Chapter 66

Taizong's abolished prince Chengqian was very sad and mourned. He was posthumously named Wende and buried in Zhaoling.The emperor's relatives wrote, carved stone tablets, called the queen frugal, buried her last words lightly, and did not hide gold and jade, so that future generations should enshrine them as the law.Every time the emperor thought about it, he often had tears, so he built a temple in the garden, which was more than ten feet high and extremely beautiful.

Every time the emperor came here, he looked at Zhaoling.

One day, the emperor invited Wei Zheng to go up together, and the emperor said: "The place you look at from the opposite side is the mausoleum, which is tall and beautiful. Have you ever seen it?" Familiar with him, he pretended not to see him, and said to him, "Your servant is in a daze, so I can't see you.

"The emperor pointed with his hand and said: "It's already here, why don't you see it? "Wei said: "I think your majesty is looking at Xianling, which is far away; if it is Zhaoling, I have seen it for a long time. "The emperor wept for it, because he was ashamed, even if people destroyed the platform to show that it was not used. There is a poem from later generations: Xiyuan built a platform with more than ten floors, and Taizong once visited Zhaoling.

Just because of the honesty and honesty of destroying Guanjing, I left it to future generations to say Wei Zheng.

Later, he gave birth to only one son, named Chengqian, who was established as the crown prince.There are few foot diseases, joyful sounds and hunting, which are extravagant.Every fear the emperor knows.And Wei Wangtai, the younger brother of the prince, was also born to Concubine Wei.Talented, favored by the emperor, sees that the empress has collapsed, has the potential to win the heir, and cuts the corporal in order to gain reputation.At the time of the emperor, Zhang Ting and Du Chuke were ordered to take pictures of the Wei Mansion. They were the confidants of Thailand, and they formed close cliques to seek great things.The prince was aware of it, fearing that he would force him to kill the king of Wei.At the time when Hou Junji, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, complained about the imperial court, he saw that the prince was dark and inferior, and wanted to take advantage of it, because he persuaded the prince to rebel.

The prince readily followed him, so he bribed Jin Baohou to Li Anyan, the general of Zhonglang, as an internal response, and invited Zhao Jie, the governor of Yangzhou, and Du He, the captain-in-law, to take wine and blood, and cut their arms as an oath.

Du He said: "The weather changes, so things should be done quickly." Zhao Jie said: "What plan should we use first?

" He said: "It is only said that your highness is very critical because of a serious illness, and the Lord will visit the mansion in person.First, ambush the warriors under the curtains on both sides, and they rush out, and the event is settled. "Several people discussed and hesitated.

At the time when Qi Wang Youshi Lian Chengji was sentenced to death in prison, and he sued the prince for treason, the emperor ordered him to participate in the ceremony under the door of the book, and the opposite was true.The emperor faced the responsibility of Chenggan, and Chenggan said: "Since I am the prince, the major event has been decided, so what can I ask for, but it is for Thailand's plan, and I will seek self-safety with the courtiers from time to time. If there are people who do not succeed, I will teach my ministers to be unruly." Ear. If you make Tai the prince, you will fall within his limits." The emperor said to his courtiers, "This son broke the law, how will he be punished?" Everyone was silent.Tongshi Sheren came to Jijin and said: "The way of father and son is the nature. Your Majesty can be regarded as a loving father, so that the prince can live his life, and it will be good." The emperor abolished Chengqian as a common man and imprisoned him in prison.The emperor ordered Hou Junji, Li Anyan, Du He, and Zhao Jie to be captured. The emperor said, "You four have discussed with the prince. I don't know what happened?" Du He said to him, "It's nothing more than serving Your Highness and talking about the gains and losses of political affairs. "The emperor said: "The four people once taught the prince to rebel. How dare you resist?" "It's still forgivable to do what you want today, but it's hard to tolerate if you wait for things to fail." Jun Ji said: "There is no such thing." He scolded the left and right prisons.

The next day, the emperor wanted to execute the four people to death. Seeing the king's collection of meritorious officials, he had a special feeling of nostalgia. Let us be sympathetic." The emperor sobbed and said to Jun Ji, "It's time to part with you! Your wife, I will save her from death, so don't worry about it. Rectify the military law quickly." All four of them beheaded.On that day, the emperor abolished Chengqian as a commoner.

Taizong tried to send Li Jing to teach Junji the art of war, and Junji said to Taizong: "Jing will turn against you.

