Chapter 1001

Lu's mother suddenly aged a lot, but she just shook her head and choked up.

Ah Zhen pointed at the door and said, "Get lost!"

"Who are you telling to get out?" Lu Sichen said in a cold voice, with such a strong momentum that Ah Zhen hesitated to speak for a moment.

Ah Zhen said with a guilty conscience: "Brother Si Chen, I, I told Bai Jiujiu to leave, don't worry, I will always be your sister, and I will treat you and mom well."

Lu Sichen sneered: "You make me sick."

Bai Jiujiu helped Lu's mother and said, "Mom, let's go home." Then he took Lu Sichen with the other hand and left.

Ah Zhen looked at the scene in front of her a little strangely, Lu Sichen seemed to be invisible, and seemed to be walking extremely slowly and cautiously.

It seemed that he had discovered something and immediately called to tell Jiang Guojun about it.

Jiang Guojun said: "Understood, if there is any trouble in the Lu family, please tell me immediately, we can be on the same boat now, you didn't forget the last time we agreed to share the shares equally?"

Ah Zhen smiled and said: "Of course I haven't forgotten, I always wait for the limelight to pass and I will pass it on to you."

Jiang Guojun frowned: "Don't you want to go back on your word?"

"How could it be?" Ah Zhen said with a smile: "If you really don't believe me, then you can come here tonight and tell the head office in front of me."

"it is good."

After Jiang Guojun hung up the phone, the smile on Ah Zhen's mouth gradually disappeared, replaced by viciousness.

How could she have endured the humiliation for so many years and let others share it equally?
Brother Si Chen, I will protect our family for you.

Ah Zhen cherished the transfer agreement tightly in her arms like a treasure.

On the other side, after Bai Jiujiu settled down for Lu's mother to rest, he watched Lu Sichen sitting in front of the bay window, as if he was 'watching' the scenery outside.

When Lu Sichen heard the voice, he immediately turned his head to Bai Jiujiu accurately: "Mom is asleep?"

Bai Jiujiu nodded, and then remembered that she couldn't hear him, but she still felt that Lu Sichen could see it, because his behavior was very accurate in guessing people's positions just by listening.

"Sleeping." Bai Jiujiu thought about Ah Zhen's miraculous appearance, and he was still angry: "Do you want to watch Ah Zhen continue to be arrogant?"

Lu Sichen said coldly: "It won't take long to be arrogant, do you know what the result will be after swelling?"

"Explosion?" Bai Jiujiu was uncertain.

Lu Sichen lightly scratched Bai Jiujiu's nose: "It's really smart."

Bai Jiujiu was a little itchy from being scratched, so he touched it lightly, and said, "Uncle, are your eyes okay?" Every movement is so accurate.

After speaking, the distance between Lu Sichen and Lu Sichen was extremely close, so close that he could hear his breathing and see his own reflection in his pupils.

Lu Sichen looked away unnaturally.

Bai Jiujiu suddenly said: "Ah, I suddenly remembered something, uncle, do you still remember what happened to our car accident? I only remember that I rushed in at that time, and I forgot about it afterwards. I heard they meant it was raining That's why we were rescued? But why didn't we have burns?"

Lu Sichen's fingers tightened first, and then he said vaguely: "I can't remember either."

"Have you thought about what to do next?" Lu Sichen suddenly changed the question.

"After that?" Bai Jiujiu said a little discouraged, "I, what can I do?"

In fact, it's not that Bai Jiujiu hasn't looked for a job before, it's just that other people know her situation and basically reject her.

"You can do anything if you want."

Bai Jiujiu just smiled without saying a word.

Lu Sichen touched Bai Jiujiu's hand and asked her to sit beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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