Chapter 1078

So she immediately used her Weibo account to retweet and attached words: I am a little excited to be on the hot search for the first time!Thank you for your support, I will continue to work hard.Come on.JPG
Afterwards, many people left messages on her Weibo. Tian Siqi noticed that the subscriptions in the background skyrocketed. My God, she couldn't help but slapped her face. Is she dreaming?
She seemed to see countless banknotes scattered in the air, and they were all thrown at her, she was definitely going to be fired!

Tian Siqi was completely immersed in happiness.

On the other side, Ying Bao almost vomited blood when he saw it!

Youyuan stared at Bai Jiujiu: "Jijiu, have you been arguing with Young Master Lu recently?"

Bai Jiujiu was asked blankly: "No, what's the matter?"

"No? No, why did Major Lu put that woman on the hot search? How much does it cost! And is he helping you by doing this? Why do I clearly feel that he is helping that bitch! I can do it now Thinking of how happy that bitch will be!" Ying Bao exclaimed angrily.

Bai Jiujiu suddenly laughed and said, "Yingbao, you look like the vicious female supporting role I just thought of."

Ying Bao: "..." Is this the point?

"Oh, it's really annoying, why no one can understand my mood!!!!"

Ying Bao looked up to the sky and screamed.

Bai Jiujiu motioned Ying Bao to calm down first, then looked at the general situation, and couldn't help but click tut.

Ying Bao asked with a puzzled face, "What are you tsk tsk tsk?"

"I have a little sympathy for Tian Siqi, it's so miserable."

"Miserable?" Ying Bao pointed at Bai Jiujiu and said, "She's so miserable, I'd rather be worse than her! Is your family, Lu Hui, showing off his head? Or does he not love you anymore?"

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect Yingbao to react so much and said, "You don't need to be so excited."

"Why am I not excited, your first idea was stolen by this person, and it was released, and now she is going to be popular, but she has nothing to do with you, and you are still a victim, you can only watch helplessly Come on, I cry for you!" After Ying Bao finished speaking, tears rolled down uncontrollably.

Bai Jiujiu was stunned, she didn't expect Ying Bao to be so emotional.

Ying Bao realized that she was crying, and immediately turned around to wipe away her tears, sobbing: "I'm fine, I just thought of some things in the past, I don't want you to be wronged like me, I didn't expect things to happen It's my fault that Jiu Bao made it like this, I seem to have screwed things up again."

Ying Bao squatted on the ground and cried, Bai Jiujiu held her in his arms and comforted her: "It's not your fault, was your manuscript plagiarized before?"

Ying Bao said: "Yes, but at that time I was unknown, and after someone copied my essay, I asked her to argue, but I was the one who was scolded, saying that I was shameless, and my essay was not popular, so I came to join in the heat!
I figured out that article bit by bit by staying up late every day, and the other party did not spare any effort to make a slight change, and it became my own manuscript! "

Bai Jiujiu asked, "Then you won't seek justice?"

"Oh, why not? I said it, but who would listen to it? After all, people's literary works make money, even if they are plagiarized, but they are making money! How could they give up a profitable article?"

Ying Bao's rhetorical question made Bai Jiujiu silent. He had never heard her say it before, nor thought that she would be wronged like this.

(End of this chapter)

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