Chapter 1012

It is impossible to be popular, but it can definitely be broadcast, and the card is relatively loose, it is easy to pass, and the broadcast time is only a few months. There is no need to wait a year or two for other TV dramas to be broadcast.

"I want the heroine of this movie, do you want to audition?" Bai Jiujiu asked.

Ai Yehe shrugged his shoulders: "No need, because BOSS is the investor of this movie, and he only invested in this movie when he specified that you should participate in it."

Bai Jiujiu supported his forehead: "Wouldn't it be more pressure on me?" If you rely on connections, it's easy to recruit gangsters if you don't have the skills.

"Why are you afraid?"

Bai Jiujiu blinked mischievously: "Why should I be afraid? Besides, even if the performance fails, there is my husband."

Ai Ye was inexplicably excited, oh my god!This style has changed, he is afraid that he has gone to the wrong door.

But Bai Jiujiu didn't expect to meet Gu Xiuyi on the first day he joined the crew, Bai Jiujiu said with a surprised face: "Why are you here? Visiting the set?"

Gu Xiuyi did not expect such a reaction, "No, I am the leading actor in this play."

Bai Jiujiu thought he heard it wrong: "I'm afraid they can't afford your current coffee position?"

"No need, friendship and sponsorship." Gu Xiuyi was a little dissatisfied: "Sister, do you dislike me?"

Bai Jiujiu coughed twice: "How dare you, how dare you, you are now on the front line, and I am just a low-level actor."

Gu Xiuyi looked at Bai Jiujiu with a smile on the corner of his mouth, obviously changed a lot since the last time we met, it seems that Lu Sichen still has some ability to make her change so much.

Bai Jiujiu looked a little embarrassed: "Is there something on my face?"


"have what?"

"There is me."


The story in the script is divided into two parts, the first part is a youth idol drama, and the second part is family ethics, but the filming method uses flashbacks, starting with family disputes, and inserting previous memories in the middle.

The heroine is congenitally deaf. She did not lose her way and indulge herself because of this problem. Instead, she worked harder and achieved extraordinary achievements step by step by herself.

The reason why Bai Jiujiu accepted this drama was to motivate himself, and at the same time, he hoped to help more hearing-impaired people and give them a guiding direction.

Tell them not to lose hope, and they can live a wonderful life with their own efforts. This kind of life is obtained by their own hard work, not by relying on social relief.

Lu Sichen is a lighthouse to Bai Jiujiu, she is lost in the boundless ocean, she doesn't know what to do, but Lu Sichen gave her direction and led her ashore.

Make more friends with positive energy. In a positive energy environment, the whole person will be very sunny, instead of hiding in dark corners, it is easy to fall into the mud and mold.

Bai Jiujiu has a good background, so she can basically understand the director's explanation, and her own situation is more handy for the role.

During the filming, Bai Jiujiu has been completely involved in it. Her misunderstood anger can only be tolerated but cannot explode. Her grievances, her helplessness, and her sadness are all gathered in the tears in the corners of her eyes, her demeanor, her movements The mastery is so exciting that the director directly forgot to call the card, and people outside the venue couldn't help crying.

Gu Xiuyi pursed his lips. From Bai Jiujiu's acting, he fully felt what happened to her after her hearing loss, which made him feel distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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