Chapter 1022

Thinking of what Secretary Wu reported to him this morning, Lu Sichen couldn't help frowning. Ah Zhen escaped from prison, and someone helped her. Obviously there is someone behind Ah Zhen, and this person is in the dark. If he kidnapped Lele , Lele is likely to be more dangerous than good, but he didn't tell Bai Jiujiu because he didn't want her to worry.

"Don't worry, Lele is just that the children are not a threat to them, they just want money."

Bai Jiujiu nodded, but she was always uneasy. If she wanted money, the call had come earlier, but now there was no movement.

After a while, I received a call from Ai Yehe: "Brother, the police said that the license plate number is fake, and the car has been found, and there are traces of three people detected on it, but the traces seem to be separated. At present, we are still looking for each exit. The investigation of people has been strengthened."


Lu Sichen turned on the speakerphone, so he could hear everyone.

Bai Jiujiu was very anxious, the longer the time, the greater the danger, "What should I do, uncle, if something happens to Lele, I, I, I don't want to live anymore."

When Lu Sichen heard the words Bai Jiujiu didn't want to live, his heart tightened, he held Bai Jiujiu's hand tightly and said, "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen to Lele."

Gu Xiuyi looked at Bai Jiujiu in such pain and said, "I'll go out and look for it!" After all, he was the one who proposed to bring Lele to play, and now that something like this happened, he is responsible.

Bai Jiujiu also wanted to go out to look for it, but Lu Sichen refused, "You wait at ease, it's not safe outside now, don't worry me."

Bai Jiujiu sensed something in Lu Sichen's words: "Why do you say it's not safe? Do you know something?"

Lu Sichen's eyebrows were even deeper. He didn't want to deceive her, but he couldn't tell her the truth.

"Uncle!" Bai Jiujiu's face darkened. In fact, Bai Jiujiu was not in a good mood, because her mood swings caused loud tinnitus in her ears, and loud tinnitus directly affected her hearing.

Just as Lu Sichen was about to speak, he heard a familiar voice.



Bai Jiujiu stepped forward and hugged Lele tightly in his arms, and then looked him up and down: "Lele, are you okay, are you injured? Have you been bullied? Do you know who took you away? How did you come back?"

Bai Jiujiu asked a lot of questions in one breath, Lele only heard the last sentence, he pointed to Gu Xiuyi: "Godfather."

Bai Jiujiu's gaze and Lu Sichen's gaze fell on Gu Xiuyi in unison.

Bai Jiujiu took a step forward, Gu Xiuyi stepped back and said, "Sister, calm down, listen to me, if I say that I found Lele by accident, would you believe me?"

Bai Jiujiu didn't reply and asked instead: "What do you think?"

Gu Xiuyi was choked by Bai Jiujiu's words. In fact, he himself would not believe it, but it was such a coincidence that he saw a woman enter the hotel with Lele in his arms, and when he caught up with her, he rushed to open the door All I saw was Lele lying on the bed, unscathed.

Gu Xiuyi was worried that Bai Jiujiu was impatient, so he immediately went back with Lele in his arms.

Lu Sichen called and asked his personal doctor to come for an examination immediately. The doctor suggested that it would be better to send him to the hospital.

So the group went to the hospital. Lele was a little afraid and held Bai Jiujiu's hand tightly. Bai Jiujiu comforted him softly: "Don't be afraid of Lele. Mom is here. Mom is with you."

In fact, Bai Jiujiu felt uneasy, and he didn't feel relieved if he didn't check her.

In the end, the doctor found a pinhole in Lele's arm. It was obvious that fluid had been injected, but the specifics had to be investigated, but after the investigation, all indicators were found to be normal, which made the doctor confused.

(End of this chapter)

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