Chapter 1018

Some people directly took pictures of Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu frowned, subconsciously covering Lele's face with his hat.

"Give it to me!" Bai Jiujiu walked directly in front of the candid photographer.

"I don't know what." The girl looked innocent.

Bai Jiujiu felt that this girl was very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before, yes, she suddenly remembered that it was the girl who wronged her last time, which made Bai Jiujiu even more upset.

"Give me the photo you just took!" Bai Jiujiu's tone became more serious, and his voice became a little louder, attracting attention.

Seeing someone staring at her, the girl felt very shameless, and said: "Why give it to you, I didn't take a picture, so what if I took a picture! This phone is mine, I can do whatever I want!"

"The phone is yours. I don't have any opinion on what you want to do. You just turned on the flash. Even if it wasn't on, but the camera of your phone was facing me, it must be taking pictures. You can't take pictures without my permission. Are you Violation of my right to privacy!" Bai Jiujiu stretched out his hand directly: "Delete it for me, or delete it yourself!"

"What's wrong?" Miao Shuang saw such a situation when she came back from the bathroom.

The girl immediately hid behind Miao Shuang, and whenever she felt wronged, she said, "Sister Shuang, I didn't take a picture of her, she wronged me."

"Is there some misunderstanding?" Miao Shuang didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to be here. Could it be that she didn't see it in the hot search today?Does it really have any unclear relationship with Gu Xiuyi?

Bai Jiujiu frowned and looked at the girl, this girl can be regarded as an actress.

"There is no misunderstanding, give me the phone." Bai Jiujiu's attitude was very tough.

The girl didn't want to, so she hid behind Miao Shuang. Miao Shuang blocked Bai Jiujiu on purpose. In fact, she was very curious about what photo this girl took that made Bai Jiujiu care so much?
Maybe he should be her handle.

Bai Jiujiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and spoke in a nice voice, but some people just didn't want to listen, so she wasn't polite anymore.

Bai Jiujiu took a step forward and grabbed the girl's phone, "Password."

The girl was even more unhappy: "Why should I tell you!"

"Don't tell me, I'll just smash the phone and destroy your calling card by the way!" Bai Jiujiu didn't know if she took a picture of Lele's face. .

"How dare you!" The girl stomped her feet angrily!
Bai Jiujiu was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so he directly raised his hand.

The girl was so frightened that she immediately reported the password.

Bai Jiujiu directly turned on the phone, and found the candid photo from the photo album, not only hers, but also many other people's candid photos.

Although I didn't take Lele's whole face, but I couldn't do half of it.

Bai Jiujiu directly opened the photo for everyone to see: "Didn't you say that you didn't take a sneak shot? What is this?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, the girl couldn't help but said: "You just know Teacher Gu, what kind of big name is an unknown person playing? Besides, so what if I secretly took pictures? Teacher Gu didn't say anything, why do you Pointing fingers here, what's wrong with taking pictures of you?"

"Heh..." Bai Jiujiu sneered, clicked on one to delete all, including the cloud photos, and formatted the phone by the way!
Only then was she satisfied and threw her phone on the ground.

"Ah, my phone!" The girl screamed, looking at Bai Jiujiu angrily: "What do you mean!"

(End of this chapter)

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