Chapter 71

Tang Taizong crossed the sea to conquer Liao, but he said that the border was reported to the King of Koryo. He heard that he proposed an army of 100 million, and [-] generals.Hearing that Emperor Taizong came, everyone was ashamed and looked at each other, not daring to speak.King Gaoli said: "The Tang army is powerful, why retreat?" To resist, although there are millions of troops, there is nothing that can be done. It is not too late, that is, send people along the road to report to the various passes, add troops to guard, and I will lead the army to attack them personally, and the Tang Dynasty will be destroyed." Wang Zang From it.

But it is said that Taizong advanced as expected, and his momentum swallowed the sky.Zejun's waterway has already left the Laizhou boundary, and the dry road has copied the Lanhe River to Jianghu.The army marched for one month, and the water and land were all in order.After crossing the Liaohai Sea, they arrived at the foot of Phoenix City and set up camp.First, the Tanma reported to the city and said: "My Tang soldiers will pass by in Japan, please bid farewell to the city master." Yelu Kuncai, the city lord, persuaded the city lord Murongxiu, saying: "The Tang army is too powerful to fight against the enemy. It is better to surrender all the people. To protect the army and the people." Xiu followed it.

Kuncai went to Tang Ying to meet the emperor, and the emperor asked Kuncai, and Kuncai answered fluently. The emperor liked him and wanted to use him as a counselor.The next day, he invited Murong Xiu to see the emperor and treated him very kindly.The soldiers entered Fenghuang City to settle down, and the rest of the army was divided into villages and fences outside the city for more than ten miles.

After staying for several days, every time I embroidered a banquet, suddenly a bird of five colors flew past the court.Its sound was harmonious, and the emperor asked: "What kind of bird is this?" Xiu said: "From here, eighty miles away from the city, there is Phoenix Mountain. It is an inaccessible place, and the place where Phoenix comes and goes. Among the nests, this bird is not a sycamore tree." Habitat, no spring water to drink. There is Tao in the world, it will appear, and there is no Tao, it will be hidden. Therefore, the name of the city, this bird is also the phoenix. Flying here, in harmony with His Majesty, sitting in peace, it is really an auspicious omen.

The emperor said: "If it is a phoenix, it doesn't come out often in the world, and people are also rare. Can it come in and out of the nest?" "Xiu said: "This place outside of Huahua has a different climate from China. It's not surprising that the phoenix is ​​flying.There are also Jiuquan fragrant rice and auspicious grass Ganoderma lucidum, which are also produced there.There is also a one-legged bird, which flies to the public court whenever a virtuous person is in charge, and when it hears a bell it rings, and when it hears a drum it dances.If it is a corrupt official, even if you want to see it, you can't get it. "The emperor was overjoyed when he heard the words and said: "It's a strange thing!
There is such a wonderful place in this non-human world, and I will look at it all the time. "It is ordered to drive, and go with the generals.

Later generations have a poem that says: "Fenghuang traveled on Fenghuang Mountain, and millions of Tang soldiers passed through this state."

If it is the blessing of the Chinese emperor, the city was originally closed for a while.

But it is said that Gai Suwen led 20 troops to Chenjiagu, and when he saw the dust head, he set up camp.People in front reported that Murong Xiu had surrendered to Tang Dynasty, Gai Suwen was shocked, gathered people together to discuss, Su Wen said: "Now Tang leads a large army to take Phoenix City, what's your strategy?
"General Hei Jiulong stood up and said, "Don't worry, general, I look at Tang soldiers like ants.It is my wish to behead him in the first battle. " Before he finished speaking, a man came out loudly and said: "You don't need to go, I think beheading the head of a Tang soldier is like searching for an ear. "Looking at it, he is nine feet long, with a face like blood, a tiger's body and a wolf's waist, a leopard's head and a monkey's arms--he is also from Liaodong, and Gai Suwen's younger brother Gai is also a tiger. I got up overnight and looked at Phoenix City.

But he said that Emperor Taizong came to Fenghuang Mountain and saw his lair, which was a stone room with a width of several feet.

I saw several phoenixes accompanying each other, flying out to meet them.The emperor was overjoyed and said: "This is a really beautiful bird." Murongxiu said: "Although this bird belongs to the way of birds, it is very similar to humans. It lives in a stone room and is good at understanding people's words. It was born in ten months of pregnancy, and the king's way begins. He is the king of birds." Emperor Gu Pan admired him and was playing, when he heard a cannon in front of him, and a group of men and horses poured out from the side of the hillside, about [-] riders, coming in a sudden wind.The emperor was shocked when he saw it, so he asked people to inquire in a panic, and the sentinel came to report: the Liao soldiers have arrived.The emperor immediately ordered all the generals to die on the top of the mountain, and then sent two generals Liu Junang and Xue Wanche down the mountain to meet the Liao soldiers.Jun Ang wears silver armor, wraps a red headband, wipes his forehead with silk, holds an iron spine snake spear, rides a fancy horse, and talks to the front of the battle.The general of the Liao Dynasty went out first, and Jun Ang scolded: "The slaves of the wild dogs are helping the evil people. Why don't you come here early when the soldiers are here? How dare you lead the soldiers here to resist the evil!" Gai Shihu laughed and said: "You follow Li Shimin I'm a thief, how can I come down?" Jun Ang was furious, slapped his horse and raised his spear, and came forward to fight against the tiger.The two horses fought against each other, and Jun Angdang couldn't hold back, so he turned his horse to the east and left, and the tiger didn't chase after him.Seeing Jun Ang's defeat, Xue Wanche rode on a horse, and a spear shot out suddenly, stabbing straight with the gun.The tiger came to meet him with his ax upright, but the two couldn't make a match, and Wan Che was also defeated and left.Behind Gai Suwen urged the troops to come, and blocked the way of Fenghuang Mountain, so Tang soldiers dared not move forward.

