Chapter 1027

"Yeah, what's so great about having a relationship, and deliberately pretending to come for an interview, isn't that trying to scare us?"

"Yeah, maybe they did it on purpose to show off."

"Hey, look at you so sour, what's the matter if you have a relationship? If you have the ability, you should hug your thighs yourself, don't you think so!" Someone walked up to Bai Jiujiu and bumped Bai Jiujiu with his elbow while talking .

The intensity was quite heavy, Bai Jiujiu was too engrossed in reading the script, only felt that the voice was too loud, he didn't pay attention to what they were saying, he didn't hear a single word clearly.

"What?" Bai Jiujiu looked up blankly, only to see everyone staring at her, she didn't care, looked at the person who hit her and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

The tone is very rusty.

That person didn't expect that Bai Jiujiu was just like a normal person when he was said so. Instead, he asked her what's the matter. Looking at her, she had to speak again.

"What about you, you became a bitch and set up a memorial archway."

"Oh." Bai Jiujiu sighed, "It's a pity, you won't be able to stand up even if you become a bitch."

"You, who are you calling a bitch!"

"I'll scold whoever talks about me."

"You!" The woman threw Bai Jiujiu directly, but she didn't expect to be caught by Bai Jiujiu directly.

Before the other party could react, he received a solid slap and was stunned.

Bai Jiujiu blew her hands. If she hit someone, her hand would hurt, but if she didn't strike, people would think she was easy to bully.

Bai Jiujiu looked at the other party covering his red and swollen face, and the gentleman smiled and said, "Sorry, you interrupted me to read the script, stay away from me, lest I accidentally hurt you again."

The woman lost all face when she saw others pointing to her, she was unwilling to rush towards Bai Jiujiu: "I'll kill you!"

Bai Jiujiu frowned slightly, why didn't she listen to her good advice?
Bai Jiujiu ran over to her, grabbed her arm and threw a beautiful over-the-shoulder throw!
If she hadn't been a little merciful, I'm afraid that woman would faint on the spot.

Now everyone can see that Bai Jiujiu has obviously practiced before, so they all stay away from her to avoid hurting themselves.

Bai Jiujiu didn't care and sat back in his seat.

The woman who fell down was helped up, and she dared to be angry with Bai Jiujiu but did not dare to speak.

Bai Jiujiu's ears were much quieter, he glanced around, and a sneer appeared from the corner of his mouth, he was indeed a bullying master.

Fortunately, the skills taught to her by the uncle are still there, so that the scene can be controlled, and it is more than enough to teach these shrimp soldiers and crab generals a lesson.

After the little turmoil passed, Bai Jiujiu was called in.

What she didn't expect was that it was such a coincidence that Miao Shuang was called to go in with the woman just now and her three.

As soon as he entered, the director noticed the injury on the girl's face and asked, "What happened to your face?"

When the woman heard this, she immediately complained: "She beat me."

The director looked at Bai Jiujiu, who smiled politely.

"Did you fight? Make trouble?"

Bai Jiujiu noticed that the director's complexion was not very good, and he had heard that the unity of the crew is also very important, so she naturally couldn't get a bad impression.

"I did. We were just practicing outside. After all, I cherish this opportunity very much." Bai Jiujiu always kept smiling, making people feel very comfortable.

"In that case, then..."

Who knew that before the director finished speaking, the girl who was beaten said indignantly: "You are not practicing, you are beating me, and everyone outside can testify! Director, you just let her come in because of her relationship, so you let her go." She, if such a crew is unfair, I'll find the media to break the news tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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