Chapter 1053

Fortunately, after 10 minutes, Bai Jiujiu's professionalism was revealed, and it went smoothly, leaving only the last rain scene.

Sad drama, the biggest climax.

Sadness doesn't have to be crying loudly, sometimes being quiet can exaggerate the ultimate hurt, how to present it to the audience so that the audience can feel it depends on the actor's basic skills.

And this drama just allowed Bai Jiujiu to find an outlet for his emotions. He loved someone deeply, but he didn't expect that person to be so cold, even so, she still loved him.

When the camera was facing Bai Jiujiu, everyone thought she would cry, but she smiled at the last moment of her life. Such a beautiful smile made people feel like crying and made people feel distressed.

The artificial rainfall hit Bai Jiujiu's body, and the rain and tears merged into one. In the end, Bai Jiujiu slowly lowered his head and whispered softly. Only then did everyone realize that she was crying. Live in people's hearts.

When the director called Ka, Bai Jiujiu was still immersed in that emotion and didn't come out for a while.

Gu Xiuyi stepped forward and said to Bai Jiujiu: "Sister, get up, the ground is cold and change clothes quickly."

Gu Xiuyi's complexion changed after calling out several times without getting a response, and he pushed Bai Jiujiu lightly, only to realize that she had passed out, and even after fainting, she still maintained her kneeling position.

Gu Xiuyi hurriedly picked up Bai Jiujiu and walked towards the hospital, but Ai Yehe didn't have time to stop him, luckily the boss didn't see him.

The longer the examination in the operating room, the more disturbed Gu Xiuyi became.

Ai Yehe has notified Lu Sichen, hey, what is this called.

After a while, he saw Lu Sichen running towards him and asked, "How is it?"

Before Ai Yehe could speak, Gu Xiuyi punched Lu Sichen, who was dodged by Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen looked at Gu Xiuyi coldly, Gu Xiuyi was like a leopard out of control and said angrily: "If you can't bring her happiness, I will give it!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Lu Sichen's mouth: "You are not qualified."

So the two men went shopping in the hospital.

Not long after, the nurse inside came out and pointed at the two of them and said, "Why are you arguing and won't let the doctor see you? If something goes wrong, which one of you is responsible?"

Both listened together and stopped.

Ai Yehe couldn't help touching his forehead, and suddenly felt that the two were jealous of each other in front of love like a child.

As soon as the doctor came out, Lu Sichen was one step faster than Ai Yehe, and rushed to the front first.

"How is she?"

"you are?"

"I am her husband."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, congratulations on becoming a father soon, by the way, the patient is relatively weak, and needs rest in the days to come, the fetus is a little unstable."

"What, say it again!" Lu Sichen grabbed the doctor's arm tightly.

The doctor was so frightened by his sharp eyes that he was half out of his wits. He thought in his heart, his wife is not pregnant with his child. Others are so happy to hear the news. This man...

"Well, I'm pregnant."

Lu Sichen let go, he... is going to be a father, he is going to be a father, he is going to be a father!


For the first time, the first time Lu Sichen lost his composure and laughed wildly. This smile made everyone shudder inexplicably.

Is this person happy or angry?

Then Bai Jiujiu was pushed out, and Lu Sichen held Bai Jiujiu's hand tightly, "I'm going to be a father."

"Huh?" Bai Jiujiu didn't hear clearly. She has loud tinnitus now. The doctor seems to have told her, but she didn't hear clearly. When she is weak, her tinnitus will become louder.

(End of this chapter)

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