But he said that the emperor was blocked by Liao soldiers on Fenghuang Mountain, and he did not retreat for half a month. Every day, he covered himself with tigers and yelled at him for fighting. The emperor said: "Who dares to kill this thief?" If you are happy, you will hand over Zhixian to the horse.Many reports came: "Zhixian fought with Shenhu, and within five matches, he was defeated by Shenhu and walked back to the mountain." All the ministers turned pale when they heard this.The emperor sighed and said: "The Liao soldiers blocked it for more than ten days, and none of your officers and men can approach this thief?" All the generals were silent.Suddenly a person shouted sharply: "The old minister is willing to go, cut off the head of the covered tiger, and offer it under the tent." Everyone looked at it because Yuchi respected virtue.The emperor said: "You are already old, and I am afraid that you will not be the enemy of a tiger." Jingde said: "Although the minister is old, the whip is not old.

The emperor said: "Since you want to fight, you can send your son Baolin to go with you, so that nothing will happen." " Jingde said: "Why does your majesty regard your ministers as weak? Baolin also remonstrated: "Father, who has guarded the heroism for 20 years, shouldn't abandon the weight of Taishan just because of the Holy One's words, and compete with Fangou for superiority and inferiority?"If you humiliate your son, you will fight on your father's behalf. "Jingde said: "Since I have been in the war, I have always taken the lead. The sage said that I am old, and I will make extraordinary achievements to show my bravery. " Then he raised his whip and flew on his horse, and Baolin also carried his gun to follow. The generals heard the sound of drums below the mountain, and the loud shouts, like the sky collapsing and the earth collapsing, the sea boiled and the mountain collapsed. Everyone was shocked, but wanted to find out. At the sound, the horse came to the Chinese army. Jingde threw the tiger's head covering his body in his hand and threw it on the ground. Later Song Xian wrote a poem praising Jingde: Wei Zhen Zhonghua has made great achievements, and Dongdong is drumming at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain.

Yuchi is already old Shi Yingwu, so he deserved the name E Gong at that time.

Jingde went out on the horse, cut off the tiger without counting, and offered his head up.Everyone is overjoyed.

But when Shenhu's defeated army reported to Liaozhai, Gai Suwen hurriedly gathered generals to discuss.Su Wen said: "My brother has been defeated today. The Tang army is so powerful. How can we defeat the enemy?" Only a general in the account came forward and said, "General Shenhu was killed. If we don't avenge this revenge, when will we wait?" Everyone looked at it as the deputy general Hei Jiulong.Hei Jiulong said: "someone is willing to go to avenge the tiger." He happily mounted his horse, led five thousand elite soldiers, and galloped forward.

The emperor saw it on the mountain, looked back at the generals, and asked, "Who dares to fight and capture this thief?

"The first general rode out with his spear in hand, it was Zhang Shigui, who led his troops down the mountain to fight against Black Nine Dragons.

The two cavalry meet, and the battle is not counted. The nobles are not strong enough, so they rein in their horses and go away.Hei Jiulong rushed straight over, Tang Jun was defeated and scattered in all directions.Kowloon is in the formation, no one dares to fight.A general under Shigui's command flashed out, wearing a white robe and silver armor, sitting on a fire dragon horse, holding a square halberd, and galloping towards him. It was Xue Rengui, a soldier under Shigui.Rengui rushes to fight, Jiulong comes to meet him with an axe, Rengui crosses his horse, and stabs Jiulong under the horse with a halberd in his hand.The official historian has a poem praising Rengui saying: No one dares to talk about a hero.

If Baipao is the enemy of ten thousand people, he can kill Nine Dragons just by fighting.

Rengui took advantage of the momentum and went straight forward, defeated the Liao soldiers, fled in all directions, and retreated to his cavalry.

But the emperor said that sitting high on the top of the mountain, he saw a general, one zhang long, white robe and silver armor, with a horse with red hair, holding a square halberd in his hand, rushing across the Liao formation, hacking at the generals, wherever he went, he was unstoppable.Unknown who this person is?
General comment: Taizong personally conquered Liao, and the soldiers went straight to Phoenix.The name of this city is well-deserved, and the emperor wanted to visit its lair, and there was a reason for it.No He Liao generals Hei Jiulong, Gaishenhu and others came to stop the way, but veteran Jingde captured the head of the tiger in one battle; and Major General Rengui fought again and stabbed Jiulong under his horse.Although the Tang soldiers were hindered, it was not because of their heroism that they were not defeated in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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