Chapter 1106

"???" Bai Jiujiu didn't expect this to happen, "But if he's worried about me, at least he should have a better attitude and be gentle. Why are you so fierce?"

Ying Bao was delighted to hear this: "I've said this before, but you don't think it, but you think it's cute."

"……"cute?Bai Jiujiu slid three lines from the back of his head, how cute is he?
"Do you think there was something wrong with my eyesight before?"

Ying Bao shrugged his shoulders: "There is indeed a problem, but it's better than you trying to die now. Don't push Lu Sichen away to other women. When you think about it later, there is something wrong with you." You regret it, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Bai Jiujiu's brows furrowed even deeper, his mood was disturbed, he didn't have any thoughts on writing, so he shut down his notebook with a snap and went out to arrest people.

Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "Even if you forget this person, but the feeling still exists, this is love, really enviable love." The smile turned into bitterness in the end.


"Are you sure she will come?" Lu Sichen took another drink.

Jane Aiwei nodded: "If you don't come, you will drive me back." She was still waiting to get together with Ai Yehe.

Lu Sichen drank another glass, unknowingly thought he was drinking water.

But Jane Ivy took a sip of real wine.

"Your plan had better work." Lu Sichen shook the wine glass in his hand, thinking about what happened that day.

That day he received the news of his mother's disappearance, and searched everywhere, but found that someone else had set him a trap and put him to death. Fortunately, he took some precautions and escaped.

But Bai Jiujiu worried him the most. After thinking about it, Bai Jiujiu's memory loss must have something to do with this mastermind behind the scenes.

He must quickly let Bai Jiujiu confirm his feelings for him, so that he will not be used.

Xu was in a daze, Lu Sichen really saw Bai Jiujiu's figure, she seemed to be looking for something in the crowd, suddenly her eyes locked on him, she walked towards him, then grabbed his arm and said to Jane Aiwei: "Thank you Help me take care of my man, goodbye!"

Lu Sichen didn't respond at all, but silently followed behind her and left.

Jian Aiwei didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to take people away in such a domineering manner, but fortunately, she came, and she also marked the address on the map thoughtfully, if he didn't come, she would suffer.

Lu Sichen didn't know how much wine he drank, Bai Jiujiu could smell the strong smell of alcohol on his body, and wanted to push him away, but Bai Jiujiu endured it.

Lu Sichen definitely couldn't drive like this, so she had no choice but to take a taxi home, but she didn't know if everyone was against her, and none of the cars stopped.

I can't go home at all!

Lu Sichen leaned on her drunkenly, Bai Jiujiu had no choice but to go to the nearest hotel, planning to stay for one night, after all, it was too late.

But unexpectedly, a car stopped in front of Bai Jiujiu.

After the window was pulled down, Bai Jiujiu finally saw that it was Si Yin.

"Why are you here?"

"Come over with friends, do you need help?" Si Yin looked at Bai Jiujiu and Lu Sichen.

Bai Jiujiu nodded violently, she needed it too much, but she still asked cautiously: "Did you drink?"

Drinking and driving is illegal.

Si Yin smiled and said, "No, you can't drink while driving."

Bai Jiujiu nodded in agreement, and helped Lu Sichen into Si Yin's car without the slightest hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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