Chapter 1010

Bai Jiujiu bowed her head. She did not wear it sometimes, such as when she was irritable, or when the noise was too loud. She couldn't bear it, so she stopped wearing it if it affected her mood.

"In order to let you go through this adaptation period as soon as possible, I have formulated a 4-week hearing rehabilitation plan for you."

Ok?Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Lu Sichen to be so intentional, it took nearly a month for 4 weeks.

"Then, will you accompany me then?"

Lu Sichen raised his eyebrows and asked instead: "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"Think." Bai Jiujiu nodded without thinking. She was more courageous to face him with him by her side.

A faint smile overflowed from the corner of Lu Sichen's mouth: "As long as you want, I will accompany you."

The happiness in Bai Jiujiu's heart was about to bubble, and he tried his best to suppress his upward mouth.

Lu Sichen said seriously: "In the first week, I will take you to learn to recognize the sound at home, and get used to wearing it for a long time. The environment at home is absolutely quiet, so don't worry. In the second week, I will arrange different people to communicate with you. For a long time, if you can’t hear clearly during this period, you must express it, don’t be afraid, let them repeat, repeat until you hear what they mean clearly, understand?”

Bai Jiujiu bit his lips tightly, he could guess all her little thoughts, in fact, sometimes she didn't hear clearly, but she didn't dare to let the other party repeat it many times, she just pretended to understand, nodding and smiling.

"it is good."

Lu Sichen directly hugged Bai Jiujiu and asked her to sit on him in order to give her more sense of security. Huo Weiting once said that people with physical disabilities are often more sensitive psychologically and changeable emotions. Family members need more support and understanding instead of complaining, which will only make them more closed in their hearts.

So don't blame easily, you must not rush, take it step by step slowly, patience is the most important thing.

"In the third week, I will take you to listen in public places. It may be harsh to you, and it sounds like noise. You have to adapt to this stage, because the fields you face cannot be all quiet afterwards. If the practice time is not enough, I will make it longer.”

Bai Jiujiu clenched her fingers tightly, she knew that she had to adapt, it was impossible to hide in the room every day without going out.

In the fourth week, I listened to you for special sound signals. This is for telephones, televisions, hearing aids, and listening to the sounds from these machines will be very strange. The main thing, and the first three weeks are the most important, you have to get used to it as soon as possible. "

"Okay." Bai Jiujiu nodded obediently.

"I also made arrangements for you during the listening training period, mainly shooting advertisements, and the environment is relatively quiet, allowing you to have a transitional adaptation period. As for the filming, I will consider it myself. There is no one that suits you. Ours is for training, and there is no rush to pick it up."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen tenderly, feeling a little moved. She didn't expect Lu Sichen to do so much for her. After thinking so much, she thought he would despise her, thought he was just talking, thought he was just She was not reconciled because she couldn't get it, but at this moment, all her thoughts collapsed.

He was really good for her, so good that even she was ashamed of herself.

Bai Jiujiu held Lu Sichen in his arms and couldn't help saying: "Uncle, do you think you are an angel sent by the sky to save me? I thought I was going to be abandoned by the whole world, I thought I..."

(End of this chapter)

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