Chapter 1058


Xiao Si nodded in horror and distress.

Only then did You Yao let go of her head in satisfaction, and kissed Xiao Si's face goodbye: "Good boy."

Then he took a provocative look at Bai Jiujiu.

When Xiao Si saw You Yao leave, he was very scared and cried and called his mother!

No matter how much You Yao treats him, she is the mother in the child's heart, and the child has a natural sense of dependence on motherhood.

Xiaosi cried and cried, but Lu's mother's comfort was ineffective, so she couldn't help feeling sorry for her grandson and said, "I can't help asking You Yao to come back and take care of Xiaosi, let's be Xiaosi's nanny."

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help sneering, being a nanny?

"Mom, do you think she will?"

"Yes, yes, she once told me that, as long as she stays with Xiao Si, she is willing to do anything. The child is too young to live without mother."

The corners of Bai Jiujiu's mouth grew colder: "Mom, I'm afraid she not only wants to be a nanny, but also has other thoughts, she really loves Xiao Si, so she won't leave Xiao Si alone.

If it were you, mom, would you choose this way? "

Mother Lu was silent for a while, then sighed, "Hey, but what should we do now?"

The child cried and worried her.

"Go to bed when you're tired from crying." Bai Jiujiu said calmly.

Mother Lu didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to say that, so she said angrily: "You, you, you, I didn't expect you to be so hard-hearted! I, I don't care, what do you like!"

In fact, Mother Lu felt that she was doing nothing wrong, and she also felt sorry for the child. It would be great if Bai Jiujiu could figure out a way to coax Xiaosi, but she couldn't figure out that she would invite You Yao back by herself. Anyway, how to do it depends on Bai Jiujiu's choice, she is not blind Mix it in, or my son will blame her again.

Bai Jiujiu glanced at Xiao Si who was still crying, and squinted at Lu Sichen: "Do you think I'm cruel?"

Lu Sichen shook his head.

"Go and hug him, the child is also pitiful."

"You don't hug?"

"I think the child will be more emotionally rebellious." Just now You Yao told Xiao Si that she is a bad woman, and a child of this age is obedient to the parents' words, and if she goes forward to hug her, it will arouse Xiao Si's resistance. It doesn't matter if she hurts herself, she has a child in her belly now, and no harm or risk factors are allowed.

Lu Sichen stepped forward to hug Xiao Si, and sure enough, the child gradually stopped crying on his body, and fell asleep instead.

The two looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, Bai Jiujiu said, "Would you blame me for being cruel?"

The corner of Lu Sichen's mouth curled up slightly: "I thought you would pretend not to care this time or care so much that you would choose to leave me in the end."

Lu Sichen's voice was cold and soft, but it hurt Bai Jiujiu's heart deeply. He wanted to comfort him, but felt that any words of comfort were pale at this moment, so he turned his head and snorted coldly.

"It's a good idea. I left Haoteng to make way? Let you marry that woman into the door? Then my child becomes a person without a father?"

Lu Sichen's eyes fell on Bai Jiujiu's stomach, "Don't worry, no, I will always protect you mother and daughter."

Bai Jiujiu raised his eyebrows: "How do you know it's a woman? What if it's a son?"

"Whatever you say is what you say, anyway, they are all our children."

Lu Sichen's words made Bai Jiujiu's heart soften, and it was as sweet as honey.

Bai Jiujiu stroked his belly again, and said in his heart: baby, both father and mother love you very much and look forward to your arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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