Chapter 68

On the day when Qin Qiong was bleeding Jingde, Yuchi Jingde knelt at the bottom of the steps and said: "Your Majesty's holy lesson is good. Xuanling, like the generation of obscure Confucian scholars, does not enjoy martial arts; what the world says is the theory of gold and stone. Today is the right time to take advantage of it." Goryeo rebelled, and I raised my troops to plan it, and I am willing to go with you." The emperor said: "You are old, I am afraid it is not appropriate." Jingde said: "Your Majesty, why do you look at the little evil of the minister? Huang Zhongxing, the general of Shu in the past, was seventy years old. , I also tasted that when the former master conquered Wu, no one dared to fight against him. There are three out of sixty ministers, who can drink wine with a scorpion, eat meat with a scale, and their arms are especially strong. Your Majesty does not believe it. The two golden lions in front of the palace weigh about a thousand catties each. Let me test it out and see whether I am old or not." The emperor said: "Your words are too much, so let me try to see it." Jingde stepped forward, lifted his clothes with his left hand, lifted the lion with his right, and walked three times in front of the ministers. Over and over again, without changing face or panting.All the ministers applauded and envied.Jingde put it on the ground lightly.The emperor was overjoyed and said: "The real tiger general who respects virtue! The heroes of Meiliangchuan in the past are still there."

At that time, the emperor looked at the generals, but he did not see Qin Qiong in the list. The emperor asked, "Why is Shubao missing?" The courtier said, "I heard that Qin Qiong was ill and was very critical, so he did not go to court.

"Empire: "Shubao, the pillar of the country."If there is no danger, I will waste my thigh.I will see it personally. " On that day, the car drove to Qiong's mansion, and the door officials saw the driver, and greeted Qiong's son Huaiyu on the side of the road. The emperor said, "Where is Shubao now?" " Huaiyu played and said: "I am seriously ill and lying on the couch. "The emperor and all the officials walked until they reached the dormitory. When they saw Qiong lying on the bed, he asked the maid to help him up. The emperor said: "I haven't seen you for a long time. " Qiong said: "The ministers are cheap and can't give courtesy. If you have a saint to take care of you, you deserve death. The emperor said: "When Silla paid tribute, Gai Suwen, a rebel from Goryeo, took away what he contributed, and wrote anti-poems, slandering me. The facts are intolerable."I want to fight for it myself, because I see that there will be one or two out of ten who accompanied the conquests in the old days, but the heroes who respect morality are still there.Hearing that you were uneasy, I came here to look at each other. Unexpectedly, I was so embarrassed that it cut my heart like a knife and added another worry. " Qiong said: "Your Majesty wants to fight against Korea, but Naichen can't move forward. His Majesty has made a mistake and reused him, and he is afraid that Haidong will be difficult to recover in a short time. "The emperor said: "I am also worried about this matter. "

Seeing Jingde by the side, his face was ashen-colored when he heard the words, he felt dissatisfied.Jingde said: "In the past Wei Dianwei recruited Zhangxiu from Cao Cao, slept in the tent drunk at night, the soldiers stole the iron halberd, and was shot dozens of times. He was able to kill countless enemy soldiers with his head when he was dying. Such a savior. You are a general of the country, why are you afraid of illness?" Qiong said: "How can you protect people from misfortunes and fortunes?" Jingde had no words to answer.Shi Qiong thought to himself: "This disease is all due to the three lashes of respect for virtue. He did not vomit his blood and accumulated this disease. Today, he is in danger, and he still uses words to provoke him." All of a sudden, he was angry and bloody, and he couldn't stop it. Stopping, Qiong took a mouthful, looked at Jingde's face, and scolded Jingde sharply.Jingde said angrily: "I sincerely persuade you, why do you deceive me too much? How can you avenge this revenge!" Qin Huaiyu also scolded: "How dare the old thief be strong and anger my father." Then he took Qiong's usual mace, Go forward and want to respect virtue.Jingde also yelled: "The lowly thief is ignorant, so bold! You have a mace, but I don't have a whip." Then he went out of the house to get a whip to meet the enemy.The emperor stopped and said: "Huaiyu must not be rude! The difference between a father and a respectful Kunzhong, you are the generation of a nephew, dare to fight evil against each other in front of me!" The two stopped.Jingde cursed out.

