Chapter 1060

When thinking of Lu Sichen, whenever he makes a phone call, Lu Sichen must appear in front of his eyes, otherwise tears will flow down unconsciously.

Ying Bao couldn't stand it anymore: "Others say that pregnancy will change, you are almost becoming Lin Daiyu!"

Bai Jiujiu frowned: "I don't know why, I suddenly feel very uneasy if he can't see him."

"Yes, yes, you can't wait for your uncle to tie you up like a belt for 24 hours."

Phantom joked: "I think Big Brother is enjoying it."

Ying Bao said: "They are one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer, we people just look at it."

"No, I don't eat dog food, I might as well go home and be with my husband." Phantom smiled happily.

Ying Bao looked at the two happy women and said, "All right, all of you have husbands now, can you stop showing off in front of me, a single dog?"

Bai Jiujiu interjected immediately: "You also hurry up and find one, we are not young anymore, and we will be three years old in a few years."

Phantom echoed: "Yeah, big brother never lacks high-quality men, and there are many singles, you just choose one."

Ying Bao glared at the two of them: "You think I'm the chosen concubine of the harem? Besides, I live a good life alone, with neither food nor money. Why do you find a man to spend my money with?"

Phantom: ...

Bai Jiujiu said sharply: "Are you still unable to let go of Huo Weiting?"

Ying Bao was silent for a while and said: "It's impossible for me and him... Jiu Bao's relationship is simple and complicated, and the best ending for me and him is to be friends. Even if we have feelings, we can't go back to our original lover status."

Bai Jiujiu said: "Okay, actually Sister Yehe is pretty good, and Lan Feiang is also fine. They are all single, and they must make more money than you!"

Ying Bao didn't believe it: "Sister Yehe is rich?"

Phantom has a great say on this issue: "The people around Big Brother are all masters who are not short of money, I can assure you of this."

"If it's interesting, Phantom can help you." Bai Jiujiu winked at Yingbao.

"Come on, my mother is just a brotherhood to them. I regard Sister Yehe as a sister and Lan Feiang as a brother. If I really have such other feelings, why can't there be other sparks after so many years?" Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu and returned Thinking about it scared her, so she immediately spread the word.

"Jiubao, didn't that woman come out to be a demon?"

Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, and then thought of who the woman Ying Bao was talking about: "You mean You Yao? It's very strange, I thought she would move, but she just disappeared, maybe she left?"

When Bai Jiujiu said the last sentence, even she herself didn't believe it. After all, You Yao looked at her with hatred, which made her unforgettable.

Ying Bao frowned: "Anyway, you should be careful, especially that Xiaosi, that woman might have some wishful thinking for leaving her child behind. You are pregnant with a child, and your stomach is getting bigger every day. If you are not careful... …It never hurts to be careful anyway.”

Bai Jiujiu nodded and said, "I know I will be careful."

Phantom changed the topic: "I have already transferred my son to the same school as Lele, so that they can develop a good relationship since childhood. In fact, the child's heart is very soft for a long time. If you treat him sincerely, he will not fail to feel it." .”

Ying Bao disagrees: "It must be good to be able to feel it, but I'm afraid that Jiu Bao will raise a white-eyed wolf, and that Xiao Si's mother can actually give birth to Lu Sichen's child, the means are obviously extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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