Chapter 91

Zhang Xun tied up the grass to take the arrow and Linghu Chao looked at a cluster of red flags in the center. It was expected that it was Zhang Xun who only looked at the red flags and drove away.Wiping over the foot of the mountain, the red flag was tied, and suddenly parted. In the center, a general of Qingcongma suddenly appeared, leaping on his horse with a gun, and went straight to Linghu Chao.He shouted: "I am Nan Jiyun in Weizhou, the thief will leave!
"Linghu Chao came to meet him with a big axe. The battle was short, and his strength was exhausted, so he pulled his horse back. Ji Yun came from behind, shouting loudly, and the two soldiers reunited. Chao rushed forward and stopped the way. It was Lei Wanchun who couldn't escape the tide, looked up to the sky and sighed: "I died here today! "Suddenly there was a loud shout from the southeast corner, and Tang soldiers ran wildly. When the tide was watching, a Biao army came. The leader of the thief was Li Guiren, who had a red robe and armor and a steel gun. Guiren led a large army. After killing for a while, the enemy occupied the Tang soldiers, and Linghu Chao was able to escape. He took all the soldiers and retreated more than [-] miles away from Guiren. The patrolling army and horses were stationed in the city of Yongqiu, and wooden fences were erected on the city, and the gates were guarded. , to prevent thieves from climbing into the city.

But it is said that although Linghu Chao was defeated for a while, there were many people and horses. After three days of retreat, Li Huaixian, Niu Yanjie and Xiang Runrong led more than [-] people to the city with the bandits.The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were terrified, and they patrolled and said: "The bandits are elite. They are outnumbered, and they have the heart to belittle me. Now if they hit them unexpectedly, they will be shocked and defeated. The bandits will break down a little, and then the city can be defended." They sent thousands of people to the city. , Since the rate of thousands of people is divided into several teams, open the door and stand out.Patrol in full outfit, mount a horse with a gun, take the lead, and go straight to the bandits.The troops were defeated, and Huaixian and others led the crowd to flee back. At the same time, some natives told Huaixian, "This lonely city has less than a hundred soldiers. Its momentum is not long. Why retreat?"

Huaixian was overjoyed when he heard the words.The next day, people and horses rushed in again, and ants attacked the city.The patrolling sergeant poured oil into the grass and ignited it, and threw it into the city, so that the thieves could not go up.After a stalemate for more than a month, Lei Wanchun came in and said: "The arrows in the city have been shot, and now the thieves are under the city, and all the gates are attacking, what can I do?" Xun said: "Don't be surprised, and I will bind hundreds of people quickly. Put black clothes on the grass man, and fall to the left side of the city at dusk. The thieves only suspect that the officers and soldiers will come to attack and shoot, coaxing the arrows to shoot the thieves back and forth. This is also a bait for catching dragons." Chun said: "This plan is very clever, and it can be implemented quickly." Three hundred grassmen patrolled and bound, clothed with green cloth, each holding a weapon, dressed as if they were alive, and settled on the city.It was after the first watch of the night, drums were beating and shouts were shouted in the city, torches were all lit, and people and horses around the city were spread out.Jia Ben was shocked and said: "If the bandits enter the city by chance, what can we do?" Xun said: "Although there are many bandits, they are brave but not scheming, and they will not dare to enter late at night. We will drink for fun, and we will be safe."

But the thieves heard the drums beating and shouting in the city, and Huaixian sent out all his bows and crossbowmen to shoot at them like rain.Patrolling grass pickers, like nails arranging grass all over their bodies, counting them, you can get more than [-] pairs.When it was time to report to the thieves in Huaixian, it was dawn and there was no movement.All the thieves repented and blamed themselves, sighing endlessly.The official historian has a poem praising: Knowing to repay the king's kindness regardless of oneself, Zhang Xun's collection of arrows is wonderful.

Only with the three-foot Longquan sword, you can sweep away thousands of miles.

