Chapter 89

However, Yan Gaoqing said that Zhai Wande led the army to fight for days, and the bandit soldiers could not hold out by themselves.Yan Gaoqing called Wan De and said: "In ancient times, most of the victories were due to the lack of food [so]). Now the sentry horses report back to the bandits who transported food from Mount Matou to the village. It is a plan for long-term settlement, waiting for the Khitan soldiers , tonight you lead five thousand troops to the back of Matou Mountain to cut off the grain road, and the rebels will be in chaos." Wan De led the plan and went.At the beginning of the night, I looked at Matou Mountain and watched it from a distance, and I saw countless grain carts passing by.Wan De led his troops out from the valley, the bandits yelled and abandoned their chariots and left. Wan De divided half of the army into escorting the grain carts, and the other half chased the bandits.Less than one mile away, the mountains ahead are narrow, the carriages are crossed, and the horses are unbearable, so dismount and step forward.The chariot battle caught fire twice, Wan De and others got on their horses, and returned to the old road. In the remote mountains, the chariot battle had stopped by itself, and the flames burst out. Wan De led the army away.A cannon sounded, An Shouzhong went out to the left, He Qiannian went out to the right, Wan De bravely killed a bloody road, one person and one rider, and the horses were exhausted, just in front of Lushan, and the horses could not be counted. Wan De overturned his saddle and fell off his horse. He was thrown down by the infantry with swords, and died unexpectedly.

It turned out that half of Zhai Wande's soldiers were stopped by Shi Siming on the way, so they all surrendered. They took their clothes and armor in the valley, but ordered the bandits to dress up as Tang soldiers' banners and return to the village by the small road.When Tang Bing saw that it was the troops of the headquarters, he opened the gate of the stronghold, and the soldiers and horses flooded in and set fire to kill people.

Yan Gaoqing was frightened, and when she got on her horse and left in a hurry, He Qiannian's soldiers arrived in front of her, and she dared not meet the enemy, so she rushed towards the path.The Anshou Zhongjun in front arrived again, Gaoqing could not advance, and retreated back to Matou Mountain.Lushan led the army to kill, and Gaoqing had no way around, so he had to rein in his troops to set up a camp on Matou Mountain.It turns out that there is only one passerby to go to this mountain, there is no way around, it is steep and unfeasible.There is only Hongquan on the top, which can only accommodate a hundred people to drink. At this time, there are six to seven thousand people in Gaoqing, how can they drink?The people and horses were thirsty, and Lushan stopped the way back. Gaoqing looked up to the sky and sighed, "I'm in a desperate situation!"

Heroes are naturally invincible, just like Jiuli Mountain back then.

Feng Qian and Jia Shen said: "Geng Tai was trapped in the Han Dynasty, and he worshiped the well to get the sweet spring. Why don't we do it today?" Mingzhao, chasing and killing bandits, accidentally fell here, the soldiers are thirsty, lack of water to fill their stomachs, if they are blessed by the emperor, the gods will watch, take pity on the lives of six to seven thousand people, and hope to give sweet springs for drinking.

If Gao Qing's fate is like this, and the sweet spring dries up, he will kill himself here.After wishing for a while, the sweet spring gushed out and was inexhaustible, so everyone was immortal.

However, they said that Mount Lu was surrounded on all sides at the foot of the mountain. After asking the natives, they said that there is only one spring on the mountain, which can hold a hundred people drinking water, but if there is more, it will not be enough.Lu Shan said happily: "The Tang Dynasty will end together, and I will surely capture Gaoqing."

