Chapter 1008

But the previous method definitely won't work, there must be a different one, to force Bai Jiujiu to leave Gu Xiuyi and at the same time not involve himself, otherwise he will definitely be hated.

Bai Jiujiu wanted to try to find some work, but everyone seemed to be busy, and no one took care of her, feeling a sense of frustration.

"Are you Teacher Gu's assistant?" Someone asked.

Teacher Gu?Gu Xiuyi?Bai Jiujiu said, "I am."

"That's great." The girl said: "I'm busy now, can you help me go to room 302 on the fourth floor over there to pick up a set of costumes for the next filming?"

"Yes, what is it like?" Bai Jiujiu did not refuse.

"It's the green one hanging on the wall."

"Okay, is it the green set hanging on the wall in Room 302 on the fourth floor?" Bai Jiujiu was worried that he had heard it wrong, so he repeated the words.

The other party nodded: "Yes, please."

Bai Jiujiu was very happy to get it. She went into room 302 and saw two sets, one green and one yellow. She was a little hesitant and wanted to take both, but after confirming that only the green one was required, Bai Jiujiu only took it. The green one.

When she brought the green one to Gu Xiuyi, Gu Xiuyi was stunned for a moment.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help frowning: "Not this one?"

Before Gu Xiuyi opened his mouth, the manager on the side looked disgusted: "Green clothes, why don't you wear a green hat? Who told you to wear such an ugly dress?"

Bai Jiujiu pointed to the busy girl not far away: "She asked to take it."

The manager waved at the girl: "You, come here."

The girl walked up to the manager and asked a little shyly, "What's wrong?"

The agent handed her the dress: "You asked her to take this dress?"

The girl looked puzzled: "No, I asked her to take the yellow one, not the green one."

Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, she lied, she obviously said green before.

The manager looked at Bai Jiujiu, and Bai Jiujiu was about to explain when the girl said first, "I'm talking about yellow, if you don't hear clearly it's your own business, there's no need to blame me!"

Bai Jiujiu frowned. She looked at the other party with such a tough attitude that she wondered if she had heard it wrong?

Seeing that Bai Jiujiu didn't say anything, the manager said to the girl, "Forget it, forget it, you can go and get it."

The girl glared at Bai Jiujiu unconvinced, turned and left.

"I'm sorry." Bai Jiujiu looked at Gu Xiuyi with some guilt.

Gu Xiuyi said to his manager, "Go and explain to the director."

The manager originally wanted to say something, but because of Gu Xiuyi's face, he didn't say anything in the end, but he didn't have a good face for Bai Jiujiu.

Watching the process of negotiating between the agent and the director, Bai Jiujiu felt even more guilty.

"I'm giving you trouble."

Gu Xiuyi looked at Bai Jiujiu's low momentum, and said disapprovingly, "If there's any trouble, don't bother, it's their honor to invite me over, and besides, it's just such a small matter..."

"Yeah, I can't even do this little thing well." Bai Jiujiu had a wry smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of sadness.

Gu Xiuyi frowned, he didn't like Bai Jiujiu like this, "Sister, listen to me, you have to believe in yourself and you can do it, even if you make a mistake this time, pay attention next time, it's nothing serious, don't care about others Your eyes, other people's opinions, you just do your best!"

Gu Xiuyi's words were like a rope in the mud, pulling up Bai Jiujiu who was at a low ebb.

(End of this chapter)

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