman in the world!
Is it fruitful? Shi Rang said: "Chen An dares to act falsely?"My lord has a saying: If the princess is sent to Khan, she will be Khan's wife, and she will not return to Tang Dynasty.He still stayed in the Bingzhou Palace and sent people to guard him, not daring to move rashly, and only hoped to come to meet him. "At this time, the Khan had no plan, and he forgot righteousness when he saw the profit. He was furious when he heard this, and immediately called Wu Zhou to enter. The Khan reprimanded: "In the past, you were the master of Dingyang, but I actually established it as a vassal state. , want to complement each other.Now I'm here to defect, and I'm still being treated as a guest of honor. How can I be unkind and dare to be rude? "Wu Zhou said: "Your Majesty, take a break from the thunderous anger and let someone tell you something. What's wrong with that?" Khan said: "You took the princess of the Tang Dynasty, and the gold, jewels and horses, how dare you cover it up?" Wu Zhou said, "Who ever said that?"What evidence? "The words were not finished, I saw Liu Shirang flashing out from the side, and shouted: "I will testify with you!"This thief is rude, how dare he insult the princess! "With a knife in hand, he cut Wu Zhou to the ground, and blood gushed out. He was 38 years old in the summer and June of the fourth year of Wude. There is a poem from the historian: Tang bribed Jinzhu to Wu Zhou, but he killed the princes because of the pictures.

Zongjun has a cage plan, and it is difficult for Yuanrong to be the first.

General criticism: Tang Shangshu and Jingdeshi have a one-sided acquaintance, so they are willing to say that they will surrender, but they can lose their three-inch tongue, but they can't take away their ambitions to repay Liu. They must be like the world to let him murder Wu Zhou. Ear.Gai Turkic non-profit has no way to tie his heart, and non-color has no way to satisfy his desires, but he was defeated by the world, so a lie of one word is the sword of Wu Zhou!

(End of this chapter)

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