Shi Qiong had no choice but to sit for a long time, so she lay on her side and turned her back to the Emperor Tang.The emperor called several times, but Joan remained silent.Emperor Gu said to the left and right: "Lian Ruofei Shubao has died in the battlefield. If he is like this today, he already knows his intentions. If I want to take care of his future Kun, I will forget his past virtues.

" The words were not finished, but Shubao turned around on the bed and said, "I dare not speak because of this matter.The illness is critical. If there is any danger, I hope that your Majesty will show mercy. "The emperor said: "If you take good care of your body, I will caress you, son, and you don't have to worry about it. "After saying that, the emperor bid farewell to Uncle Bao, and returned to the imperial court. On that day, the emperor ordered Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui to assist the crown prince to supervise the country, and the emperor personally conquered Korea. A general in the army came out loudly, and worshiped the emperor, saying: "I have followed each other, and I haven't made an inch of merit. Today, your majesty personally marched, and I begged to be the vanguard. Breaking Korea is like turning the palm of your hand. "The emperor looked at him. He was nine feet long, with a face like a jujube, a tiger body and wolf waist, and a leopard head and ape arms. He was also from Xianyang in Jingzhao. His surname was Xue and his name was Wanche.

He was originally a member of the Eastern Palace.The emperor was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he strengthened his ambition, so he took the seal and gave it to him.Wan Chefang wanted to hang the seal, but a young man emerged from the right army. His face was like powder, his lips were painted with vermilion, he was of medium build, and his physical strength was extraordinary. He shouted, "Leave the seal and hang it with me." Qin Huaiyu, the son of Qin Qiong, is also.Naibai said: "I read my father's military books, and I know quite a lot about strategy.

Now that we are on an expedition to Koryo, I should give up my useless body to reward my will, and I hope that Your Majesty will take the vanguard.

"The emperor said: "You are young and have not seen the advantages and disadvantages. I am afraid that you will not be competent. " Huaiyu said: "Although Wanche is long, he is not as good as me. Wan Che said, "I have been ordered by imperial edict. How can you dare to fight for the seal to take this position?" Huaiyu said: "Learn eighteen martial arts, and you will know all of them." The emperor said: "You two don't need to compete for strength. Both of you come to me to compare martial arts to determine the superiority."Had to hurt each other. Everyone said: "Let's see two people try it." "

Huaiyu was furious, so he got on his horse and raised his knife, and took Wanche straight away.Wan Che came to meet him with a gun, and the two horses met. After more than [-] bouts, there was no winner.Unexpectedly, Huaiyu held a knife in his left hand and chopped a mace with his right. Wan Che was caught off guard and was knocked off the horse by Huaiyu's mace.The golden drums sounded together.The emperor was overjoyed and said: "This thousand-mile horse should be awarded to the pioneer." But Huaiyu wanted to hang the seal, and another person came to fight for it.Unknown who this person is?
General comment: Jingde Gu Sui went to conquer Korea, who can beat the golden lion of a thousand stones with a single raise of his hand, who said that he is too old to be careless?There are still heroes in Meiliangchuan, but Qin Qiong is not on the list, so the emperor has no thoughts of Liang Dong.I don't know that Xiang has been sick so far because of the three whips; Kuang Jingde still provoked each other with words, and the bloody groan came naturally.And Xue Wanche took the seal as the pioneer, and Qiongyu Huaiyu dared to fight for the seal, I believe it must be a thousand-mile horse.

(End of this chapter)

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