" Taizong asked why, and said to him: "Jingdu's religious ministers know it because they are rough and hide their essence. " Taizong asked Jing, and said to him: "This is the emperor's desire to rebel.Now that the Xias have been determined, the teachings of the ministers are enough to control the barbarians, and the monarchs insist on seeking the best skills of the ministers, so why not? "To be sure.

Since Chenggan was offended, Wei Wangtai served in the court every day.In front of the emperor, Xu made him the crown prince. Cen Wenwen and Liu Ji also persuaded the emperor to make him the prince, but Changsun Wuji insisted on making him the king of Jin.The emperor said: "I dreamed that a blue bird threw itself into my arms and said to myself: 'I will be your majesty's son today. I have a son. On the day I die, my majesty will kill him and pass on the throne to King Jin'. I feel very sorry for you. Of.

" Chu Suiliang entered and said: "Your Majesty has lost his word.This country's major event is related to survival and death, and I would like to think about it carefully.And after your Majesty lives long, the King of Wei is the most important in the world, is he willing to kill his beloved son to be the King of Jin?Your Majesty, the former is not clear about the distinction between the concubine and the concubine, which has caused this confusion. Now he must want to establish the king of Wei, and he is willing to deal with the king of Jin first, so that he can get a safe ear. "The emperor said with tears: "I sincerely can't do this!" " Then he got up with a flick of his sleeves and entered the palace.

At that time, King Tai of Wei was afraid that the emperor would set up the King of Jin, so he said to the King of Jin, "You and Yuanchang also conspired to usurp the throne, so you don't have to worry about it?"The next day, the Emperor Yuliangyi Hall asked him strangely, and the King of Jin told the truth, but the Emperor regretted the words of King Gong of Wei.It was the day when the court dispersed, and all the officials left, leaving only the eldest grandson Wuji, Li Shiji, and Chu Suiliang, saying: "The three of you are my confidantes, and if you have any hesitation, let's cover and decide." Wuji kowtowed: "Your Majesty's holy lesson is good, The ministers and others dare to talk nonsense." The emperor said: "I have three sons and one younger brother. I am sincerely bored for what I have done. What can I do?" After saying this, the emperor threw himself under the bed.Wuji and others hurried forward and hugged him, saying: "Your Majesty is good at protecting the dragon's body, why is it so violent and evil!" The emperor drew his saber again and wanted to stab himself, so Suiliang took the saber and gave it to King Jin.Wuji asked, "What do you want, Your Majesty?" The emperor said, "I want to establish the king of Jin." Wuji said, "I would like to honor the edict." The emperor then made the king of Jin worship Wuji and said, "Your uncle has promised you. "That is to say, the Royal Taiji Hall called all the ministers to discuss, and the emperor said: "It is dangerous to be responsible and rebellious. Among the princes, who can stand?"

Emperor Yue made Jin Wangzhi the crown prince at the age of sixteen.The emperor said, "If I stand respectful, the position of the prince can be obtained by management. Since the prince has lost his way, those who are watching by the vassal king should abandon him and pass it on to his descendants. None of them can be perfect, and if the government is established, Chengqian and Tai will be safe." He was sent to Taijue, the king of Donglai County, and imprisoned in Beiyuan.Mr. Jingxuan has a poem praising: "It is suspicious to cut off love and kindness, and the eldest grandson talked and laughed at that time."

Taizong is naturally a man of great talent, and it is appropriate to abolish relegation and survive or die.

At that time, the East Palace had been established, and the emperor held a banquet, and gathered all the ministers in the Taiji Hall to discuss political affairs.Suddenly a whirlwind rose from the northeast corner and broke the cypress tree in front of the hall.Everyone was surprised.The emperor ordered Taishi to order Li Chunfeng to predict it, and Chunfeng said: "This wind is an ominous sign, and the master will break a minister." While drinking, he suddenly reported that the son of the prince Taishi Wei Zheng's mansion came to see his majesty, the emperor said in amazement: "Xuan It's over!" Unknowingly throwing the cup to the ground.Let's see what his son said?

General comment: The pairing of Wei Zheng's presenting the mausoleum was deeply moved by Emperor Taizong, and it is really ironic and remonstrant.Chengqian regards his son-in-law as the East Palace, so why is he not at ease, and gathering with unsuccessful people to conspire against him is to bring on his own disaster, and it is not appropriate to abolish it.Because of this, Wei and Lijin were demoted, and the emperor and the sincerity deserved both!

(End of this chapter)

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