But Cui Anshi heard that Yan Gaoqing was trapped in Matou Mountain, and wanted to rescue him. Zhang Tongyou said: "Now Lu Mountain meets Khitan, and I really want to take Henan first. That is to say, Khitan's soldiers have arrived. If they withdraw, Khitan will Take advantage of the emptiness to cut off the latter, the disaster is not small, it is better to pretend to surrender, this plan is very good. A certain led 5000 people to Khitan village to pretend to surrender." Cui Anshi followed him, and then he did it.First let someone report to Si Li, the Lord of Khitan, that at that time Si Li called Zhang Tongyou to disarm him and come in. Tong You wept and said: "Cui Anshi and others are arrogant and always have the intention of killing, so they surrendered to the king and helped them together. King of Dongping County." Si Li said, "What credit do you have for surrendering?" Tong You said, "Someone knows that the army led by Anshi is false, and he only invited 5000 troops from Generals Xiao Long and Li Bao tonight. If you are willing to go to the robbery village, it is a credit.

If you go to Tangzhai, you will have your own internal response. "Sili was overjoyed, so he called Xiao Long and Li Bao to be the vanguard, and led the army to go with Zhang Tongyou. Xiao Long and Li Bao asked Tongyou's soldiers to follow, and then they set off on their own.

At the second watch of the night, the former army rushed to Tangzhai, Tongyou came to the head of the gate, shouted to open the door, and saw that the gate of the village was wide open. Tongyou rode in first, and when Xiao Long and Li Bao rode into the village, only Hearing a cry of distress, even people and horses fell into the pit, and the people and horses behind them fell into the pit, and countless people died.

But it is said that Zhang Tongyou came to kill from Houzhai, Cui Anshi's soldiers came out in two, most of the Khitan's five thousand soldiers surrendered, Xiao Long and Li Bao killed themselves.So he attracted the victorious soldiers, but pretended to be Khitan soldiers, and came to the stronghold.King Sili only said that his soldiers returned and walked out of the tent, but was captured by Tang soldiers and came to see Cui Anshi in the stronghold.An Shi went down the steps, untied him personally, and comforted him with kind words, saying that the court knew the king's loyalty so much, why did he obey the thief.Si Li fell to the ground in fear, and Anshi said: "The king can recruit troops from the headquarters. The soldiers have already been recruited, and the rewards will be added. The dead will be buried."

Anshi was overjoyed, so he ordered the Khitan soldiers to be the vanguard, and after the Tang soldiers were cut off, they threw themselves into Matou Mountain.

It was three o'clock in the night when I went to the bandit's stronghold, and people reported the arrival of Khitan's leading troops. Lushan was overjoyed and said: "The Tang Dynasty will be closed together, and Gaoqing can be captured." He asked King Sili to enter the stronghold. Si Li led his troops to kill the general, and Lu Shan was shocked. He was eager to pass the order, so he flew away looking west.

Fan soldiers and Tang generals marched together, killing the bandits and soldiers to pieces, each fled for his life, and all found their way back.

But he said that Lu had no weapons in his hand and only a pair of bows and arrows in his waist. When he walked in a hurry, the arrow fell again, leaving only an empty pot.Lu Shan looked into the valley and walked away, leading the army to come from behind. Cui Anshi saw that Lu Shan had five military weapons in his hand, flying horses and guns, and rushed to see if he could catch up. Seeing that there was no arrow, he knew that Lushan had a bow and no arrow, but he took the gun, picked up the bow and set up an arrow, and shot it.Hearing the sound of the bowstring behind Lu Shan's back, he flashed his horse and turned around. The arrow seemed to fly.Hurry up and look at the door and shoot it as hard as you can. An Shi is caught off guard and falls off his horse in response.Lu Shan shot An Shi back from his horse with an arrow, wanting to find his head, but Tang soldiers arrived, and Lu Shan was unarmed, not daring to kill each other and retreated.Tang Bing went to rescue Anshi, but did not come to drive Lushan.

But it is said that Cui Anshi went to the stronghold, pulled out the arrow, and died of bleeding.Yan Gaoqing went down the mountain to hunt down the bandit soldiers until he returned halfway.