More than [-] arrows were obtained during the patrol, and [-] to [-] arrows were broken by thieves.Jiyun and others congratulated him, and Xun said: "This is a small technique, not surprising." Jiyun said: "Although the ancient grandson, Wu, can't match it." , more than three hundred battles, large and small, eating with armor, wrapping sores and resuming battles.The thief general Li Guiren said to Huaixian, "Lei Wanchun was in the city, and we shot six arrows at him, all of which hit him in the face, and he didn't move. At first he only said he was a straw man, but after he looked at it carefully, But it was Lei Wanchun. Looking at this man, the commander-in-chief can tell. What is the plan to break this city?" Huaixian said: "We only say that we are strong, and we often deceive the enemy. Recently, we have seen basil shoots in the city as arrows. Come, I suspect that he has exhausted his arrows, and he didn't take precautions, but he was coaxed and shot in the left eye. Seeing that this city is really difficult to take, why don't you pack up the remnants of the army and go eastward, and join forces with Yang Chaozong, how about attacking together?" Return Ren said: "This statement is exactly what I want."

Then he, together with Linghu Chao, Xiang Runrong and Niu Yanjie, led the troops and fled in the night.The next day, when he made an inspection tour, he sent Nan Jiyun to lead his troops to chase after him. He captured 2000 Hu soldiers and returned them.

In addition, Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi were still guarding Changshan, and the thieves packed up Shi Siming and scattered tens of thousands of soldiers, and then followed.After hearing this, Ziyi discussed with the generals how to defeat the enemy.Guangbi said: "The rebels are courageous but not resourceful, and they should hold back their troops and wait for them with deep ditches and high fortifications. When the thieves come, they will defend them, and when they go, they will pursue them; by day, they will show off their troops, and at night, they will attack their camps. This is the best policy. "Ziyi used his tricks, so for several days, the bandits were not allowed to rest.Ziyi said: "I see the thieves, they are tired now, and they can go to battle." The next day, Ziyi put on the clothes, put on the guns, mounted the horses, led [-] elite soldiers, and fought against the thieves in Jiashan. More than a thousand people were captured.Siming fell off his horse and rushed to Boling. Li Guangbi led his troops to surround it.

But Anlu Mountain was in Luoyang, and people reported that Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi had recovered more than ten counties. , can’t move forward, the road to the north has been cut off, and the armies are gathered in all directions, where is the safety?” Shang and Zhuang were shocked when they heard this, and fell silent.Tian Qianzhenjin said: "The words of the king are absurd. Since ancient times, when emperors manage great businesses, there must be winners and losers. How can it be done in one fell swoop? It's so easy? And Shang, Zhuang, etc. are all heroes of life. Once they are eliminated, the generals Hearing and knowing, everyone is surprised and suspicious, who will join the king to fight for the evil in the world?" Lu Shan heard the words, replied angrily and said: "It's not what Ru Si said, and I have fallen into loyalty and goodness, so as to miss the big thing." Then he proposed to abandon Luoyang and go back to Fan Yang.When he was hesitating, it was reported that Yin Ziqi, Wu Lingxun, Sun Xiaozhe and Li Yanwang had conquered several counties, and they all came to report victory, so Lushan stopped.

However, when Xuanzong was promoted to the palace, his ministers said: "Today there is a thief general Cui Qianyou in Shaanxi. The soldiers are less than four thousand. They are all old and weak people. They don't have any equipment. Why don't you send a general to attack him? It's easy to break the thief." Emperor From the play, the envoy was sent to remind Jiedu envoy Ge Shuhan to raise troops to restore the land of Shanluo.Han entered the court to meet the emperor and said: "Lushan has been accustomed to using troops for a long time, so he is willing to be unprepared. The army is in danger, and the advantage lies in sticking to it. The situation is that the thieves are becoming more and more powerful, and there will be internal changes. Therefore, they can be captured without fighting. If you want to succeed, why do you have to be quick? There are still many conscriptions in various ways, and please wait. It." The emperor said: "You have the heart to shrink back, so you speak this cleverly. Fruit, when will you break the evil spirits?" Han said: "The times are different. I will serve the country loyally and never give up. How dare I shirk? It is time, the emperor Listening to Yang Guozhong's slander, the thief is now unprepared, and if Han stays and does not enter, he will lose the opportunity and still send his envoy to urge him. Han has no choice but to cry. He leads [-] elite soldiers to go out to meet the enemy. The outcome is unknown. how.

General comment: Soldiers know the will of the generals, and the generals know the sentiments of the soldiers, and serve them like a hand.Soldiers and generals learn from each other, and people fight for themselves.Equipment and battles are all taken from the enemy, which is the saying of the patrol day.And binding the grass to collect the arrows is very special.

(End of this chapter)

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