Chapter 1029

Bai Jiujiu was actually a little nervous, looking at the director apprehensively, after all, she had tried her best.

The director nodded: "Okay, change to another group."

Bai Jiujiu blinked, what does it mean, passed or not passed?

Gu Xiuyi looked at Bai Jiujiu in a daze, and said: "Sister, go down first, we need to discuss for a while."

The director cast a sideways glance at Gu Xiuyi: "Is she your sister?"

Gu Xiuyi smiled and said, "Senior Sister."

Because of Gu Xiuyi's words, the director gave Bai Jiujiu an extra look, and said, "Go back and wait for the announcement."

Miao Shuang bit her lower lip, it was obvious that Gu Xiuyi was helping her!
Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "Thank you director." He nodded to Gu Xiuyi to express his gratitude.

As soon as he went out, Miao Shuang accused Bai Jiujiu: "What did you mean just now, deliberately hit me while acting!"

Bai Jiujiu just glanced at Miao Shuang lightly: "Whatever you think."

"Stop! You apologize to me!" Miao Shuang blocked Bai Jiujiu's way.

Bai Jiujiu glanced coldly at Miao Shuang: "You think you can stop me!"

Miao Shuang thought of how the woman suffered just now, and moved away timidly.

Bai Jiujiu didn't say anything else and left straight away. When he passed by Tian Rou, he paused and said to Miao Shuang, "If it's your dog, please make sure it doesn't bite people. Since it bites people randomly, the owner of the dog will To bear the mistakes of the dog."

The meaning is obvious, she was not wronged!
Miao Shuang was deflated, and Tian Rou apologized a little: "I'm sorry, it was my fault that you were beaten."

Miao Shuang was angry, so naturally he didn't give her a good face.

Tian Rou didn't care. Anyway, in her eyes, Miao Shuang was just her pawn. She looked at the back of Bai Jiujiu, with a vicious smile on her lips. You thought it would be fine even if you chose, hehe, it's just a disability , what qualifications do you have to be so arrogant, I will make your life worse than death in the days to come!
Do you think it's so great that you have Lu Sichen, and there is someone behind me, Ah Zhen, if it wasn't for this person who spent money on plastic surgery for her, I'm afraid she will stay in prison until she dies.

The last time I took your son Lele away was to teach you a lesson, these days you just have fun, one day, Bai Jiujiu, I want you to kneel down and beg me!
Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that everything would go so smoothly. She received the notice of joining the group, and the vicious female supporting role was her.

"Honey, I succeeded!" Bai Jiujiu was happy from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Sichen was infected by her happy mood. He wanted to protect such a smile for the rest of his life. He stroked Bai Jiujiu's head and said, "I know, my wife is awesome."

Bai Jiujiu's heart was sweet. She used to complain about her ears, but now she gradually came out. Every time she accomplished something, her self-confidence recovered and her mood improved.

No longer worrying so unfoundedly, she is very grateful to Lu Sichen, if he hadn't pulled herself out of the abyss step by step, I'm afraid she wouldn't have the courage to face all this now.

After all, one person does not have the courage to face it, why not?

There are some things you are in the vortex, and you can feel it naturally.

Originally, there were some things that Lu Sichen didn't want to say, but now he had to vaccinate Bai Jiujiu: "You will join the group later, it's not that you haven't been in the group before, but the situation is different now, if you have any small troubles, you can call Ai Yehe Help you solve it, remember no matter what happens later, with me, you don’t need to have any worries, I can help you solve it, understand?”

(End of this chapter)

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