But it is said that a group of people and horses were broken in Lushan, and they were packed up on the road. Shi Siming, He Qiannian and An Shouzhong all came to talk about the past.Lu Shan said: "Although the army was defeated for a while, Cui Anshi and Zhai Wande were killed, and an arm of the Tang soldiers was broken. This way of soldiers stopped for the time being." Then he led his troops to Luoyang.It turned out that Luoyang soldiers had no way to defend themselves. When they heard that Lushan soldiers had arrived, Wangfeng returned, and they were taken captive by Lushan. They called themselves Emperor Dayan and changed their name to Yuan Shengwu.

But it has only been eight days since Yan Gaoqing raised his troops, and the defense was not finished. The thieves led Shi Siming and Cai Xide to the city. Gaoqing was in a hurry to Wang Chengye.Gaoqing refused to fight day and night, his food was exhausted, and he attacked from all sides, and his city fell.The thieves killed more than ten thousand people, and Zhi Gaoqing and Yuan Luqian escorted them to Luoyang.Lu Shan counted and said: "You came from Fanyang's family Cao, and I told you that you were a judge. You have surpassed the prefect in a few years. How can you lose to you and act against evil?" Yingzhou Shepherd Jie slave, the emperor promoted you to be the envoy of the Three Ways, so fortunate, why should I lose to you and turn back? I am a Tang official, and my salary and position are all bestowed by the Tang Dynasty. Although it was played by you, how can I follow you? Evil? I am seeking thieves for the country now, and I hate not to kill you. What is against evil? Why don't you kill me quickly!" Lu Shan was furious, and ordered the warriors to tie Gao Qing and Yuan Luqian to the pillars of the middle bridge and cut them.The two died, scolding endlessly.More than [-] people died in the Yan family.At this point in Jingxuan's reading of history, there is a poem to prove it: "It's a pity that Yan Gongzhi was not paid, and he left the teacher unexpectedly by the enemy."

Although Changshan's land has recovered, once the injured generals and soldiers rest.

Siming conquered Changshan and led troops to attack the disobedient counties, so Yejun, Guangping, Julu, Shanggu, Boling, Wen'an, Xindu and other counties became bandit guards again.At that time, the counties repeatedly issued emergency announcements, Xuanzong was promoted to the palace, and his close ministers reported that the emperor was General Xuan Guo Ziyi who came to the court to discuss.The emperor said: "The ministers of Hebei prefectures each submitted a statement, saying that Anlu Mountain has ushered in the title of emperor and occupied Luoyang. Today, Shi Siming's thieves are sent to Raoyang, commanding various places, training troops and horses, and captured Changshan. Yan Gaoqing is dead. If you die, you will fall back into the nine counties, what can you do to retreat?" Ziyi said: "Lushan is in chaos, and the disease of ringworm and scabies, don't bother. I have a general, bravely crowned the three armies, and can defeat ten thousand men. Sixty catties of copper swords, riding thousands of li horses, opening two stone iron tire bows, hiding three meteor hammers, facing the enemy with a hundred hits. Taiyuan people, surnamed Li Ming Guangbi. I beg you to protect this man as a vanguard, and I will lead the three armies. It is necessary to capture Lushan alive." The emperor was overjoyed, and announced that Li Guangbi would face the emperor.When His Royal Highness finished worshiping, Xuan went to the hall to see him. He was eight feet long, with a yellow and black face, and the shape of a wolf with ape arms.The emperor bestowed gold armor and brocade robes, and added them as Jiedu envoys and frontline pioneers, so Gong Ziyi resigned from the emperor and led an army of 15 to join the prefectures and counties to guard the guards.Ziyi invaded Tokyo, and Guangbi divided his troops first out of Jingxing to settle in Hebei.How about the unknown outcome?
General comment: Yan Changshan was trapped on the horse's head, the sergeant was thirsty, he got water from the spring, and the righteousness moved the spirit of the mountain.In particular, the success of the industry is avoided, the reinforcements are not available, the enemy is resisted day and night, the food is exhausted, and the enemy falls into the hands of the robbers.

(End of this chapter)

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