Chapter 1024

"Yes." Lu Sichen looked at Gu Xiuyi with a half-smile at the corner of his mouth, "You are the biggest suspect right now."

Gu Xiuyi: "..."

Bai Jiujiu: "He won't..."

Lu Sichen: "I said he would..."

Bai Jiujiu frowned and remained silent for a while before saying, "Are you trying to lure the snake out of its hole?"

Lu Sichen tapped his fingers twice: "That's right, she's my wife." He understood what he meant so quickly.

Bai Jiujiu nodded: "That's right, the other party is trying to make us misunderstand him, so we follow the other party's wishes and follow the vines. In this way, we, who seem passive, have actually taken the initiative."

"That's right, as long as Gu Xiuyi becomes our insider, then we won't be so passive."

"Honey, you're awesome!" Bai Jiujiu threw himself into Lu Sichen's arms.

Lu Sichen stroked Bai Jiujiu's silk hair, enjoying the other party's compliment very much.

The corner of Gu Xiuyi's mouth twitched slightly, the two of you made such a happy decision without asking him a word, why?
"I disagree."

Bai Jiujiu looked at him: "Aren't you Lele's godfather? Why shouldn't you vent your anger on him now that he's being bullied?"

"I..." Gu Xiuyi felt that the words made sense, but why was he so aggrieved?Come on, anyway, I can't say it anyway, it turns out that the husband and wife are united as one, and he is envious.

Lu Sichen hugged Bai Jiujiu in his arms, and interrupted Gu Xiuyi's gaze. It was obvious that the meaning of the action was, look at it, don't think about anything else.

Gu Xiuyi glanced at his mouth, what's the big deal, anyway, you age faster than me in terms of time!
The following days returned to calm. Fortunately, Lele didn't feel any discomfort. This made Bai Jiujiu feel relieved and at the same time deeply disturbed. He could only carefully observe Lele's daily physical condition.

A week later, the public welfare film that Bai Jiujiu shot was screened, but the response did not meet Bai Jiujiu's expectations, and it was not searched. To be honest, Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Because compared to those so-called hot searches on gossip, what she hopes more is to see her hard work being affirmed by others, so that more people can see and like it. This is the value of an actor.

She worked so hard and paid so much this time, and her work was like a stone dropped into the sea without ripples.

Seeing that Bai Jiujiu was unhappy, Lu Sichen planned to spend money to buy trending searches for her, but Bai Jiujiu refused.

"Husband, there is no need to spend this money. If this work is really good, there will always be a good day. If it is not good, on the contrary, no matter how much money you spend, it will be a loss. If it doesn't work this time, there will be a next time.

And I think one day I can rely on my own strength, even if I buy a popular search, it will only take a day or two, and the audience will soon forget that the money is unnecessary and not worth it. "

Lu Sichen was silent for a second and said in a cold voice: "Listen to you, you have to have confidence in yourself. I see that the work is really good, but it's just missing a chance."

Bai Jiujiu smiled lightly, with a hint of bitterness in his smile.

"There is another piece of good news." Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu and said with concern.

"What good news?"

Before Lu Sichen could speak, someone broke in directly.

"Xiaoyou, I have good news for you for a long time. I just got another role for you." Ai Yehe pushed the door and entered, unexpectedly, Lu Sichen was also in his office.

(End of this chapter)

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