kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 103 Forced to Confess!

Chapter 103 Forced to Confess!
Bai Jiujiu's actions were extremely active and bold, "Master, are you angry with Mu Jiu?"

"How could I be angry with you?" Lu Sichen's tone had a little tenderness, just this little tenderness is enough to make every woman's heart flutter!

This is indeed the line of the script, I didn't expect Lu Sichen to cooperate with her, and what's more, Lu Sichen's tenderness is even more touching!

"Then why didn't the master touch Mu Jiu?" Bai Jiujiu put his hands around Lu Sichen's neck, and Lu Sichen could clearly smell the vague fragrance of Bai Jiujiu's body.

If he is acting like this with others in the future, wouldn't it be...

Thinking of this, Lu Sichen's eyes were dark and scary, and there was a surge of anger but he tried his best to suppress it.

"Didn't this touch you?"

Bai Jiujiu was stunned, she almost jumped into the scene, but fortunately, the lines were correct.

"Master, I..." Bai Jiujiu was about to say something when his lips were blocked by Lu Sichen's extended finger.

"There's something I've always wanted to ask you, have you ever lied to me?"

Lu Sichen continued to speak his lines, his dark and deep eyes revealed a chilling inscrutability.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't tell the difference between the inside and the outside of the play, "I...I..." I couldn't say it without two words.

But in the next second her neck was tightly grabbed by Lu Sichen, "Do you really love me?"

Bai Jiujiu's eyes were full of fear, real fear, and he didn't even speak half of his lines.

"I hope I'm wrong." Lu Sichen suddenly let go of his hand and kissed Bai Jiujiu's lips.

Bai Jiujiu felt such a passionate and deep love, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration!
She knows what's missing!

Could it be that Sister Li and Uncle said that her feelings are not in place? It is true. In the last scene, she did not show the witch Yiyi's love for her master, but she completely hated her. After all, the story is about love greater than hate.

rather than outright hate.

Bai Jiujiu violently pushed Lu Sichen away, and shouted excitedly, "I see, thank you, uncle!"

Then he gave Lu Sichen a big hug.

Lu Sichen himself almost fell into it just now, his fingers slid over his lips, and the smell of Bai Jiujiu was still there, which made him more sure about one thing.

There were a few knocks on the door, and then the waiters came in slowly, and all the dishes were served at once.

Lu Sichen liked to be quiet, so all the service staff were removed.

"Uncle, I didn't expect your acting skills to be so good. I was almost scared by you. You are really amazing." Bai Jiujiu praised Lu Sichen without hesitation.

Just now, Lu Sichen didn't use any force at all when he pinched and pinched, but she was frightened by the opponent's momentum.

In the past, Lu Sichen was very displeased when Bai Jiujiu called him uncle.

After learning some of Bai Jiujiu's thoughts, he knew that this was to let go of his guard.

Hearing Bai Jiujiu call him that this time, his whole mood was different, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"Great, thanks to you this time, you don't know that I'm almost dying of worry, if it weren't for you, I don't know when I will be alone until I realize Zen." Bai Jiujiu solved the stone in his heart, don't be in a good mood don't want.

He didn't notice that the vegetables in his bowl were piled up like a hill at all, and when he realized it, Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Don't pick it up, uncle, I won't be able to finish eating any more."

"Open your mouth." Lu Sichen directly picked up Bai Jiujiu's job bowl, intending to feed it directly.

"Ah?" Bai Jiujiu opened his mouth in doubt, and was immediately fed a mouthful of rice. This feeling seems familiar!
Wait, that's not the point, Bai Jiujiu just ( ̄~ ̄) chewed it a few times and immediately swallowed it. Just as he was about to speak, he was fed by Lu Sichen again.

Ouch!She is not a child!

"Uncle, don't do this." Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen with tears in his eyes, and grabbed the job, "I'll do it myself!"

She really can't bear to be spoiled like this.

"Then you wait on me." Seeing that Bai Jiujiu didn't refuse to eat by himself, Lu Sichen spit out this sentence coldly.

When Bai Jiujiu heard Lu Sichen say this, he looked confused, how could he serve him?Could it be...

"Uncle, you asked me to feed you? Isn't that good?" Why did she suddenly feel that the person in front of her had become childish?
Lu Sichen ignored Bai Jiujiu's words, directly pinched his chin, facing himself, "Bai Jiujiu, do you like me?"

Bai Jiujiu was stunned again, this... this... this... this question is too direct, she doesn't know how to answer it!
"Uncle, it's over for the line test, let's eat first, eat, ha ha!" At this time, you have to pretend to be stupid.

Lu Sichen obviously had no intention of letting her go, he raised his chin, his voice was cold and domineering, "Answer me."

"I..." Bai Jiujiu wanted to cry in his heart, but who would save her? She really couldn't answer this question, she would die anyway!

Maybe the sky really heard Bai Jiujiu's prayer, and the phone rang very well!
"Your mother's phone number!" Bai Jiujiu handed the phone to Lu Sichen, hoping that he would let her go.

Lu Sichen slightly raised his eyebrows and let go of his hand, which gave Bai Jiujiu a chance to catch his breath.

Lu Sichen pointed to the phone and tapped on the table. Bai Jiujiu understood that he was asking her to turn on the phone and put it on the table.

With his arms folded around his chest, he looked like a domineering emperor sitting there upright, exuding an aura of submission that would make one kneel down from top to bottom.

Bai Jiujiu slid his finger, and Mother Lu's voice came out from the phone.

"Is Jiujiu free now? I have something to do with you."

So free!Bai Jiujiu suppressed the excitement in her heart, Mother Lu was looking for it too soon, but no matter how happy she was in her heart, she dared not show it.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone, so I will send you the address later, let's meet and talk." Mother Lu hung up the phone without waiting for Bai Jiujiu to finish speaking.

Mom, it's really awesome!It's too much for her.

Bai Jiujiu pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled, "Mom is calling."

Lu Sichen listened to Bai Jiujiu yelling one after another, his dark and cold eyes flickered on and off, and his sharp eyes seemed to have penetrated all of Bai Jiujiu's thoughts.

"Want to go?"

Bai Jiujiu nodded, no!

Suddenly realizing what happened, he immediately shook his head and smiled handsomely, "Listen to you."

These words coupled with his well-behaved appearance, so handsome and cute that Lu Sichen couldn't help stroking his head, the soft hair was really as soft as a rabbit.

"I will ask you for an answer in 10 minutes." The voice was still cold, but not as fierce as before, and there seemed to be a trace of imperceptible spoiling.

(End of this chapter)

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